posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by darrman
this is absolutely nuts.
no clue when it comes to the what/how/when/who.
all i know is that our gov loves the control of information.
the how and why behind this photograph being released is beyond me.
i can't see how a slip like this, if it is one, would be accidental.
it's like we're coming out of the intermission and getting ready for the third act of the greatest drama ever(never) written.
i'm sure there is a rational explanation...
i'm assuming we'll get one.
i hope(not really, bring on the martians)
edit: nevmind. after reviewing images from the jpl site it's, not so obviously, the canopy of the rover being distorted in the image.
edit on 18-4-2011 by slowisfast because: (no reason given)