Ley Lines
For a while now, I have been mapping Ley Lines across the globe. I started this hobby by mapping Nazca-type
geoglyphs,and that evolved into Ley-line research. I do not use dowsing rods,or any kind of "Spritual" methods, I take a scientific approach. I am
something of a maveric in that. Ley Lines appear to follow lines of energy that form a global grid, and I have mapped some that encircle the globe. I
believe his energy can be scientifically charted and measured. I think the Ley line field, like UFOs, bigfoot, or any other similar field, has it's
fair share of fringe mumbo-jumbo. That's why I insist on all of my leys to be withing a tolerance of a tenth of a percent. I prefer Leys that are DEAD
ON. I have thrown out potential lines simply because something was a few feet off.
What can you find on a Ley Line?
Burial Mounds
Major Airports
Major cathedrals
Masonic lodges
Missile silos
Light Houses
Ancient ruins
Major line convergences
Impact Craters
Military bases
City halls
Major Monuments
weird surface features that defy explanation and need to be examined from the ground
Strip mines
Oil fields
Strangely shaped buildings
Nuclear detonations
A whole host of megathithic sites
Lots of other stuff
Gauss meters and compasses are critical. I also carry an assortment of em equipment and topo maps and an top end GPS. For
larger Leys, such as Global leys, there is no better tool than Google Earth.
How to begin scientific research
I work backwards. I pick two "known" sites and then test them as described until I find two lines
that work. For example, I will take two megaliths that MUST be on ley lines or should be anyway (Such as Stonehenge and The great pyramid). Sometimes
this turns out to be wrong, and there simply is no ley present. So it's trial and error, but I have found that the more significant the site, the
more likely that it lies on a convergence of Ley lines. Once I find a set that works, I draw a line exactly through the centers of those monuments and
continue that line around the entire planet. Then I find two more objects and do the same thing, drawing a second circle around the planet.
These two circles will intersect at two places on the planet. Scientific method predicts that there will be a megalith (or some other item of
significance) at those intersections. If there is, I know I have two legit planetary ley lines. If not, one or both must be discarded. The megaliths
must be DEAD-on. "close" does not cut it.
Now that's the simple version. obviously reality is more complicated. I've had matches that turned out to not be ley lines, as well as Leys I thought
were non matches simply because my research was poor.
Once I have two lines that I think are Leys, I can begin researching them. This usually means a great deal of phone calls to the towns that are on or
near the Ley, and mailing out questionaires to people who live in those towns. Occasionally I will travel to locations to examine things first hand.
If it is a true global ley, it will be confirmed by finding other megaliths and monuments where the ley crosses other Leys. Generally there is a high
amount of unusualness all along the ley.
What is the significance of Ley lines? What are they? I do not know. I hope that my research finds me that answer one
day. A lot of people are of the opinion that they are lines of "Earth Energy", others believe it is connected to something called "Prime geometry" (or
sacred geometry). Still others believe that it has something to do with magnetic fields.
Some, none, or all of these may be true. I don't pretend to know.
I do believe that whatever is going on, the ancients understood it.
edit on 14-4-2011 by woghd because: CLASSIFIED