posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 03:49 PM
I also agree with 'parrhesia'. Thank you for making a point which my internet connection would not allow me to make earlier (lol). Now that I am
back on-line again, I would have to agree with the statement that you don't have to go to Church to be close with God. However, going to Church can
be a healthy experience, especially for fellowship and the feeling of community that was mentioned.
I attended other Church before coming to the LDS, and they did not feel right to me. I feel comfortable where I am now, and with the people that I am
with. However, there is no reason that you should feel that going to an institution would be required in order to get closer with God. Like I said
"pray in your closet", that is where you can find our Heavenly Father without any outside influence. And if you happen to find a Church after that,
then that is great. But the most important thing is the relationship with God.