posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:58 PM
Alright, for once I finally got to see a "UFO", a crazy one at that, among a bunch of friends as we were waiting for a party to pick up.
We were just chillin outside around the bon-fire and someone just said "wtf is that" and pointed it out to us. Now what I found most creepy about it
was just the general scale of the thing. The friends house is up on the top of a nice hill down here, so it gives for a rather nice view of the
surrounding area. We see regular airplanes come up over that hill ..... to give you a scale of the UFO when it came up over the hill..... plane was
this ]--------------[............. The ufo from corner to corner was.... like ]----------------------------------------------------------[, easily
over 3 times the span of the regular passanger planes. The best pic I can show for what we saw is this
At first one of the corner had a cluster of white lights that slowly disappeared on there own, leaving only the 3 lit up corners........ Just watching
how smoothly they flowed together and disappeared one by one just kinda leaves ya wondering "wtf?" I kept my eyes glued on the last corner as it
faded away.
I can remember people specifically trying to set up a rig for this but..... It was just to big..... Like i started looking up other videos of the
"three red cornered crafts" and they are kind of small in comparison to what we saw.
Anywho, anyone else down here notice anything last night?