I have the perfect answer for you I promise that you will not be disappointed.
I SWEAR and promise take this seriously.
I too have searched over the last 6 years to answer this very question. I have run a computer repair shop for 8 Years and have extensive experience
for anyone who might need computer help.
100s of different solutions and none succumbed to my expectations. Until one day I stumbled across a TINY program called Magic DVD ripper. This
program is by FAR the best ripper software I have ever encountered. you will need a DVD decryption software package for the tough encryption of
course. Like Anydvd. (however it will decode most DVDs without the help of decryption software)
This program Beats all others in terms of quality.
From your OP I understand that you wanted to perform 1:1 DVD backups for replay from file on your 360 or PS3.
what makes this program so special is the fact that it has the option for a loss less backup of the movie that's on the disk Encoded Into MPEG2 at the
source bit-rate and resolution all of which shaves off a good 4 Gigs from your standard dual layer release.
So you end up with an exact copy of your movie selected by title and placed in the folder of your choice @around 4.5 GB.
Now that you understand the kind of space required for an average DVD you should know the SUPREME reason I have chosen this software over any
other.... DUN DUN DUN
SPEED. This is the fastest DVD software I have ever encountered when used in the way I have just described.
Since you are performing an original source rip ("ORIGINAL MPEG2" Setting) there is very little need for conversion aside from the actual reduction in
overall size.
So what does this mean?
This means;
Full DVD 100% quality rips in less than 7.5 Minutes.(All of my rips have been under this time) Ready to watch.
I also really want to know what you think about this because I was so impressed the first time I used this given it is actually a very UGLY beige/pink
program, looks can be deceiving
edit on 17-4-2011 by reedbananaboat because: Punctuation,Spelling,Clarification. Hindsight= 20/20