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Why I Believe Our Creator Is NEVER Going to Return

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posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 01:33 AM
Now, the reason why I say creator is because I consider myself to be agnostic and I do not like the word 'God.' I believe that SOMETHING is responsible for life everywhere, but I absolutely refuse to subscribe to any mainstream religion.
Why? I have some damn good reasons, but lets save that for another thread, shall we?

Lets get to it.

Why our Creator will not return....hmmm let's see here....

Human beings are disgusting, vile monsters. We rape, kill, exploit children and adults alike. Why in the blue, bloody hell would any type of divine being want to return to help us? We have done this since the evolution of modern man, and it will continue until our sad excuse for a species dies out. I do not mean to sound like a misanthropist, but I kind of am.

I am only twenty-two years old and I began paying attention to things in the world when I was a senior in high school in 2006. I began to notice things that others my age simply did not care about, and I concerned myself with what I was learning to an extreme level. So much so that I developed severe depression and anti-social behavior. I have learned to cope with the depression and my social disorder, but I still have not found a way to cope with what many people consider to be "reality."

Rape and murder should not just be something that we as humans should just live and deal with, no sir.
Something is very, very wrong here. Unfortunately, nothing will ever be done about any of this because it has come to be accepted as the social norm.

Our Creator is never coming back. If I was the Creator of all life on this planet, I sure as hell would not come back to aid us in any way.

I sit and cry about this stuff all the time. Call me a baby, tell me I am pathetic, tell me that I just need to deal with it, say what you will. There is nothing in this world that can take away what I feel inside.....besides death.

Now, this is not a suicide post. I am not going to off myself, even though I have thought about it in the past.
The reason why I refuse to commit suicide is because no matter how dark life is, it is still beautiful in some instances. Our Creator took some serious time to design what is on this earth, including each and every one of us worthless grazers. I am not going to destroy his/her work. That is not my place to do that. However, I do look forward to death everyday. Just as much as I consider life itself to be a blessing, death is just as equally important to me. I feel that it is the only thing that can cure this 'curse', or so I have come to call it.

I am not a normal person. I do not think the way others think. I have tried to bring this topic up to a few of my friends in the past and all they have to add is, "Well man, that is just life and you have to learn to live with it."

So, I just keep it clammed and just keep on trucking. I try to avoid hearing stories about murder and the like, but it is just simply unavoidable. Humans are just obsessed with hearing about bad news. Anytime you turn on the news, you are guaranteed to hear a segment about an abduction, rape, or murder. Then, you have to hear about those same stories when you are at the doctors, at the store, pumping gas, as people just love to talk about it. It is just disgusting.

If our Creator does return, I can only hope that he wipes us off the face of this world so that we can do no more harm.

/end pathetic rant

edit on 15-4-2011 by DontProbeMeBro because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:20 AM
You know if I was the creator, instead of abandoning and not coming back, I would come back to "take out the garbage" so to speak. Not to mention stop the abuse on the nice earth that I created.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by kaleshchand

Yes, I agree. However, if the Creator were to return, that would mean he/she would have to depart again. Once that happens, things are likely to revert to the ways they were before.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by DontProbeMeBro

You said:
Human beings are disgusting, vile monsters. We rape, kill, exploit children and adults alike. Why in the blue, bloody hell would any type of divine being want to return to help us? We have done this since the evolution of modern man, and it will continue until our sad excuse for a species dies out. I do not mean to sound like a misanthropist, but I kind of am.

I am going to go with your scenario and say that the divine being would be a rational being and see that humans need an answer, or at least to be stopped. Divine Being governing over humanity would be better than humans governing over humans. No need for further explanations here - just look at the governments of today.

You said:
Our Creator is never coming back. If I was the Creator of all life on this planet, I sure as hell would not come back to aid us in any way.

Again, the divine being must be rational and overlook this. He must understand the desires, impulses and nature of human is not all evil but not all good. If there are violent criminals who can be reformed and reintroduced into society then I'm sure humanity has some hope.

The rest of your post sounds like what most people our age (I'm 24) are going through so don't be sad. I've taken to the study of Stoicism and it helped a lot. I highly recommend studying philosophies and reading different texts to help you understand the world better.

The "creator" will come back if you want to believe in such a being. Faith is strengthened by the tests of everyday life. You should shift your focus on positive aspects of life and have a REALISTIC view of the negative stuff, understanding it logically rather than emotionally which is what you are doing now.

Hope this helps.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:31 AM

Why our Creator will not return....hmmm let's see here....

Maybe because our creator is already here. Funny to think that you reject the notion of God, but still anthropomorphize it. In Christianity it is Christ that is supposed to return, not God the Father (creator). I refuse to believe in a human like Creator. Instead, my perspective is that we are all (all life, not just people) a part of the creator. Call the Creator a Unified field, the One from which the Many were created. Like a single cell that keeps dividing until a person appears. You're young, I can see where your cynical point of view comes from, but the humanity you describe are an asleep humanity. The awakened treat everybody as divine and therefore have more respect for life than does one who is still asleep and thinks nothing of raping, killing, etc, in service to self. But that is getting off track. I don't believe Creator will return because Creator is already here in every cell, in every atom, in every quark, in everything.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by DontProbeMeBro

The same powers of divine grace forewarned us children of Creation via Scripture that the world would be full of wickedness and rejection of the true Creator/s at the time of tribulations. They also bestowed knowledge pertaining to the road of salvation and redemption if we so choose to find and seek. There are distortions as well as truths in all religions. It is important one seek and not throw away the whole fruit just because part of it has been tainted. The Truth will resonate. Follow your heart and ask for help in Christ/Holy Spirit to discern

Keep faith in Christ brother and bear your cross. You are strong enough to endure with Faith that is not blind but found via determined spirit of Love and hunger for Truth. Knock and the doors will be opened.

Peace within and Grace be upon you.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by DevilJin

Thank you for your response. Probably the best one I will get all night.

I have been trying to look at all of this in a different way, but I have not yet found a point of view that is more comforting than what I have now.

I appreciate your advice, and I will definitely take it into consideration as I do not get much of it in regards to this subject.

Thank you once again.


posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by DontProbeMeBro
reply to post by kaleshchand

Yes, I agree. However, if the Creator were to return, that would mean he/she would have to depart again. Once that happens, things are likely to revert to the ways they were before.

Not if the creator didn't leave anyone to "revert" things.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:39 AM
I appreciate all of your responses, but I am going to go busy myself with my duties, as I am at work and on the verge of a breakdown.

Perhaps venting about this tonight was not such a good idea.

I hate my brain with a sweet, tender passion.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by DontProbeMeBro

You make some good points about how messed up we are as a species. I don't believe in a Creator however if human beings were created imagine how messed up our creator would be. I mean Christians believe we were created in the image and likeness of God, so are we just dark reflections of an even darker deity? It would certainly make more sense than God being omnibenevolent.

Personally I do see a lot of potential good in the human race, of course we're still pretty vile from time to time but I think that with technology and education the world will improve. We'll never see Utopia but I think society will progress. In my opinion the idea that a savior or Messiah will swoop down is one that impedes that progress. There are politicians in office here in the US that think Jesus will return before we can use up all Earth's resources. That sort of primitive mindset, that some sky daddy will make it all better for us, is dangerous as it leads to stagnation. We need to work together to make the world a better place and I fear religion only serves to tear us apart.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ranty as they were

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:51 AM
You know if there is a creator, maybe he just simply can't get it right, If I recall the earth has been wiped out once by fire and once by water, so maybe since the third time wasn't the charm, he'll wipe us out and start over hoping to get it right for once. hey we're not all perfect, not even a all knowing being could be perfect

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:53 AM
I wasnt going to answer on this one but you suckered me in

Okay so if indeed there was/is a creator (and im not going to argue for or against its not the topic at hand)
we can safely assume that he gave us certain traits purposely.

For example the Christians say that God made man in his image (I'm not Christian - Im just showing one well known example)

therefore the traits we have must also be present IN the creator or at least in the MIND of the creator:
As John Lennon said "There's nothing you can do that isn't done ... etc"

The creator/s (if indeed he/they still exist - which could be another whole argument as to the return... maybe he/they are exdtinct?) would surley take an interest in his creation - Humans are instinctively interested in the outcome of their creations - why else do you think so many people play the SIMS?

Personally I think that whether or not the creator returns is completely irrelevant at this point in time- we can't sit around relying on his return to fix our problems.

It's easy to sink into a hole of depression - and as someone who has suffered from it and as a former carer for people with mental health issues - it certainly sounds that you're depressed. I think you should try to do some research into ways to overcome it. My personal belief is that medications are NOT the answer.. but I'm not your doctor so dont take that as medical advice. If you feel suicidal at ANY time for heaven sakes CALL SOMEONE and talk.. im cure they have crisis help lines in your country .

In the meantime:

Go for a walk at the beach/the park... smell the flowers
Hit the gym - Excercise is very good in curing depression.

DO A GOOD DEED.. help an old lady with her shopping or somehting - it;s easy to see how many things are WRONG in the world so do somethign small to make it right

Like Ghandi said "BE the change you want to see in th world"

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 03:25 AM
that's a heavy opening post.

I'm a deeply religious person,
and yet I find myself in agreement
with both the feeling and issues in the post.

Let me take it even further, If I may.

What about Abel, the brother that was killed by Cain.
Where are his children, his generations, his inventions and contributions.
How is justice going to be served by any kind of resurrection or restoration.
Do all of us have to live on Cain's half of the planet and Able gets a hemisphere alone?

And what about 'perfect plans?'
The Creator labors for 6 days straight without rest,
raises some help and says "tend the garden, I'm going for a nap"
and when he gets back they are into the hard stuff and hooked, so
he fires them. Now, I ask, who tends the garden. Does that sound like a plan.
Where is the plan in that. Sounds like a catastrophe to me. And yes, just like
it's written in the opening post, we humans seem to still be addicted to murder and sin.

But all of that overlooks something.

What if the bible is a contest.
And the winner is the one who figures out
how to time travel, go back and paramedic Jesus.
Film it live,
Bring him back to the present and say "See, he is real."

I look at it this way.
(Please excuse the computer analogy it's my current field of research)
Something interesting happened in the online experience with the first Diablo Game by Blizzard.
Hackers found the 'kill' command and wrote a script to use it, in game, on any player they wanted.
A character with full health, full armor, and in town (where combat didn't even work) could be slain from the depths of hell by typing a simple command with the characters name.
Things are coded a little differently by Diablo 2. It's complicated and nuanced to go into, but basically if a programmer doesn't want a hacker to access something then that function cannot appear in the code, or THEY WILL FIND IT.

I figure the same principle applies to reality. There are no super powers because, if there were, someone would have found them by now. And we'd have people flying around shooting lightning bolts, and killing people with a word. Or worse, resurrecting them so they could kill them over and over.

So what does that mean.
Where does that leave us.
What about all the hopes of the faithful.

Well... I can see a way out of it... believe it or not.
And that is tied up in the use of 'past tense' when describing the actions of The Creator in Genesis 1. Why is it that most of the quotes in the Bible use the phrase "thus sayeth" when talking about The Creator; as though his word is eternal, something he continually says/ stands for/ endorses /what ever, but in Genesis everything is written in the 'past tense?' Created, Said, divided, etcetera.
I mean has the sun gone out?
Did the stars last for only a day?
Do the seas swallow the land before any trees can grow?

It just doesn't add up... unless...
unless... it's all prophecy, and
it hasn't happened yet.

What if everything prior to Genesis 2 is prophecy and hasn't happened yet, but everything from Genesis 2 onward is history. So that the phrase...

"In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth" is a prediction,
that he will create such, but hasn't yet. The Masons like to describe The Creator as "The Great Architect" so lets look at it from that perspective.

An architect makes a pencil sketch first,
Erases stuff and makes corrections,
then when it's all accurate, and only then,
they ink it in or run it through a process to make a blueprint.
And from that blue print the final building can be made.
That and the blue print is reusable.

What if the entire reality we know is still in the drafting phase.
And erasures like Abel, or everyone other than Noah, are corrections in a plan still being made.
What if Jesus represents the start of the inking phase,
and what if (just maybe) we haven't really been built yet.

Well, that would mean that what we call "The End of The World"
would actually be the rolling up and putting away of the blueprints,
because actual construction was complete, and those who cling to this world
lose out, but those willing to let go the past and move on become part of the permanent future.

Let's take this even deeper.
I figure if I can design a computer program to build a 3D model for me, from a 2D sketch (which thing I've done) then The Creator can design pencils that draft and erase entire designs on their own, which thing we are. So the answer to the timeless question that The Creator asked Job of "where were you when I told the eagles where to nest" would be "In the future waiting in eager anticipation to hear your every word."

David Grouchy

p.s. Thanks for giving me the inspiration to write all this.

TLDR: Denying The Creator is equal to denying one's own capacity to create a better future.
edit on 15-4-2011 by davidgrouchy because: Able < > Abel

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by DontProbeMeBro

Apparently you are still here, so the creator has actually never left. Just forgotten who it has become.

edit on 15-4-2011 by YouAreDreaming because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 03:33 AM
I think he/she doesn't need to return because she/he's never left us........he/she is constanly monitor each and everyone of us, of countless different species, on infinite planet, universe, dimension, and density......he/she just choose to not intervene.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by DontProbeMeBro

It is of my theory that the Creator is waiting to find all the people that will follow Him, and once that is done will come down to throw the chaff in hell. People seem to believe the only reason God does nothing is because He doesn't exist, not realizing His patience.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by DontProbeMeBro

I doubt very much that our creator ever came here in the first place anyway. Looking at your post, which seems sincere I would say the feelings you are having are deep. But on the other hand, they are drowning you. You must not get stuck in your present view, it is important for you to carry on digging. Use your life to its fullest, give it all you have got and see what you can discover. Fortunately, there have been a few human beings who have shared their view and this will help you break your personal patterns. Your view will evolve and refine, but it requires that you are brave with plenty of endurance.
Best wishes AT

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by davidgrouchy
I look at it this way.
(Please excuse the computer analogy it's my current field of research)
Something interesting happened in the online experience with the first Diablo Game by Blizzard.
Hackers found the 'kill' command and wrote a script to use it, in game, on any player they wanted.
A character with full health, full armor, and in town (where combat didn't even work) could be slain from the depths of hell by typing a simple command with the characters name.
Things are coded a little differently by Diablo 2. It's complicated and nuanced to go into, but basically if a programmer doesn't want a hacker to access something then that function cannot appear in the code, or THEY WILL FIND IT.

I figure the same principle applies to reality. There are no super powers because, if there were, someone would have found them by now. And we'd have people flying around shooting lightning bolts, and killing people with a word. Or worse, resurrecting them so they could kill them over and over.

My highlighting: Well, among others that have been accredited superpowers....Jesus had the ability to heal the sick, resurrect the dead, exorcize demons, and fly into the air, after he self resurrected no less. Walk on water.

Solomon has been accredited to having some insight into the world on how to control demons and whatnot.

Furthermore Jesus said that all these things we shall do and more.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 09:38 AM
We were genetically engineered by aliens, and they screwed up. They tampered with the subtle forces of our evoultionary equilibrium, we cannot really blame ourselves, however, we can make choices to prevent ourselves from falling further into the hell that is being created. Our "creators" I fear might really have just been experimenting/using us until they "perfected" thier design, at which point they unlock or activate certain genetic keys so that they can implant/incarnate thier souls into our bodies and take over the planet. Most of the human-hatred are probably alien souls! We can make animals either fight each other or care for each other in a laboratory setting with simple neurological implants, what makes us think that our alien controllers can't do the same thing to us?
edit on 15-4-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by scratchmane
Well, among others that have been accredited superpowers....Jesus had the ability to heal the sick, resurrect the dead, exorcize demons, and fly into the air, after he self resurrected no less. Walk on water.

Yes and he was crucified for it. Here are the charges TPTB at the time felt like levying against him. It's not that any of this stuff wasn't done before. Prior to him the temple had a monoply on all these things.

(way it's recorded) = (View by TPTB of the time)
healing the sick = practicing medicine without a license.
ressurrect the dead = violating graves and releasing those who were only in a coma.
exorcize demons = showing that animals are influenced by human behaviour not the other way around.
accending into heaven = proving that faith in the heart is more permenant than stone.
ressurrected by two angels = the best people don't work for money changers
walk on water = mobs of poor people will support someone they trust

In otherwords, he was sentenced to death for preaching without a license.

Originally posted by scratchmane
Solomon has been accredited to having some insight into the world on how to control demons and whatnot.

The secret name of all Demons is "knowledge." Knowledge can travel faster than people, pop up in random places, and is almost impossible to destroy. It is also used to build great things. A well rounded education can give one influence over specialist who only know their specific field.

Originally posted by scratchmane
Furthermore Jesus said that all these things we shall do and more.

And we have. We don't just heal cataracts these days. We do full eye transplant surgery.

David Grouchy
edit on 15-4-2011 by davidgrouchy because: (no reason given)

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