I have not made a lot of posts, and generally do not unless I notice something
in my area of knowledge that is not well understood. I work in the medical field. No
I am not a Nurses Aid. I am college educated and familiar with Drugs, Infections
and treatments. It should first be understood that in terms of infections, Virus
and Bacteria should be kept separate in their scope. They are not the least bit
similar other than they "infect". A virus is able to mutate without the use of vaccine.
However it is my opinion that the overuse of vaccines have led to mutant strains of
certain virus in the past. It takes time to make a vaccine, and manufacture it, and it is not unheard
of for a virus to have mutated into a new strain before a vaccine has even been manufactured
for the original one. Unfortunately the old strain remains as well as the new mutated one.
The vaccine may or may not be effective for both strains.
I will not even get into the chemicals used in them other than to say, thimerosal, formaldehyde, aluminum, and even some antibiotics are used in
those vaccines to prevent them from becoming
contaminated with bacteria. It would not do to receive a vaccine to prevent the flu only to
catch VRSA in the process. Hence the need for the additives to prevent other infections.
Personally: I was forced to take vaccines as a child, but as an older adult and now retired
I refuse to take any vaccine. My own physician was not impressed but did not argue with me
when I told him I preferred not to be injected with thimerosal (mercury). (just a personal preference..
I will take my chances with the flu.)
So the answer is "yes..we have brought a curse upon ourselves with vaccines
preventing a thing only to have it mutate into another thing needing even newer prevention.
Antibiotics have no effect at all on virus'.
RE: Bacterial infections. This one hits a little closer to home: My father was infected with VRSA in the hospital after a surgery. There was no
antibiotic that could treat him effectively. I do not wish to discuss the outcome.
But first a little heads up.
There are various "resistant" bacterium in this day and age, and every single one of them have resulted either from the overuse, or misuse of
antibiotics. MRSA [Methicillin resistant staph aureus] VRSA
Vancomycin resistant staph aureus, and even a new strain of tuberculosis have recently presented in the general population. You cannot catch any of
these from meat if you cook your meat well. And tuberculosis does not come in meat that can infect the lungs. But these organisms are bacterium that
have mutated from the original staph aureus organisms. They became resistant at first to penicillin. Which then required the drug companies to make
a more potent antibiotic to kill the mutated strain. A few years ago VRSA did not exist, but MRSA did. So an advanced then drug called Methicillin
was found to no longer work against the MRSA...
and..As It did not work the organism mutated to fight all know antibiotics then termed VRSA due to the fact an even newer antibiotic failed to
work: Enter drug resistance: and we got trouble:
The drug companies are in a constant battle to make new antibiotics to combat this problem. How does this happen? Was it caused by the drug
companies? Us? the DRs? I believe all 3:
You know when you get a bottle of antibiotics it says to be certain to take them all and not to stop when you feel better? Most people do stop
when they feel better. The organism is still present, and mutates to fight the old antibiotic leading to a mutated strain which you then over time
pass on to someone else. This is not the drug companies fault. It is our fault, and the fault of physicians for ordering to many antibiotics, although
many Drs now are far more reserved and careful. So who is to blame for the super bugs?
All of us: period. The DR if he over prescribes, the Nurse for not explaining how to take the drugs, and the drug companies for encouraging us
to take more leading to future superbugs which they can then make newer and more expensive drugs to kill. We did this. It isn't any one else. We
did it, and we still are doing it.
I am not saying do not take any drugs or antibiotics. Drugs generally save lives. Antibiotics as well if used correctly. I am saying be prudent, and
informed. Most Drs are pretty good at what they do as are nurses.
they are not out to get us; they do however expect us to use common sense.
Further the livestock that low grade antibiotics are constantly given to to protect the herds from infection. Lead of course to the bacteria
mutating into VRSA and MRSA and other bugs which now can be found in our meat! This is like a nuclear chain reaction that once the box is opened it
cannot be shut, except of course by our own behavior. What goes around, comes around. We do need to close the box.
I am concerned about the antibiotics being in the meat, not the organisms. Heat kills the bugs. But it is unknown what it does to the antibiotics in
the meat since no one cooks their meat the same way. Never eat your meat rare! Ever!.
It is a well known fact that in the past Hospitals used to destroy all of their drugs by flushing them down the drain/toilet. They generally cannot be
returned to pharmacy. But today in most places it has been discovered that these drugs get into the ground water and in low levels we ended up
drinking them..very low levels..so today most medical facilities destroy these drugs by fire or other means. Hence no drugs in the water.
This is not all orchestrated by the drug companies, but they do gladly take our money.
In all fairness though. When a Nurse gives someone a dose of Vancomycin IV and the patient goes home. a patient that would have otherwise have died
if that drug had not been available, how much is that drug now worth to you if you are that person? If you go to the ER with a heart attack; you have
a clot in an artery and the Dr prescribes a new IV drug which dissolves the clot, protects your heart, and allows you to live another 20 years how
much is it worth to you to live? Yes the Drug companies have encouraged it, and the field of medicine has also encouraged and caused this, but they
all also have saved countless lives. Perhaps the next life may be yours, or mine. If they truly want to kill us, why do they save so many of us? This
is not a debunk: This the plain and simple truth. This is our fault. We have done this to ourselves. The conspiracy is that we are the ones that have
caused it to happen. We can stop it by being prudent and informed. I don't trust the drug companies, nor my own physician. He knows it and I do
question him often. He doesn't take offense, he simply does the right thing.
Be informed. Not persuaded. Know the truth. Believe not a lie.