posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 04:52 AM
What has happened to the GOP? We do not have one respectable nominee for 2012 and so far it is looking like Obama will commit a bloodbath against us,
even though he is at 41% approval in the polls. People do not like Obama and the GOP has offered them no one with substance. Palin, Trump, Bachmann,
Huckabee, are you kidding me?!
What happened to the party of Eisenhower and Taft? What happened to minding our own business, balancing the books, having an intelligent leader, and
not running around bombing other countries while waving the Cross? This is not the GOP my family voted for since they immigrated here.
And if they even dare try and nominate Palin then it is giving the election to Obama. He won’t even have to campaign. Just look at this link, look
how she polls against Obama.
Anyone who votes for Palin to win the nomination for Republican Presidential candidate is voting for Obama 2012. So go ahead and cast your vote for