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Does it even matter who wins the presidency anymore?

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posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:26 PM
I'm so tired of hearing the same thing election after election, since R. Regan.

Everyone I speak to before the US presidential elections have hopes and expectations. Then it seems a year or two goes by and they have nothing but apathy for who they voted for.
I have become totally indifferent to this whole process now.
I am american and patriotic but feel lost in the bureaucracy.

I can't help but remember that South Park Episode, "Vote or Die" and the commentary they make of this back in March 2004.
South Park Link

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:31 PM
No it does not matter who you vote for, another liar will be voted into office!

The last true American president was J.F.K!

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:36 PM

Does that answer your question? It's an ugly trend, the Bushs' and Clintons'. Sick to death of political/DC power-families running the show - though that is what the Presidency appears to be these days, a show. Would not be surprised if Hilary will run again... Some people believe in the illusion of choice that comes with voting, but most understand the illusion and are resigned to it.

edit on 16-4-2011 by LadySkadi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:40 PM
It could matter, but it won't. If we could elect another Eisenhower, another JFK, another Andrew Jackson, another Jefferson, or another Washington....that would matter. It will not happen because the electorate is stupid and uncaring.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by RandalFlagg

That is in large measure true, he certainly was his own man, and look what happened to him.

Ron Paul, wether i agree 100% with him or not, is the only hope for change.

I can see two scenarios -

He gets into office, and suddenly its more of the same. This would be the last proof that something else is in control.

The other case, he gets into office and is his own man, then god help him.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by RandalFlagg

Sad, but your words are so true. I have never felt this way before until now. I always managed to hold on to hope that the old red, white and blue, apple pie and Chevrolet was really real. All of it is a lie that we have been conditioned to believe. I am pass the shock and awe phase. Now I am just waiting for all of the others to wake up. This next election may be an eye opener for many.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:49 PM
link i dont think it matters..the "face" of the government may change, but the people running it stay the same as does thier no its irrelevant whos president.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:50 PM
I don't think so - - as far as how the world is run.

I think figureheads are all about appeasing the people - - and giving them the illusion of choice.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:52 PM
Why do people say things like 'anymore"?

When was the President anything more than a figurehead? It certainly didnt start in 08.
edit on 16-4-2011 by incrediblelousminds because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by sonofliberty1776
It could matter, but it won't. If we could elect another Eisenhower, another JFK, another Andrew Jackson, another Jefferson, or another Washington....that would matter. It will not happen because the electorate is stupid and uncaring.

well if they did elect another JFK, washington, lincoln etc they would probably just end up being shot anyways, so instead of electing people like that and having to go out thier way to assisinate them for not doing what the elite want...well they just put whoever they want in!...even people who arent eligable to run for presidency

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 04:03 PM
It has not mattered since Carter was installed as CIC commander-in-chief...

it seems that the shadow government that actually runs things did not want the last 2 near misses
= in the form of candidates McCarthy-'68 & McGovern-'72 = to get populist support and upset their applecarts
in their Elitist future plans.

So they made sure that only their certified/approved candidates assumed office in the future.

Carter almost immediately fell out of favor of the puppet-masters in the shadow gov't...
thats why he had to wait until 2002 to get the 'Peace Prize'
whereas Øbama has his peace-prize on his mantle piece
while serving his first term as CIC commander-in-chief

look up all the calamities that also happened during the Carter term '77-'81
mt St Helens' (haarp?)
TMI nuke power plant
wage-price controls
oil embargo
etc etc etc

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 04:16 PM
The dirty little secret is...

We don't even elect our President.

It's done by 538 nameless, faceless, unelected privileged...

It's called the Electoral College.

Just another illusion by TPTB.
edit on 16-4-2011 by whyamIhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 04:16 PM
Yes, it does matter. The act still must go on. I remember a professor of mine once stated if you don't vote, you don't count (and yes, he was referring to as a citizen and human being).

It's a cult, really. You are not allowed to have a difference of opinion. Everyone makes voting seem important, despite the fact that both candidates are cut from the same cloth.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 05:19 PM
Yes, it does...but...

- A breakaway candidate has to step up, to clean the cooperation, a.k.a. government. And I don't mean elected officials, on the contrary, I'm referring to The Bureaucracy...the people that tend to stay in office, regardless of who is elected, and that tend to run things...since they are the only ones that truly know how the machine works.
- An enlightened population. This is the hardest task to achieve, since Universal Right To Vote would have to go the way of the Dodo...
- The responsibleness, and persecution, to the full extent of the law, of the former Commander In Thief. As opposed to the "new trend" of the new administration pardoning, without criteria, or due diligence, everything the former did.
- Impeach, Impeach, Impeach. Every time a politician makes decision that totally contradict the platform that he ran on. Every time a politician rapes the constitution, the Natural Laws, and the law of the Nation.

Of course nine of this will happen. A massive alienation campaign will be mounted, and the sheeple will forget everything done, by said criminal, and will vote for him in sheeple like to do. Three months later very few of these sheeple will admit to having ever voted for said thief...

This is the state of the Nation.
We are too far down the road, I feel that nothing less then massive civil protests, and unrest, will suffice now...or, the dismemberment, and re founding, of the Union, and the creation of an all new Constitution, without so many loopholes, Presidential discretion, Presidential decrees, and the likes. A truly independent, and active Supreme Court, whose members must all have backgrounds in Constitutional Law, would also be a big help. The mere act of the President nominating members to this organism of State, that should, in it's mandate, be monitoring the actions of said President, proves that the Constitution is no longer effective.

The "quick" fix:
- Dismemberment, and re-founding of the Union. The bulk of the executive internal power, and local laws, should remain within the States, not the Federal Government.
- As incongruous as this might seem, the Constitution, due to decades of being ravaged, and raped, has now become unconstitutional. A new Constitution should be "written", in a joint effort between the Representatives of "We The People", by the newly reformed Supreme Court, and by renown Constitutional Lawmakers. It must be "armored" against violations, and be actively approved by no less then two-thirds of the House. Any changes, or amendments, must also be actively approved, both by 2/3 of the House, and by the Supreme Court.
- The President should be a "primus inter pares", and thus elected by the House of Representatives. No more Presidential Elect...eeerrrrr Charade, Circus. No more Dictator In Chief. The President would come directly from the midst of the People's Representatives, and be under their supervision, and that of the Supreme Court (or a newly created Supreme Constitutional Court).
- No more Standing Armed Forces. Unfortunately, this would be the greatest difficulty. Unemployment would skyrocket, and many states would, in the short term, loose millions, in military contacts. But, as rational human beings, we have to face the fact that the Military has become a Cast System, that feeds from War, is highly unconstitutional, and whose influence is far greater then perceived. Of course, the "alphabet" Federal Illegal Agencies, by all right, also an undemocratic Cast Elite, would also be terminated.

PS » There would be much more, but I do not, currently have the time, the will, or the patience. A bottle of JW Black Label awaits...

I would, however, like to leave you with a thought. Having the courage to make ENGLISH the Official Language of the USA would, in my view, be the perfect place to start...let us call it the cornerstone of the foundation of a new Republic, this time by the People, with the People, for the People.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 02:27 AM
It doesn't matter nearly as much as people are led to believe.

There maybe small difference in the candidates, (small stuff like whether don't ask don't tell is overturned) but by and large, on the most important issues like monetary and foreign policy, they will all carry the water of the same special interests.

I saw Bill Moyers comment on this. How it seems like no matter what, whomever is elected, "they" always get what they want. They, meaning the entrenched establishment. The US govt no longer belongs to the common people.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by sonofliberty1776
It could matter, but it won't. If we could elect another Eisenhower, another JFK, another Andrew Jackson, another Jefferson, or another Washington....that would matter. It will not happen because the electorate is stupid and uncaring.

Well your kind of correct and kind of wrong. It's has more to do with the events going on in the world than the man who sits in the chair. Extreme events will make presidents have to take extreme measures that people will remember them by, either negatively or positively.

The string of recent presidents haven't really had alot of major crisis to deal with. Bush had 9-11 and during that time was actually around 80% approval rating but after that died down he sort of became blah. I would argue with you that Eisenhower or Jackson were anything amazing at the time though Eisenhower is responsible for the policies that led to the Cold War which had a long term affect.

Jefferson and Washington go without saying and JFK had the cuban missle crisis and the civil rights going on.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 02:42 AM
IMHO, our future presidents are picked very far in advance. We have no choice, there are a select few that have the running, and then dependent on the populace, one is chosen. Taxpayers pay for the false elections, to make them seem legit, and the money that is raised for the presidents, is payed back into the system, to make it seem more legit.

Their platforms are based on a popularity contest, and the votes have as much chance of being counted as a legless kid picked to race.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 02:54 AM
As long as there is a two party system that has control of the government and the election process then no it doesn't matter who You vote for.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
IMHO, our future presidents are picked very far in advance. We have no choice, there are a select few that have the running, and then dependent on the populace, one is chosen. Taxpayers pay for the false elections, to make them seem legit, and the money that is raised for the presidents, is payed back into the system, to make it seem more legit.

Their platforms are based on a popularity contest, and the votes have as much chance of being counted as a legless kid picked to race.

Peace, NRE.

Why do people insist on interjecting this absolutely baseless stuff into good political discussions. There is absolutely no evidence of presidents being picked and they are oftentimes so radically different each election it makes no sense. Go away

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by kro32

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
IMHO, our future presidents are picked very far in advance. We have no choice, there are a select few that have the running, and then dependent on the populace, one is chosen. Taxpayers pay for the false elections, to make them seem legit, and the money that is raised for the presidents, is payed back into the system, to make it seem more legit.

Their platforms are based on a popularity contest, and the votes have as much chance of being counted as a legless kid picked to race.

Peace, NRE.

Why do people insist on interjecting this absolutely baseless stuff into good political discussions. There is absolutely no evidence of presidents being picked and they are oftentimes so radically different each election it makes no sense. Go away

Oh I'm sorry, does this not fit into your political prospective... to bad. This is the way that it has been, there is no sugar coating it, or making it sound like people have a voice, if that was the case, then things would be better... right?

Why would a thread like this even be necessary, or these questions be asked, its because we know that the system is flawed and are trying to see what we can do to change it. Those who ignore it, just relay the message to others that this is ok, and that yes we matter, even though year after year we are shown that we dont. Wake Up!


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