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Recurring dream about pulling string out of my mouth

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posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 10:14 PM
I have many re-occurring dreams but lately I keep having this recurring dream where I'm pulling string up my throat and out my mouth. I have to pull slowly because if I pull too hard the string snaps..

Some insight on this would be great..
edit on 18-4-2011 by spungy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 10:15 PM
You need your teeth cleaned. Start by flossing.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by spungy

Apparently this is a common dream, this was asked 4 years ago here, the answer seems plausible enough...

Recurring Dream: Pulling String from Mouth?
I have this dream over and over. Can you tell me what it means?

I find a little piece of string stuck between my teeth. I pull it out and find that it connects to something inside my mouth and throat. I pull on the string and more and more string keeps coming. I keep winding up the string into a little ball, but it seems endless. I am surprised and embarrassed. It seems like I could do this forever. I am not sure whether to cut the string, or just keep pulling until it all comes out.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

string = obstacle
mouth / teeth = communication

You may have difficulties controlling in your social life. Pulling string from your mouth could mean that you want to break away from some obstacles, it could be shyness or respect you need from others. Basically, you have a dream of not being able to control things. Projecting pulling string symbolize how you want to control things in life.
God's given insight in dreams


posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 10:18 PM
Not an expert, but...

I have similar dreams where my mouth is full of this weird gooey/pasty substance that I try to pull out of my mouth to no avail. When I pull it out, more is still in there. It is a very uncomfortable and frustrating dream. I mentioned it to some people when we were all talking about our weird dreams. One of them said they have had those dreams too and were told that it means that you have something to say, but you are holding back. In other words, there is something in your mouth that you just can't seem to get rid of.

I think your dream MIGHT mean something similar except that you just know you have to be really gentle about what it is you have to say otherwise, you risk breaking the relationship.

Totally just a guess based on what I was told my dream meant.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by spungy

I sometimes have dreams that re-occur but I don't know what it could mean. But just looking at the thread title I thought of this...Maybe it will help...Think about it...

Wait...what happens if you snap the string? Here is the video:

If the video doesn't work click this: This

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 10:23 PM
WOW! I have the same dream recurring. I'd like some insight too.

Other times I have dreams my teeth are falling out and I have to put them back in and create suction to hold them in, but I always hold this accountable for a need to quit chewing snuff.

My recurring dream always seems to be chewing gum though, that I keep pulling out and it never ends. I just keep pulling and pulling it and it has some tension, but I keep pulling and pulling it. It never ends.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 10:32 PM
Thanks for all the reply's.. I found that yahoo answer myself just before posting this thread.. I was just looking for a ATS answer. ; ) It does make a lot of seance though.

It can be very frustrating and uncomfortable when it happens.. Its obviously is bothering me enough to go online searching for a meaning.

nunya13 your properly right, Thanks I could do with being a little gentle about how I put things..

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by mathematic
WOW! I have the same dream recurring. I'd like some insight too.

Other times I have dreams my teeth are falling out and I have to put them back in and create suction to hold them in, but I always hold this accountable for a need to quit chewing snuff.

My recurring dream always seems to be chewing gum though, that I keep pulling out and it never ends. I just keep pulling and pulling it and it has some tension, but I keep pulling and pulling it. It never ends.

I have the teeth falling out dream myself too but I havent had it in a good while.. I have another one where I'm flying but its more like swimming through the air...
edit on 18-4-2011 by spungy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by spungy

Originally posted by mathematic
WOW! I have the same dream recurring. I'd like some insight too.

Other times I have dreams my teeth are falling out and I have to put them back in and create suction to hold them in, but I always hold this accountable for a need to quit chewing snuff.

My recurring dream always seems to be chewing gum though, that I keep pulling out and it never ends. I just keep pulling and pulling it and it has some tension, but I keep pulling and pulling it. It never ends.

I have the teeth falling out dream myself too but I havent had it in a good while.. I have another one where I'm flying but its more like swimming through the air...
edit on 18-4-2011 by spungy because: (no reason given)

I have dreams where my teeth have fallen out too. I've had them a bunch of times. I just looked it up:

Teeth Falling Out
Are you going through a period of change in your life? When we are children, we lose our milk teeth as we begin to mature. The ritualising of this is seen in the story of the tooth fairy. Losing milk teeth is a sure sign of growing into our own personality. Anxiety. Teeth are the strongest visible part of the body and therefore if they crumble, decay or come loose, it can imply that our very foundations seem to be crumbling. It can also be seen as losing your smile. Emphasis on decay may show that you feel something important in your life is "dying".

There's a bunch more explanations for the loosing teeth dream. But analogy to childhood and anxiety about changes seems to make sense. btw, who calls them "milk teeth". I thought they were "baby teeth"?

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 10:52 PM

No really!

To fix your issue you must prepare a bit.

The "string" goes through your mouth, down your throat and out through a hole in your lower back. The string makes a circle as it is tied end to end. When you pull, all you are doing is pulling a small "string" around and around and around. You will need to master thought based creation in the dream world.

Find the the string by reaching behind you and feeling around your lower back. Now, reach in your pocket and grab your scissors. Then cut the string that is nearest to your mouth. Pull the string out either the front or back. The string is only 4 or 5 feet long.

Keep in mind, it is the dream world, so of course you brought your scissors.

"They" think this is the funniest thing to watch.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 10:55 PM
Its your body telling you you have a
foriegn substance in your body that you should get rid of;
Like morgellens fibers that are proven to be in chem-trails. clifford will show you the evidence.How to test if you have them.
Strange days strange skies site will show you people who have them--famous baseball player-louise mandrel to say a few.
Not all dreams are about the mind-some are your body telling you things about itself.

My re-occuring dream about being naked in school or a room full of people while i am trying to cover my big long [you know] from other people seeing it, means that being naked is natural when alone but in public i might scare the hell out people!!! so i should cover up. ha ha ha ha !!!

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 01:03 AM
Maybe your body is trying to tell you you have tonsilloliths and it wants you to get rid of them (prepare yourself, as tonsilloliths are pretty disgusting):

Tonsillolith Wiki


The latter site is a commercial site but there is still lots of good information.

Whatever you do, don't do a google image search unless you want to be sick.

Tonsilloliths are annoying little lumps of grossness which accumulate in the folds of your tonsils, irritate your throat, and give you bad breath.

If you can suppress your gag reflex, you can get them out with a q-tip or use a water pik on the lowest setting.

Just a thought... though it would be interesting to know if you find any.

edit on 19-4-2011 by OuttaHere because: just... because.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 02:59 AM
I have had this happen to me more times than I can remember.I find myself pulling a string through my throat and out of my mouth that never seems to end. The pulling stops when I jump out of the dream. It is like I am choking. Usually it occurs when I'm constipated or eat late before going to bed. Try changing your diner pattern like eating four or five hours before going to bed. It has helped me.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:14 AM
ever hear of sigmond Freud?

way sexual dream, if u are under 30 u are ok.

it only means u r horny.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:06 AM
There's something inside of you that needs to come out for a better you, but you must be meticulous in your efforts to do so.

Probably something emotional or intellectual, but since we are at ATS it could also be an alien or government implant or perhaps even a medical issue unrelated to implants.

edit on 19-4-2011 by Nefarious because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:11 AM
This dream signifies attachments to others. These are the ties that bind you to other people in your life who you are co dependent upon in some form or another.

When we begin to seek spiritual enlightenment these attachments must be severed so that you walk the pathless path alone. This was what Buddha did after having left his family and then again after leaving his wife and son.

You are not alone but take this symbol as a time to further your spiritual quest and to cut those ties with the people who will hold you back and keep you reacting to past rather than living in the present and responding in a mature spiritual fashion.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 08:38 PM
Thanks very much for all the reply's... some of them make a lot of sense and some of them are off the walls as usual. OuttaHere you do know a lot about Tonsillitis..
Don't worry I wont be Google imaging it.

Originally posted by antar
This dream signifies attachments to others. These are the ties that bind you to other people in your life who you are co dependent upon in some form or another.

When we begin to seek spiritual enlightenment these attachments must be severed so that you walk the pathless path alone. This was what Buddha did after having left his family and then again after leaving his wife and son.

You are not alone but take this symbol as a time to further your spiritual quest and to cut those ties with the people who will hold you back and keep you reacting to past rather than living in the present and responding in a mature spiritual fashion.

edit on 19-4-2011 by spungy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:19 AM
About dream interpretations, I would love to know how one can perceive one dream to mean the same thing for everybody. To my understanding, the dream is a subconscious vision that can relay information to our conscious mind if we are aware.

To interpret one dream the same for everybody, that essentially ties us all to one subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the unknown, so I'm not suggesting I hold the truth. But I do believe we all come from one. Call it God, call it creation. . . Whatever it is. I don't know. But how can so many people share the same abstract dream?

The mystery of life makes it so much fun to be alive!

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by spungy

Maybe you are "stringing" yourself along about something going on in your life. I'm just guessing, with no basis of facts.
In my dreams I'm almost always working! Guess that means I need to get a life!

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 05:10 PM
Most likely it has to do with communication - stuff that comes out of your mouth, literally. The fact that it recurs simply demonstrates that whatever the problem is, you haven't tackled it yet. I would just pay attention for a while to what you say to people and give it some consideration, you will know where you can make things better.

Also - consider the words that you used - hard and snap - and whether they relate in any way to how you communicate with others.

edit on 20-4-2011 by skjalddis because: added stuff

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