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Lady Gaga's new song "Judas" is about her love for Judas. Yes, the Judas who betrayed Jesus

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posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by HardbeatAcolyte
reply to post by SaturnFX

Thanks for the reply, I always assumed a chain of events such as he hung himself, the rope broke, his body fell on some sharp rocks or something, causing disembowelment. I might look into it a little more

Well, that is what the biblical "scholars" say
actually, they say he was there for ages, rotted, and his bloated and rotten body fell and burst open.

to me, the easiest answer is...murder by hanging and stabbing while hung

how long would a person have to be "hanging around" before they finally rotted through the ropes...I mean, they turn into all but skeletons and the rope itself deteriorates before such events.

And at that point, how could they possibly identify the body anyhow..

The only real answer that makes sense is murder.

So, who wanted judas murdered then? there are 11 suspects whom had potentially had a beef with him.

Censorship I think is the key...keep him silent, lie about the events, and create a power base on your version and rewrite of history

I suspect Peter the most, however, Paul is not in the clear either.

Time to get CSI on the scene

Follow the money (and no, not 30 pieces of silver...the real money/power that came afterwards)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by TerribleTeam2

Does not mean that it's still not evil

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 04:56 PM
It's for "album sales" is it?

That just makes me not want to watch her or buy her album,so how is it helping her?Does she likes people thinking she's a devil worshiper?

Are you saying without those images that she wouldn't make sales?I find that hard to believe!

And I also find it hard to believe that she's "just a puppet" and doesn't know what's going on in her videos or on stage!My bs radar is top of the line,I know bs when I see it!

You have to wonder if all these famous celebrities know something we don't.They're always hinting at things like they know something!

"I know,what they don't want to tell you"-Lil Wayne

What do you suppose he meant by that!Check out Lil Waynes Rebirth album he's saying a lot of things that..just check out his album lol.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Northwarden

Ok, may be the subject or meaning behind it, not my opinion, but everyone's entitled to one, but a 13 year old little girl won't get that out of that song, she will just be singing, "I love Judas" all day long.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by marriah3330
reply to post by Northwarden

Ok, may be the subject or meaning behind it, not my opinion, but everyone's entitled to one, but a 13 year old little girl won't get that out of that song, she will just be singing, "I love Judas" all day long.

Ahh yes, the 13 year old
I am sad that they will be exposed to this, and porn, and faces of death, and hard drug use shows

Incidently, when did parenting become extinct? Was it by magic, or did aliens come and collect all parents worldwide, thereby unable to moniter what their 13 year olds watch.

Incidently, what is the issue behind that? its weird?
Judas supposed to be unloved? according to who?

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by marriah3330
reply to post by Northwarden

Ok, may be the subject or meaning behind it, not my opinion, but everyone's entitled to one, but a 13 year old little girl won't get that out of that song, she will just be singing, "I love Judas" all day long.

Ahh yes, the 13 year old
I am sad that they will be exposed to this, and porn, and faces of death, and hard drug use shows

Incidently, when did parenting become extinct? Was it by magic, or did aliens come and collect all parents worldwide, thereby unable to moniter what their 13 year olds watch.

Incidently, what is the issue behind that? its weird?
Judas supposed to be unloved? according to who?

Well, I totally agree with you, it is the parents who have somewhat control over what their children see, but when its mainstream, such as Lady Gaga, it's everywhere, and therefore hard for parents to filter, either way, its the symbolism behind Judas, he sold his soul for money, yes, I know we wouldn't be saved if Jesus hadn't died on the cross but still its the SYMBOL of who Judas is. She even calls him the "demon on her side," her words, not mine.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by marriah3330

Consider your words though
Your concerned about the manmade symbol over the truth.

This is denial of christ, his words, his works, in favor of church symbology.

Well, I guess if we are tossing christ out in favor of church, then so be it...count me out.

In regards to mainstream stuff...well, I don't want my kids exposed to religion (tends to drive people crazy), however...there it is.
So, the best thing I can do is give perspective to it all, have them look at it through non-cynical mature viewpoints, and allow for them to decide based on all available information.

I prefer children are exposed to sex over violence..but thats just my viewpoint...both need to have parental guidance in what they are viewing for perspective anyhow.

Finally, consider the context of the demon comment
Jesus is the virtue, but judas is the demon she clings to
Judas was a unfortunate trusted tool of god whom hated his task, yet followed through with it.
clinging to something you have to do for the greater good, even though you gotta deal with all the mud slinging while your doing it by those whom do not know better...

the song is clever, and hits on either some very superficial nonsense, or some exceptionally deep or the other..

Feel the need to toss in here once more, I am not a fan of gaga...although I think her music is alright, she is reasonably attractive, and her lyrics are interesting...but I have no strong emotion over here pro or entire reason for showing up in threads like these is not to defend her, but rather to show up hypocracy and ignorance...many arguments against her are simply untrue, and its threads like this, when people think they see a demon, that they feel it approprate to show what type of demons they are with their lying, assumptions, stone casting, and all that.
And that amuses me greatly.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Vanishr
reply to post by lewman

Typical nieve response, Im sure thats the exact response the Illuminati are probably laughing about when the higher % of the population dont notice there BLATENT and OBVIOUS symbolism And i cant imagine how much there all laughing when they see people walking around oblivious wearing one of 'there' famous clothing brands.

The Illuminati were an order of science that opposed the Catholic Churches inability to embrace it, and were peaceful until the Catholic church started hunting them. Fast-Forward 2000 years, and I fail to see why their order would care about, or even enter symbolism into Lady Gaga's songs.

The Illuminati were geniuses in their own right, Gallileo.....even over 2 millenia, they would not reduce themselves the meanderings of lady gaga

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Alora

Who are "these people" and what do they deserve? Please be specific.

And the return of the anti-christ, eh? Aren't all non-christians anti-christs? And do you know why Lady Gaga writes songs like this? For people like you and the OP who bring attention to her antics. The chances are good that I never would have heard this song had it not have been for this thread.

Alora, excellent post and excellent points. Starred for that.

Indeed, I too would not have known a thing about the song were it not for this thread. As an atheist I am also anti-christ and honestly, I am PRO Illuminati, I will admit it right here.

Illuminati were scientists.....scientists willing to embrace science along with religion, until religion well, started killing them... I guess that made them mad. In that vein, I am pro ANYONE who is willing to see beyond the borders of their own convictions for other possibilities.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Vanishr

Yes the world is ruled by 'baddies' kids, wake up now and get used to it,


Something ELSE now we have to "wake up" to is it? Let me see if I can enumerate some of the things which I "need to wake up" to:

Lady Gaga and her Illuminati symbolic lyrics.
Justin Bieber (presumably I guess for simply having bad hair because otherwise he has no talent)
Government cover-up of ET's and their technology
Alex Jones
All religions
All non-religions

To be quite honest, I'm so exhausted from waking up that I think I need some sleep.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by filosophia

Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain
Even after three times, he betrays me

Wow, this is some serious satanism here folks. I'm a bit surprised that this is so in your face. Usually they smear sex in your face but this is worse than sex. So basically the meaning of the song is: I love the guy that betrayed Jesus. Okay, interesting

Yes, of course, the only thing I hate worse than the prospect of having sex, is the thought that someone could have an open mind.

Starred for this.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 03:46 PM
It really is funny how as you get older this kind of stuff just keeps repeating itself over and over again. I guess at some point you pick which side you're on, you either go along with the rebels or you declare that they're all evil.

Personally, I think anyone that gets people to shut up and use their heads for a couple minutes is a good thing.

There really isn't anything new here people, someday you'll realize this yourselves. Maybe you should stop hating the performers and start hating the industry. But yea, as far as lady gaga goes, I'm really not that impressed. I like that she stands up out against the crowd and speaks what's on her mind, but when it comes down to her act and music, she really doesn't do it for me... if that's the sort of stuff you're searching for, there are far better bands out there that aren't "mainstream".

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by Alora

Hahaha, do you realize lady gaga does not write her own songs?

Shes a manufactured artist, much like almost every other pop star and rock band on the tv/radio.

I can at least have SOME respect for some rappers, being most are producers, meaning they create their own beats/tracks to write their own lyrics/rhymes to, and record it all themselves. Thats art, thats talent.

Granted, gaga can play the piano, and Im aware she was normal prior to being famous - she played piano in a normal band and sang what seemed to be normal songs. This stuff is created for her and she is just the voice on the track. This was not her marketing scheme. All done by the industry.

And a publicity stunt is letting her boob pop out on live TV.
This is just them rubbing their satanic worship in our face and laughing at us while we get bent out of shape while all our youth sing every word, every morning on their way to schools.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:58 AM
And heres the official (and ultra gnostic) music video

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by alphabetaone

I dont understand whether you are agreeing with me or whether you are being sarcastic, either way i agree with your comment, i feel pretty exhausted from waking up too.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Vanishr
reply to post by alphabetaone

I dont understand whether you are agreeing with me or whether you are being sarcastic, either way i agree with your comment, i feel pretty exhausted from waking up too.

LOL honestly, I'ts been so long (in dog days) since I've commented on this thread that I can't remember either. Knowing me though, either one is a viable option.

However, for clarity, Lady Gaga is no more an "agent of an alleged clandestine agenda by the feared Illuminati" than Mister Rogers is a porn star. (If he were alive of course). You can take that to the bank.

(Listening to some Iron Maidens' "Judas my Guide" while responding to threads like these always makes me feel better for some reason)
edit on 6-5-2011 by alphabetaone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:44 PM
the music video for JUDAS is crap

where have they done with 6m USD!

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by Divine Strake

Hey, you know, if it weren't for Judas. . .ya know? Judas set in motion all the things that were supposed to happen. why hate the guy? Judas is fine, I'm fine, and you're fine

So , everything is fine. Everybody's fine.

What is wrong with the world ?

What is the distraction. I was getting my new candy ? why did you disturb?

(have your own candy and everything is fine. No one is responsible for what he does.)

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by littlesheep

Did you say 6m as in 6 million dollars? Please say you were just throwing some crazy number out.
Please say they didn't spend enough money to feed all of America's homeless for a week on this garbage music video that they could have made with a grand?
I think it's so funny that they spend these massive amounts of money on videos that you could get out of a hungry upcoming artist with a vision for just a couple grand.

Seriously.. you find an artist that is a true artist with a vision and give them a couple grand and they will blow you away.

p.s. to all the people calling for a conspiracy here. get a life. it's art and it's a metaphor for still being in love with someone that cheated (betrayed) on you. GET REAL ATS!
edit on 19-9-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:26 AM
Lady Gaga is constantly claiming that her lyrics and melodies are sent to her from God, or that they transmitted to her brain from a higher place--classic MK Ultra victim-speak. Most celebrities jocking NWO, Illuminati, satanist symbolisms are mind controlled. The content of their art, as well as the content of mainstream "art" in general is produced by the artists' controllers who are directly in line with the NWO agenda of over-sexualizing, de-sensitizing, de-moralizing the populace, and it's totally working.

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