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Earth Quake now in Townsville Australia

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posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by heffo7

That google earth image of that facility was interesting and I went to take look for myself.

Follow the coast south from the facility and there is this:

It is smaller and fainter to the facility previously posted, but looks remarkably similar in pattern, which is why I noticed it.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by auswally
reply to post by badw0lf

G,day badwolf this is what i am keeping my eye on Exmouth upgrade this is a go, Obama was supposed to anounce this but Hillary did it for him, kept a bit quiet, but i have shed loads of friends in exxy. they will tell me if something is going on if need be

anyway back to topic, Australia has earth quakes even WA has them, dont think any different just mother earth is moving a bit


I wouldn't think people near the facility would really know much more than us, but it's a good start!
Hope you keep ATS informed should anything be heard!

I was just commenting on the fact it is not related to HAARP in it's nature, it's a different kettle of fish altogether.

HAARP primarily ionizes the ionosphere to basically create good skip conditions for very low frequency radio waves to travel further - anyone who's used 27mhz cb radio knows that on specifically hot days, they can pick up and send transmission a lot further away. the sun does a massive job of doing what HAARP does in little local tiny doses.. Hundreds if not thousands of times in magnitude LESS than the sun does frequently.

The base here is just a huge radio transmitter to communicate with subs, and it uses such a small bandwidth that it's akin to downloading a 200 byte text file over 300 baud dialup, takes a while, it can't do a lot. It just looks mean and nefarious from the sky... So would the pentagon if people didn't know what it was.

Anyhoo, I had created a huge post with references to it's tech, images of it in comparison to the HAARP facility, the ability of what it is doing (or was) and the difference between HAARP's use.. then gave up, it's been done before where people spend an inordinate amount of time correlating info, and yet we still get "ITS HAARP!!" posts so it's pointless.. lol *bangs head into brick wall, reads ATS, wash rinse repeat*

A Space station however, well that's still not HAARP or IESCAT, or any of the other similar facilities based around the world. It is an interesting thing to keep an eye on tho!!

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by shadowland8
Quite interesting that the earthquake at Christchurch today and the earthquake at Queensland today were MINUTES apart, isn't it?

Nearly the same on the Richter scale

Well look where the Fault line is, and consider that QLD is potentially affected by it also - I know it's a fair whack away, but one massive quake may indeed affect areas of land away from it.

Look where the tectonic plates are - Japan and NZ are following the same basic fault, it's not that much to assume that a rather large build up of pressure is finally giving way to years of tension, which will obviously affect surrounding areas - the Earth isn't separated by graphical zones, it is a constantly shifting bunch of plates, despite what we call continents.

If you bang down hard on your table, it's not uncommon for the bottle of wine on the far end to also fall over, while the plates where you smashed break and shatter.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by zenius
reply to post by RADHESYAM

We have a FEMA camp? Where? Which politician?

On topic, does anyone know if there is mining in the area of the quake?

Check out this interactive map of queensland mining projects. You click on the different type of mining projects listed on the left and it plots them out. Its disgusting when you see just how widespread we have allowed this destruction to become. This is just one State in Australia, when you look at the big picture worldwide there is no doubt that our greed is going to eventually have severe repercussions on every living thing on the planet.

Qld mining interactive map

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by Seagle

That is the scariest map I have ever seen.

Do we actually need all of those recourses? I think there should be a limit on how much can be taken out.
They put limits on everything else, they should have a limit on mining as well.

edit on 16/4/11 by Whateva69 because: oops

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:25 AM
The 16 April 2011 at 5:31 AM (UTC), in Queensland there was a seismic activity of
magnitude 5.2 and depth 10.00Km.
Estimated population within 60km: 47,124

The 16 April 2011 at 7:06 AM (UTC), in Queensland there was a seismic activity of
magnitude 4.7 and depth 16.20Km.
Estimated population within 60km: 4,026

Two small ones, but it is strange to see quakes there. Ive been watching the EQ sites since January and havent seen a single quake there.

Ps, keep an eye on Tokyo, Japan. There was a mag 5.8 just outside the city.

The 16 April 2011 at 2:19 AM (UTC), in eastern Honshu there was a seismic activity of
magnitude 5.8 and depth 20.10Km.
Estimated population within 60km: 15,136,882

Peace & Love To All

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by zenius

ABSOLUTELY we have fema camps sprining up here

The one near me is at Robina on the gold coast

Here is some interesting stuff:

FEMA Director visits australia meets with SES:

Here is the info about the FEMA STYLE compound built at Robina - next to the hopsital and on train tracks.. just like the US models:

Back onto the topic:
Its 3am and I just heard 2 horrendously loud rumblings about 5 minutes apart
didn't feel anything though,,,weird
anyone else on GC???

edit on 16-4-2011 by RADHESYAM because: update to include noises heard

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Whateva69
reply to post by Seagle

That is the scariest map I have ever seen.

Do we actually need all of those recourses? I think there should be a limit on how much can be taken out.
They put limits on everything else, they should have a limit on mining as well.

edit on 16/4/11 by Whateva69 because: oops

I agree 100%. The Qld Government has basically given the mining companies free reign to go wherever they want and take whatever land they want including private property. They are purposely destroying the last remnants of our agriculture industry in Queensland because the best farmland in the country also sits on the biggest coal seam gas opportunities.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:43 PM
Where do EQKs occur in Australia:

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by Whateva69

how do you find out how big it was?

Glad that you are safe and hope there isn't anymore quakes.

You may want to bookmark this link which tracks earthquakes worldwide.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 01:41 PM

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Whateva69

Originally posted by Seagle
Thought it might have been a Thurston bomb which are common in Townsville during the winter but it happened a few hours early

Whats a Thurston bomb?

Jonathon Thurston, that seriously overrated footballer from the Cowboys.


posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by auswally

somebody asked about haarp in australia, so i put that picture up... i didn't start a thread asking what it was, and i honestly don't really care what it is. I just thought it was an interesting reply ... jeez

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by Seagle

Originally posted by Whateva69
reply to post by Seagle

That is the scariest map I have ever seen.

Do we actually need all of those recourses? I think there should be a limit on how much can be taken out.
They put limits on everything else, they should have a limit on mining as well.

edit on 16/4/11 by Whateva69 because: oops

I agree 100%. The Qld Government has basically given the mining companies free reign to go wherever they want and take whatever land they want including private property. They are purposely destroying the last remnants of our agriculture industry in Queensland because the best farmland in the country also sits on the biggest coal seam gas opportunities.

I saw a episode last month in one of those late night current events type programmes, cant remember the name, they were talking about the coal seam gas industry and interveiwing farmers and showing the sites, and it made me so angry! Farmers having to move off their farms because the mines were not being maintained properly and the land and water getting contaminated, farmers not being told the truth, farmers being taken advantage of, and more!
These companies dont give two hoots about people and their livelihoods or the earth, the programme showed how Coal seam gas is extracted and how they are depleting Australia's water table- as if theres a limitless supply! They will bleed this country dry if we let it continue
We cant let the farmers tackle this one alone, it effects us all......

Anyho, to get back on topic, what is the likelihood of Queensland getting a major quake like in Christchurch or Japan? I got a book from the library on emergancy preparedness last week (Great timing eh!), I'll be doing a lot of studying and shopping this week for sure!

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Rhebefree

Off topic: Someone should start a new thread on farmers and mining.
I did not know about this. Is there somewhere I can sign a petition. This is awful.
Where are George Negus and Ray Martin? What happened to all the real journalists in Australia?

On topic: No more activity, hopefully that was the last of it.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Whateva69
reply to post by Rhebefree

Off topic: Someone should start a new thread on farmers and mining.
I did not know about this. Is there somewhere I can sign a petition. This is awful.
Where are George Negus and Ray Martin? What happened to all the real journalists in Australia?

On topic: No more activity, hopefully that was the last of it.

George Negus flopped his latest show.. Ray Martin and evolved into a hairpiece with legs
and Richard Carlton... well as one ATS member put "The lsst decent Journalist to ask REAL questions was Richard Carlton and he left Tasmania in a box"

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by Whateva69

maybe the farmers should become miners instead of complaining



posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:44 PM
I'm not sure if this was already mentioned, but does anyone remember how not too long ago, QLD was being swarmed with little black beetles?

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by BadBoYeed

That is the now-defunct USN communication towers layout on the Northwest Cape. It was the link between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific before communications satellites took over.
The base was just south of there, or to the left in the picture. The town of Exmouth is a little further south. I lived there for three years.

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