posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by IsaacKoi
None that can be trusted...You'll have to check the source of any such documents, which would lead you right back to the honey hole anyway....Might as
well take it from the horse's mouth while you're there and just cut out the middleman....
looks like you're the guy for the job...i don't think there would be many arguments around here...
Personally, my paranoia depends on your willingness to access government archives...
I would feel as if i were being tracked if i even THOUGHT about going there....Therefor, i need a third party, but i never trust the investigative
instinct or scientific approach from most....
I nominate YOU....
Go gett'em tiger.....
edit on 14-4-2011 by OneEleven because: for fun