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I'm scared. Just let me sleep...

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posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:01 AM
Ok so I'm sure most of us here on ATS have at one point or another tried to "wake someone up". Maybe just by letting them know that what they are about to eat is not really food, or perhaps explaining to them that the two party system is a big circus that is meant to confuse and distract, you might even try telling someone that the federal bank is a private bank run by greedy elitist whom we pay our taxes directly too and with every $ we spend they receive a cut; whatever your passion may be, as I said, most of us have tried to convey these messages to our friends and family in our day to day life’s.

To get on with it....

I will use a personal example, the same example that has compelled me to write this post.

I have this friend; I would say at this point in my life my best friend. He is incredibly smart, if I had to guess I would say his IQ is ten to twenty points above my own.(which needless to say is quite impressive:roll
He attended a very popular and major university, he reads daily, and above all is so much like me we have over only two years become best friends. He also has a girlfriend who I have become extremely good friends with as well. I found ATS around the same time I met them, and I told them about this site excitedly as soon as I read a few posts thinking they would be as excited as me, but I'm sure most of you can guess their reaction. They laughed at me.

Now I don’t mind being laughed at but I was confused as to why these people I got along with so well and shared so many opinions with would feel so strongly against conspiracy that they would laugh at me and never give the site so much as a glance. I let it go and continued to visit ATS daily, learning more and more each day and growing hungrier and hungrier for raw real information and sources.

Soon I learned about food. ( I won’t go into details as most frequent visitors of this site will know generally what I'm talking about) How could I live with myself if I didn’t tell my best friends that they were basically poisoning themselves? So casually while cooking dinner I approached the subject, with ever the care to be subtle. But I'm sure most of you can guess their reaction. They laughed at me. Again.

Now I took it a little personally, but just a little. Did they not believe me? Or worse, did they just not care?

Time passed and ignorance took a beating, and every now and again I would chirp about HFCS or genetically modified foods, things like that, to the point where if at a party or dinner someone else brought up food, even just to mention how good it tasted, my two best friends would jest with me with prods like, "uh oh, let’s see what he has to say about this", and everyone would have a good laugh. And then I learned about the fed. Not just the fed, but the media sham, the government sham, basically a sham on most things I thought I knew it meant to be a true good ol' American. I couldn’t get enough of the information I was receiving, it just didn’t seem real. I had to tell them about our American dream, had to shake them and wake them up. They don’t care about what they put in their bodies, but surly they will care to know everything they thought was America is just a farce.

They had become accustom to my usual tactics of impromptu conversation, so I played it with them strait. I let them know how serious I felt about this, and asked only that they listen and try to understand the gravity of the truth. This time they didn’t laugh. This # is serious when you look at how deep it gets, and my brilliant beautiful friends understood. They now have as good as forgotten, and when I bring up the fed, or if while out with friend’s someone so much as mentions a dollar, the jests begin.

So brings me to my point. (To make a long thread short).

Why, or better how, do people just not care? Doest fluoride short our brains the capacity to continually process new and conflicting information? Are the media and other sources of entertainment, (yes, entertainment) so corruptive some are unable to justify disbelief? Have any of you had similar issues, and if so were you able to overcome? Also, does anyone have any ideas on what makes us so content to live blind? I know ignorance is bliss, but once you’ve been told, there is just no excuse.

I know some will say I have no business trying to change the way people think and feel, but to those I say this... These are my friends, I love them and want only the best for them so if they want to believe this or that I'm all about it, but when I know through investigations of my own and reputable others that they are killing themselves and choosing actions in their lives that are based completely and solely on lies, then, in my opinion, I wouldn’t be there friend at all if I didn’t try to at least lend them a hand in denying ignorance.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Fear_Fear

I know some will say I have no business trying to change the way people think and feel, but to those I say this... These are my friends, I love them and want only the best for them so if they want to believe this or that I'm all about it, but when I know through investigations of my own and reputable others that they are killing themselves and choosing actions in their lives that are based completely and solely on lies, then, in my opinion, I wouldn’t be there friend at all if I didn’t try to at least lend them a hand in denying ignorance.

Unfortunately, this is how most zealots justify their annoying habit of convincing others that they know best...

Don't be that made an attempt, it landed on deaf ears - time to move on. Be content that you are aware of these things - not everyone gets it.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by facelift
reply to post by Fear_Fear

you made an attempt, it landed on deaf ears - time to move on. Be content that you are aware of these things - not everyone gets it.

That is the only advice worth taking in this regard.

Not everyone is ready to be unplugged, as it were. They are so hopelessly inert and dependent on the system that enslaves them that they will do anything to protect it. Someone said something like that in a film once...

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:29 AM
I agree with facelift.... dont push people into your way of thinking..... even though you are most likely right and them wrong!

Obviously this information needs sharing but from my experience most people dont want to believe the world is a mockery.

I have a lot more friends who dont believe in conspiracies than those who do.... I tried to wake up my friends who dont believe and some of them like you mentioned about your friends are way smarter than me academically, but they just dont want to believe.

This is why I joint ATS so I could discuss this issues with like minded people!

So my advice introduce these ideas to people once, if they dont buy it, then dont push it they will only end up ignoring you or laughing at you and telling you to put ya foil hat on.

And then when something big happens conspiracy related that does hits the main stream media you can point it out to them and say I said this is what is happening then they might start taking it on a little at a time as world events unfold around us.

Saying I read on a internet forum that the illumanati are trying to poison our food to reduce the global poppulation does sound nutty to most.

Like I said introducing stuff a little at a time with back up to more mainstream media (even though we know that the mainstream is unreliable) is in my opinion the best way to get the sheeple introduced to these ideas.

This the way iv been trying to get my mother to see the truth anyway and it kinda works.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:30 AM
Nothing in life hurts as much as trying to convince ignorant people. As the two members above stated, You can never change people move on and in time you will convince one or two open minded people.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by facelift

I understand what you guys are saying, and honestly I know it to be true. Reflecting I now see I may just be looking to justify my actions with approval from my favorite forum.

Sound advice taken. Still not giving up on them though...

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:50 AM
Hey There,

Great thread...

I was just thinking about this exact same thing myself, I often walk around with a sense of superiority and yet at the same time a feeling of dread about the things I know and of which the vast majority of the public are blissfully unaware. I often try to inform/educate people about these things (GE foods, the fed, fake wars etc I leave the stuff like aliens, reptiles alone as just the everyday believable stuff is enough for most people to think ur crazy) but at best they show a fleeting interest and then get on with their lives like they never knew in the first place, obviously much to my disappointment.

But then only a few days ago something hit me...... I was worse than the ignorant people I despised, even worse than that I was a hypocrite....

Knowing all I know I still contribute to what is so awful with this world, I still eat Macca's occasionally, I drive places I could easily walk or take PT, I dont always check my groceries are free range and organic, I dont always recycle even tho its really easy. These and a million and 1 other things I know I should do but dont.

I with full of knowledge of whats happening have allowed myself to get sucked into to our elitist consumer driven apathetic culture where nothing is worth doing, important or relevant unless it directly affects me.

Maybe there is something in the water or air, or the CIA are sending radio waves that affect our minds but it would seem in general Humans are just lazy, apathetic creatures. Its the only explanation I can come up with!!

Who cares if a few people I dont know about or are never going to see control all the worlds money (and thats not very likely now is it) everyone I know is doing about the same financially and I can afford that new plasma screen I want so its all good.

The foods not good for me you say? well it looks good, it tastes ok, plus if it was bad they wouldnt let us eat would they?

Yeah they didnt find any WMD's and yeah it turns out they didnt have anything to do with 9-11 but cmon.... they would have been up to something no good Im sure, its for the best we went.

edit on 16-4-2011 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:54 AM
i try telling people about this stuff, three answers
1. your crazy
2.your stupid
3. now i hate eating all the things i loved to eat(someone actualy punched me because of this)

i dont tell anyone that i havent been frineds for atleast a year anymore about the truth

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 01:35 PM
Try some positive seeding, and by that I mean dropping small tidbits of affirmatives relating to the topic in a manner that doesn't appear to relate to anything conspiracy related and see if that opens the door to real conversation on the matter. Definitely avoid any manner that could be construed as "preaching".

Also studying up on fallacies and discussing them in conversations could build a bridge for you - this only works with intelligent people, so I don't recommend it with strangers that may feel like you're talking down to them or use fallacies as their primary thinking process and thus would feel like you're assaulting their very way of living.

Given your situation these may be the best starters:

Appeal to Ridicule & Appeal to Spite
Guilt By Association
edit on 16-4-2011 by Nefarious because: (no reason given)

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