posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 04:54 PM
(imagine now) we are all going to die.
All things must come to an end. And also all things are equal in the end, in death we are all returned were we came from, the earth. We are nothing
but star dust, so shine till your time comes. Who fears to die, not I.
But i do fear other stuff like giant spiders, and fire breathing unicorns, taxes, and hours long traffic jams, among other things, but mostly the
fear of wasting to much time on stupid stuff, is very fearful, and any new and unknown thing is fearful as well. But fortunately time is an
illusion, and there is no wastefulness in this existence and every new and fearful thing becomes old and laughable in time.
So I predict that
we will all see what we want to see. So I guess I will see you all around on this site.