I suppose Michelle Obama has a valid birth certificant she could produce on a moment's notice. Should we ask to see her birth certificate. If I'm
not mistaken, Michelle Obama's college transcripts are readily available. A lot of people remember Michelle from their college days. And she's not
even president.
I find this all very frustrating, especially when it's so easy to find what people are saying can't be found. For example, this took me all of, well,
let's be generous, 30 seconds. Just look at the first 5 pictures, including wedding pictures. And I know there are more, I just didn't bother going
on to find them...
What a waste of ATS's astute and profound knowledgeable minds. This crap is becoming more and more prevalent. While I will never dissuade
another's opinion, I will stand against baseless and ridiculous arguments.
There are much bigger and larger issues at hand fredvcall. Either you are detracting from them because you are realizing the magnitude that the
American people are facing or you are just being ignorant because you can...anonymous internet message board and all.