posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 01:41 AM
i get feelings of dread and not visions but imagine real nasty things happening to either me and people around me, much like those movies final
destination. its horrible. i can lie in bed and still feel real nervous and scared as if i couldnt stop myself if i wanted to jump off a cliff. im
just lucky i can disguise it and no one else can know what im thinking but i am very certain my time is coming when i wont be able to stop ppl seeing
it and the thoughts compleltly deblitatiing me to the point where i wont be able to stop thinking or myself
things such as at a shopping centre falling over the railing, cars smashing into people as they walk across the road
things involving teeth, social issues fights, king hits etc
anyone else get these things?
# didnt read the end part just skimmed , ive been having the clock things too
also 2 36, thats one of my favs
can see double times when ever i want
its not a gift more so a happy annoyance
we must do something good with being able to will times
something must come from it other then having a little chuckle to ourselves!
edit on 19-4-2011 by questcequecest because: (no reason given)