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Rampant Immigration Dividing The UK says Cameron

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posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan

Originally posted by Saracen1
there are millions and millions of us here, and there will be millions more of us here in the future.When you consider we have a higher birth rate, in the not to distant future the country will have a swarthy appearance, compared to the hideously white complextion it has now. That process will be speeded up further due to the fact we are entering into ever increasing biracial relationships.

So your goal is to breed the hideously white people out of their homeland? Is that what you are suggesting because it certainly appears as such? Your overtly racist tone is the exact reason why this backlash is now in motion.


He was obviously a troll smfh, why did you even respond to him.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 11:03 PM
Lol how can someone be proud of a skin color?
You're only suppose to be proud of things you can control, you can't control skin color.

Just like I've never met a proud gambler, or a proud dice roller.
Or a person who is proud of eeny meeny miney moe.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 11:11 PM
Having the benefit of hindsight, the best thing that could have happened to the British isles was to be put to the torch and sword by the Vikings, and I mean completely.

That's considering that Britain has been on the wrong side of history for most of its existence.

"God save us from the fury of the northmen"...shame on you god!

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 11:22 PM
Rampant Eton schoolboy gang saying whatever people want to hear before the local elections in May. What a surprise. Tax the corporations, banks, and stop robbing poorer people if you really care Cameron. Put your money where your mouth is, or maybe just put some of it back into the pockets of the people that have been left with too little to even have a life.

Did someone just say 6 billion tax dodge by vodafone? Could've sworn I heard that from somewhere.

Wanting to route the purchase through an offshore company to avoid paying UK taxes, it set up a subsidiary in Luxemburg where profits would be taxed at less than 1%. But it was ruled that the deal broke anti-tax avoidance rules. Nevertheless, Mr Hartnett took the Vodafone case away from his team of lawyers and gave it to another negotiating team, which said the phone company could get away with paying a lump sum of £800,000 and a further £450,000 over five years.

It's not immigration dividing the UK, it's you and your mates. Get back in your box, and take your empty waffle with you. And Osborne. And Clegg.
edit on 14-4-2011 by Hitoshura because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by IronArm

i agree, the first time i have seen a politicain actually raise an issue that matters.

to those who think this is a racial issue:

we have mass immigration from numerous countries, from different religions and skin colour, so claiming it is racists or against a certain minority is false and missing the point entirely.

it is ONLY and simply about the effect it is having on our country. the ones some people might like to ignore but do exsist. i doubt cameron will do anything about it though. but it needs to stop or slow down for a while, at least untill there are enough jobs to go around, we do not need people coming here to do jobs, we have millions that are unemployed for that very reason, (well maybe 300,000 never want to work) but even still.

we need to start looking after those who were born here and sort this country out before opening the floodgates, we need to stabilize before the next influx. otherwise being born in england means nothing, no job, no house, no future, that all goes to others coming in at an ever increasing rate. it needs to stop.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 01:24 AM
I am not sure if Cameron is going to do anything, but I like what he is saying.

I think we should leave the EU, not sure what the negative aspects are though. But from what I gather, the benefits are:

Not paying to be a member
Not paying for bankrupt countries, Greece, Ireland, ?Portugal?
Not having other people decide our laws
Not having other people decide how we vote for our own people! (It's just ridiculous)

We should, until further notice, freeze immigration. We have about 2.4 million unemployed people in this country. How does the influx of immigrants help our economy? Well, why at the moment! We have enough people here, we can train them. Why should we be paying child benefit to kids that have never been to this country?

Limit, child benefit/child tax credit to 4 children. I have more children myself! But I believe that if I want more children then that's fine, but it is my responsibily not other peoples!

If you are are an immigrant, within the last 3 years, have not worked, have no children, have not contributed to society, you get a free trip home and your are banned for coming to the UK for 10 years.

Immigrants should learn to speak English, this is a condition of coming to this country, if you don't reach the required standard (exceptions for people with learning difficulties etc) you are expelled from UK. Again 10 year rule.

Big, Big investment on wind, solar, wave and other green energies. It is important that we are self sufficient.

New houses to be fitted with solar panels or wind turbines as standard. It could be statutory to enforce the maintenance on this equipment. There is cost, but this could be linked to energy savings by householders somehow.

I could go on, what do people think. Do I talk sense, I hope most say yes. So why isn't it happening?

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

Oh but you are a racist/bigot if you blame your nation's problems solely on a minority population of any type.

Yay for distractions!

When all is in doubt, blame BROWN PEOPLE!


posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by rich76

So why isn't it happening?

Because the British raped and pillaged entire continents, and stripped them of their resources and left the people to starve - and they feel bloody GUILTY.

As they should.

edit on 15/4/11 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 01:38 AM
Proud to be English, and proud that I had the wits to get out of there 20 years ago.

Also, very, very proud to now be a Canadian citizen.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 01:56 AM
Only thing putting pressure on schools , hosptials and housing is the ridiculous budget cuts imposed by the new coalition government , based on the bank bailouts and foreign conflicts!

Not immigration , people have been imigrating to the UK as far back as the romans and will continue to do so, the world is a huge place there are better places to go than the UK !

the government makes me laugh , and they want to charge anyone who wont complete a census !
they can pay me £1000 for my information if they want it that badly

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by The Sword

erm, there are immigrants of all colour, how is it a race issue?

so by your logic if everybody moved to france there would be no problems? there would be enough housing and jobs etc? and if anybody moaned about us all moving there we could simply claim they are racists.

there is a limit each country can take, england reached it.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by sapien82

people have been imigrating to the UK as far back as the romans and will continue to do so, the world is a huge place there are better places to go than the UK !

not at the current rate, your right the world is a big place, england is'nt, its a small island.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by lifeform11

Politicians and the sycophants that support them will blame immigration when they should be blaming their own damned selves.

I'm in the U.S but that shall not matter as I have both English and French ancestors.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:09 AM
Nothing will happen and nothing will change.. just more smoke and mirrors to miss direct people..

Personally, I can't stand the country as it is, or the underlying anger that seems to exist in everyone I know..

I foresee some sad, and violent times ahead..

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by The Sword

i don't care who is to blame, it aint about blaming people, i am only bothered about solving the problem in a way that does not mean those currently living here are effected.

just close the doors for a while. intergrate those who are here now, let the jobs verus unemployment get better, more people just means less jobs to go around less housing to go around and more money being paid out by tax payers.

how the hell is that racists, it is just common sense, it is simple, you cannot keep filling something and expect it not to get full. there is a limit.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:24 AM
I live in a place called peterborough and it is affected by this in a big way. The problem is that its too late, way too late. This place is a mess.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by soficrow
reply to post by rich76

So why isn't it happening?

Because the British raped and pillaged entire continents, and stripped them of their resources and left the people to starve - and they feel bloody GUILTY.

As they should.

edit on 15/4/11 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

Try reading some real history from original sources and you would see that you have an utterly distortd view of what happened!

That is the way progrssives re-wrote and spun history, propagandaised whole generations - in order to create the multi-cultural socialist paradigm that rules today - and was primarily designed to destroy Western civilisation and replace it with a One World Order.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by sapien82
Not immigration , people have been imigrating to the UK as far back as the romans and will continue to do so, the world is a huge place there are better places to go than the UK !

You're right but when 500 000 people are coming into our country in one year, it's too much isn't it. I also know that emmigration is at it's highest.

Better places than the UK? Maybe! But why do people camp in France trying to continually get into our country. Why do people risk their lives coming from countries in the middle east to get to our country. There are plenty of other countries to go, but an Island in the NW of Europe seems easier!!!

Let's get it right, I have worked with Indian and Muslim people and they are fine. But only in recent years, I walk around the supermarket and everyone seems to have eastern european accents, not trying to exagerate it.

I am not trying to tackle all immigration, but parasitic immigration.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:37 AM
I left England ten years ago as I saw my community being drained, house prices falling and crime rising.... 'Coincidently' no doubt a time when huge numbers of Africans, Pakistanis and other places moved in en-mass.
I saw it, felt it, experienced it.

It wasn't a coincidence. They couldn't make the change the immigration influx in the 60's were able to despite having a much better deal.

Stop it all now unless the bring intellect. I have lived in Thailand, China, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kazakhstan no name but a few in the last 10 years.

To live and work in these places (because there is no welfare for foreigners), you come qualified, pay tax and contribute.... Or you get out.

Go Cameron........ Never thought I'd say that.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by lifeform11

Trying to explain "limits" to Brits is futile when you realize just how powerful that empire was.

Now the Brits are mad because Muslims are mucking up their daily tea-and-crumpet routine?

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