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Aliens have not contacted us, therefore theres nothing to disclose

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posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by andre18

Originally posted by Misterlondon
and tell me why would be such a hard thing to believe.. it is entirely possible to drive across the country and crash your car into your garage door

Yes it's possible but then you're missing the point, which is that according to the ufo crowd an alien craft crash landed here in 47. Which is completely inaccurate to what actually happened. To what was actually 400 feet of balloons listening to whether the Soviets where testing nuclear weapons.

For someone who claims to be the smartest person alive you still have some learning to do when it comes to lying.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by andre18
reply to post by YoungMind92

The thing is, any intelligent aliens that may actually exist in real life wouldn't be as frail and organic as we are, unlike the movies might lead you to believe otherwise. It's simply more logical to assume that aliens will be machines because if you look at the time scale of how fast we have advanced in computing in the last few decades in comparison to evolution that takes billions of years to progress.

It makes much more sense to assume that any aliens that are only thousands of years a head of us would already be making their bodies into robots - it's a time scale argument. All these stories of Greys and Reptilians is quite illogical because they wouldn't have squishy bodies like ours, they would have moved on.

I simply stated that maybe they are hiding the truth because of panic and how the population will behave.
What the Government don't understand is that we are ready, maybe some are not but the majority of the world are somewhat open to other beings who are more advanced then us.

I don't believe I even ask that kind of question. So Aliens are robots! Got it!.

No seriously though what makes you personally believe there happens to be no alien life outside of us.

edit on 16/4/2011 by YoungMind92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by andre18

Originally posted by Misterlondon
and tell me why would be such a hard thing to believe.. it is entirely possible to drive across the country and crash your car into your garage door

Yes it's possible but then you're missing the point, which is that according to the ufo crowd an alien craft crash landed here in 47. Which is completely inaccurate to what actually happened. To what was actually 400 feet of balloons listening to whether the Soviets where testing nuclear weapons.

Wow, no offence but where did you get this information from? did you pull it out your ass or have you got an inside source? Last I heard it was a weather balloon, a cover story by the government.
Hell, a lot more interesting stories are out there now which are much more interesting than roswell anyway.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by andre18
Aliens don't know we're here, we've been sending signals out into space sine the 1950's so those signals are about 60 years out into space, so the aliens that are coming here now can't be more 30 light years away to have enough time to pick up our signals and then send their signals back to us. So even if they can go the speed of light, there are only 2000 stars that have been exposed to our fm, tv and radar.

It could also be that our planet leaves a kind of "trail", at some point some spaceship or probe searching for life accidentally stumbled upon it and followed that trail.

To the people who claim that we're being visited, why are they here now? The usual answer to that is, well they're concerned with what we're doing to the environment or they're concerned about nuclear war, that they have some moral interest in us but that's alien sociology so we don't really know that.

Not that I'm making such a claim but just to add for all we know they could be to us what scientists are to mice. Or they just don't want to be friends with us the same as some people wouldn't want to be with other people if they were the last ones on the planet. They might do without weapons alltogether and think we are all savages or just plain obnoxious lifeforms. Or they just don't want to be responsible for causing a world war, I'm sure a lot of people out there would not trust an alien civilization, no matter how good it might sound - they might just eat us all or enslave us once they've earned our trust. Some countries might side with aliens, others might not and attack those that choose the aliens side.

But that's all supersession, i mean no one really knows if aliens would have any interest in us but the point is that, that argument doesn't matter because they don't know about us. So if they've come now, that's enormously coincidental. My question to those are convinced that we're being visited, why isn't this evidence good enough to be put into the local science museum? The answers are always that there is good evidence but it's being covered up, well that's an argument from ignorance. That's saying i've got a cure for cancer but they've taken it away from me and locked it up so i can't tell you…..that shouldn't convince you.

You're absolutely right there isn't a single shred of credible evidence out there. Personally I like the subject, if only if it was to fantasize there is life out there that might actually enjoy this universe, lives in complete peace and is technologically advanced enough to leave their own homeworld, might have even have discovered the answers to life and death, where it's members are not suffering like on this planet. The belief in ET gives a kind of hope on a planet where there is a lot of confusion and weapons, that it isn't all senseless but that it's just me being born in the wrong place at the wrong time.
edit on 16/4/2011 by Dragonfly79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by taccj9903
How could you possibly begin to explain what their motives might be, for all we know they put us here.

I'm not saying i know what they'd do anymore then SETI might. I'm just trying to tell you they wouldn't be anything like the greys. From the point between inventing radio to building your successor theres only 2-300 years until replacing ourselves with machines becomes a reality. So these ridiculous stories about abductions and government cover ups is complexity bogus.

What's more likely is machines traveling the universe collecting energy from suns and black holes doing what ever they might do......
edit on 16-4-2011 by andre18 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by Itop1A Signal means nothing until they decipher it.

The problem with that is SETI don't decipher messages, they just look for signals that can't come from anything that naturally occurs in the universe. They don't look for the message but just narrow band signals, which are the kind that radio transmitters make. Nature doesn't make signals like that so if SETI find a narrow band signal and it's some spot in the sky and it's moving across the sky as the stars, because of course thats not nature then there's something there.
edit on 16-4-2011 by andre18 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:29 AM
And you assume they live our lifespans? What if they lived a 1000 years or 500 or a trillion?

What if travel trough space doesn't affect time? What if it takes a split second to get from A to B?

We don't know that yet, everything we know now wasn't even in our thoughts 150 years ago or even a 100.

We are here on this planet, that alone is enough for me to know when I look up in the sky and I see millions of stars I know that we are not alone. If there is oxygen or not it doesn't matter cause life will evolve. That is just the way life works.

It is impossible that we are alone! Is the same reasoning that the people of the middle ages had about the world being flat.

And it is very likely that they contacted us before, what if they just struck a deal with the government and sold some tech. Simple for them, but not for us.
What if we are fun to watch? Or maybe we remind them of their past, it's cheaper then time travel! And it's way cooler then digging up skeletons.

Or what if our government talked to the wrong ET?

Or what if we are in a zone where planets have to prove themselves, like a incubation zone for species in this part of the galaxy? What if we are in a united nations kinda thing for galactic species? Would be a good reason that we have never been invaded in the first place. Cause we are a noisy planet!

Dude, to asume that we have never made contact is very narrow-minded and highly unlikely! Very!

All the evidence (yes evidence) points in the directions that there are species coming and going on this planet.

edit on 16-4-2011 by sevensheeps because: spelling

edit on 16-4-2011 by sevensheeps because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Phantom traveller
And if there are no aliens visiting why FBI,CIA and other agencies have files on them?

They don't.

And what about all the encounters and the testimonies from around the world?

Misunderstandings, misconceptions. Actually all abductions can be related sleep paralysis, it's just people don't want to believe it and would rather accept their special enough to be chosen.

I do believe that we are visited by ETs now and in the past,i just can't proove it yet
Maybe you are right,but for me it's better to read about aliens than the new trends in clothes and shoes or celebrity gossip.

How about instead of reading up on conspiracies, you read up on lectures by actual scientists doing actual scientific work on this issue instead of reading about aliens that don't exist.
edit on 16-4-2011 by andre18 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by Itop1

If they are thousands of years more advanced than us i bloody damn hope they have discovered something a bit more advanced than robotics lol, you really need to open your mind more, your looking at this with a very narrow vision.... they could be something incomprehensible

Robots are just an example but sure they might be way beyond some sort of machinery, as long as you understand that greys or any other organic beings visiting us is not likely. If you can understand that much, then you can see why all the stories about the greys or pleiadian or reptilians or what ever crazy alien story you won't to believe are inaccurate.
edit on 16-4-2011 by andre18 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 09:24 AM
wow i'v made too many posts....gona give people time to respond..

Originally posted by Misterlondon
just wild theories.. YOU have come up with and nothing to back it up..

Well besides the links that back me up....there's this

edit on 16-4-2011 by andre18 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by andre18

The proof is all around us yet we are blind to see.

Have you ever looked up at the sky and thought to you're self, ''Are we alone''

Hundreds, thousands of habitable planets that we have yet to explore.

You're words mean nothing to me. You're thoughts are nothing are to me.

open you're mind to other possibilities.

Then I will listen to you.

Don't be a ''sheep''.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by YoungMind92
reply to post by andre18

Tbh the government are hiding it for a reason. If they told you that there was actually alien life outside of our planet, Not only are they their but some of them are nasty and want nothing apart from to harvest the planet. What would the public sheeple do if they were told.

If I was a sheep I would freak the hell out.

Any one agree?.

Or possibly sheep is a good term for people who blindly hold on to an assumption for which there is only anecdotes (government must be hiding things; I saw a strange light in the sky and I KNOW it was Plaedians) with no proof whatsoever - doesn't that seem more sheeplike?

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by something wicked

No not at all.

If you read what this guy has to say that's exactly what I mean by ''Sheep''.
He has come to the conclusion that alien life is not there. That is what I mean by ''Sheep'' The people who choose not to believe.The people who believe that the Government are not hiding things.
Do you understand?.

(I'm not the best at explanations.)

If you see something, It's you're choice to say, yes that may have been an UFO. Or you can shrug it off and keep walking.

If you are quick enough to get picture proof it is quickly shot down as a Hoax. Then you have people who lie about Sightings the ones were they Introduce a flying object to fool the hundreds of non-believers into thinking they are all the same.

If I went out tonight caught something on film bring it back how many people will say Hoax/fake.

edit on 16/4/2011 by YoungMind92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 09:53 AM
I am ridiculed daily by family, friends, coworkers, etc. because I believe that we are not only being visited now, but have been for millenia. IMO, the human race is here only because of ETs. There is more evidence to support the existence of aliens than their is to support their fabled Christ.

I have watched many videos of unexplained lights in the sky. While some are obviously faked, there are those that cannot be attributed to any Earthly technology. The evidence is all around us, and the last time I checked no one has come forward with a video of Christ skipping down the street in his sandals and toga.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by KrypticCriminal

Originally posted by kwakakev
What about the Arecibo Broadcast and the Chilbolton Crop circle?

We have been contacted, there is something to disclose.

Yeah thats whats on the vid i posted. Its amazing!

Has it ever been proven to be a hoax?

No, SETI did release some comments about this event at the bottom of the link. It just goes to show their attitude that they would not know a message if they tripped over it, attacking it without justification and failing to acknowledge it in their own arrogance. This case is clear cut evidence that there is a cover up going on.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:12 AM
As Stanton Friedman calls SETI.... Silly Effort To Investigate.

Once upon a time, there were TV stations which produced and TV sets that received UHF signals. Although, in less than 40 years, all that changed. UHF signals can still be used, but you can't buy a TV anymore that can receive them.

Once upon a time, there were TV stations which produced and TV sets that received Analog VHF signals. Although, in less than 60 years, all that changed too. If you don't have a converter, your old TV can't even recieve broadcast TV signals any more.

I'm sure other people can come up with more and better examples, but the point is, even if we have been sending signals out into space for the past 60 or 90 years, those civilizations on the other planets would have to be at the same technological state to receive them as we were went we sent them out, otherwise, they wouldn't be "tuned in" to the right frequency.

The same goes for SETI receiving from other planets. SETI may one day stumble across a signal, but it wouldn't be a signal from an more Advanced Civilization, they would be from a civilization that had relatively the same technology (not counting the passage of time the signal took to get from there to here).

The OP SETI arguement FAILS.

Others have mentioned the Ancient Aliens theories and the Aliens coming here for 1000's of years. That is more likely than them having sensed our Nuclear Explosions in the 1940's. Of course, if they had already been visiting the Nuclear Explosions would give them a sense of urgency that mankind was on the course of total destruction of the planet.

Why is it so hard for people to believe that ET civilizations aren't coming to Earth like humans go to the Zoo, to watch the Animals at play. Humans today seek out tribes in the 3rd world to watch and evaluate, but don't want to interfere or disrupt them. Of course, then there are the bleeding heart liberals that feel that it's their duty to get involved, to "save" them while bringing all sorts of new diseases to their tribes, that's another story.

Another scenario that works well is the Betty Hill Star Map. It would make sense that planets nearby each other would develope technology faster and have trade routes. Then you would have explorers seeking out planets that are nearby. Eventually finding Earth.

One thing I've noticed that most posters never mention is how young our civilization is on a global scale. If the ET were visiting Earth for 1000's of years (for whatever reason) and didn't want to make contact with the humans, where would they settle down and call home? In the Americas!!! They would have free roam of two continents, except for the occasional tribe that spotted them. Africa, Europe and Asia have been filled with humans, unlike the Americas. It has only been 200 years since Americans crossed the Mississippi River and settled the West. That's a relatively short time if you consider that humans have been on the Earth for 250,000 years.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by kwakakev

Originally posted by KrypticCriminal

Originally posted by kwakakev
What about the Arecibo Broadcast and the Chilbolton Crop circle?

We have been contacted, there is something to disclose.

Yeah thats whats on the vid i posted. Its amazing!

Has it ever been proven to be a hoax?

No, SETI did release some comments about this event at the bottom of the link. It just goes to show their attitude that they would not know a message if they tripped over it, attacking it without justification and failing to acknowledge it in their own arrogance. This case is clear cut evidence that there is a cover up going on.

I see what you mean lol. Just when you think they are making a good point you realise that they're talking ou there ass. Although most will take there words over ours any day.

I still think its amazing and i dont care what anyone else has to say on it.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by KrypticCriminal
You basing your entire theory on radio waves.

Not at all.

What if they've knew about us long before we even invented radio? Why do they need to get a signal from us to know where we are?

Well signalling is very simple and efficient however why would aliens target us, we're just another star in 300 billion stars. Why would the aliens spend so much resources sending photons to earth...they just don't know we're here.

Now what they would know is that plants are here. They know about photosynthesis because there's all this oxygen in the atmosphere and that they can find with optical telescopes and that signals been going out into space for a couple of billion years. So aliens might know there's life on earth but it might all just be photo plankton, they don't know that there's anybody building antennas.
edit on 16-4-2011 by andre18 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by The Sword

Who says we havnt had any contact? The governments? Honestly! Common!

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:48 AM
Is this a joke? Just look at our moon first and say that bs again. They are real and you have to deal with it. I wish they would just land to shut all the debunkers and sceptics up. This thread is nothing but ignorant and another reason why i can´t stand your kind of people. We are not the center of the freakin universe and we are not the smartest kind. Time to accept this as a fact.

edit on 16-4-2011 by Perfectenemy because: (no reason given)

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