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Rampant Immigration Dividing The UK says Cameron

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posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by P3ACE0WAR

Originally posted by KDM_Souljah

Its the british peoples fault for not controling our goverment well enough,they now have full reign to do anything they want with zero accountability,we are slowly awakening to whats happening around us,we are fighting back,as too are the peoples of said muslims lands,yes they are uneducated in that detail thinking we are free and choose our goverment and that the goverment is the will of the people,i dont think as people they are entirely uneducated as that would be silly to even think that.

My point is, "isn't it the British people's fault for claiming they are free, that they control their own government, their own destiny etc, isn't that what freedom means?"

How is it Muslim people's fault for being naive and believing British population's own words?

yes its our fault

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 01:46 PM
There is a slippery road the English are facing. That being said,I hope they understand the rest of the world is watching,the perceptions,and the feelings they are putting on those who live there. HELP IS HELP. It does not come with a price. It does not come with a catch. I pray that those who believe that a huge injustice is being forced on them,realize we are ALL human beings,without skin color,or race. Remember that the next time,you look some one in the face,and call him friend,brother,countryman. Peace...............
edit on 16-4-2011 by sonnny1 because: spelling

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by KDM_Souljah
The immigrants of the 50s and 60s are not the same people we are getting nowadays,i remember when there where boat loads of people coming into the uk on a daily basis to fill up jobs after the war,those people where from the common wealth/brittish empire and those people and thier kids got the same education as native british children and for the most part integrated into british society and became valuable members of society,these people were needed and where invited.what we have now is people breaking the law to be here,in my opinion you cant be trusted after that

Whilst I support most of what you have said in this post, I would offer a caveat to the above. Workers from the Commonwealth were not needed. This is a false assumption based upon acceptance of the government's line at the time.

During WW11, Britian built a strong and skilled workforce. The war ended and the men returned from the front and the war years workforce were forced to give their jobs to the boys and return to the kitchen.

The immigration of the fifties and sixties did not solve perceived labour shortages (the post war drive to greater productivity, creation of consumerism and increased prosperity) and women were again encouraged to return to work. Britain instituted the 'twilight' shift and many women found work in the evenings, after the men had returned from their jobs. (The government did not introduce state sponsored childcare until much later but I believe the introduction of the twilight shifts was the start of the redistribution of labour between the sexes and the precursor to the breakdown of the family.)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 04:47 PM
Thats a good point you bring up about the breakdown of the family unit,i beleive this is a part of something much bigger,if immigration was so good for the country then why has my country went from great to # in less than 60 years,everything that has went wrong in the uk was foretold in advance and when things did go wrong solutions where presented and no one took the advice,the goverment kept on going with thier actions agaisnt the peoples wish's,i have to keep telling people we were never asked,some people on this site just can comprehend that.

There are a reported 1.4 to 1.6 illegal immigrants in the uk that is a release estimate of what they think is correct in reality it could be much higher.

The coalition partners the libreal democrats wanted an amnesty for illegals that would mean that if these people where alowed to stay,the true number would double because they would be allowed to bring another spouse into the country

european laws dictate that these people have right to free health care,they cant be turned away and doctor and health professionals have to keep patient confidentiality, an illegal orginistaion such as the eu dictate our laws in the form of human rights

these are by no means just on off isolated occurances.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by P3ACE0WAR
Do you accept the fact that you are racist?

No, because I don't accept your backwards definition of racism. I don't believe my race is superior to yours or anyone else's and I do not judge someone's worth by their ethnicity. However, you do, as evidence by the following quotation:

Originally posted by P3ACE0WAR
What you don't realize will end your whole race. You don't realize that other races, and ethnicities are doing more than white people, they are working their asses off, and paying their taxes to keep you happy. They are most likely more citizen and more British than you are.

Originally posted by P3ACE0WAR
Do you accept the fact that black people have worked harder than you to make England a better place? Or Chinese, or Indian, or Pakistani, or Afghani, or Bangladishi, or Somali, or any other color which you don't appreciate.

No, I don't accept that. Why should I? It's a racist statement and it has no factual credibility. It's simply nonsense that you've made up (or perhaps been conditioned to believe by your beloved left-wing/NWO mainstream media).

Originally posted by P3ACE0WAR
People like you make me sick, do you know why? Because you judge yourself based on your color.

You keep going on about 'colour'! Interesting seeing as I can't recall ANYONE in this thread, other than you, even referring to colour. I estimate people's worth by their actions and their native homeland by their ancestry. Colour and ancestry are different things. For example, a Polish person may be paler skinned than I am even, but he has no more claim to an English identity than a man from Bangladesh. See - colour is irrelevant, ancestry is what counts. And no, I don't judge myself based on my colour any more than I judge anyone else based on colour. I simply know that through my ancestry I have more of a kinship and bond with 'the land of the Angles' (this is what 'England' means - look it up) than someone whose ancestry lies predominantly elsewhere. That doesn't make me better than a non ethnic-Englishman - just more at home here than them. Do you really wish to destroy ancestral roots that strongly? Do you really wish to eliminate thousands of years of unique culture? If so, take a long hard look in the mirror before calling me, or anyone else, 'racist', 'evil', 'hateful' or 'sickening'.

Originally posted by P3ACE0WAR
Please do tell us what you do for England, except you damn color. Please tell us.

I protect it from tyranny and full-colonisation by foreigners, albeit in a peaceful, forgiving and tolerant manner. And that my friend is the most important thing anyone can do for their country.

Please stop going on about 'colour' - it's meaningless.

edit on 16/4/2011 by Cythraul because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 10:16 AM
This is part and parcel of the strategy 'divide and conquer', with the Muslim issue used as the battering ram. In reality as Nick Griffin said a while back, there are very few Muslims who oppose the promotion of Christian symbols and festivals in public, yet there are a few agent provocateurs who are allowed to speak for all Muslims and are strangely enough promoted in the mainstream media. The real authors of this play are the British political elite and their masters that stand behind them, they are the ones that hate the history of Britain, and they will use any cover including the 'Muslim issue' to attack Christianity and our history in general. Do not be fooled by the mask that they use to accomplish their attacks on our history and culture, whether the mask is Muslim or homosexual-they intend to accomplish the same objective which is the destruction of Britain and its absorption into the globalist police state.

We can blame immigrants all we want, but the real question still remains, WHO OPENED THE DOORS WIDE FOR THEM? And that's where the root of the problem lies.

The government is funded by the capitalists and the capitalists love cheap slave labour to maximise profits. Hence you will never get a party that will actually listen to it's people.
edit on 17-4-2011 by forklift because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 10:55 AM
When Brits think about immigrants taking either benefits they shouldn't rightly be awarded or entitled to, or jobs we immediately think of muslims and begin the tired old tirade of muslim bashing and their connection with terrorism! In the last few years a far bigger problem was the amount of Poles who entered the country and worked for a pittance of what an English person would want. In a cold store in the south east of England the entire workforce was laid off and then replaced with Poles. The company saved so much money that they could afford to employ two translators as well !!!!
The union did nothing so the workers picketed the premises and ended up being moved on by the local police... There was bedlam, lots of arrests and damage and not a muslim in sight...
The muslims are just a decoy, as is the bailouts, the olympics, the royal wedding, terrorism, the alternative vote and celebrity gossip... Its a classic smoke and mirrors tactic. While we are all arguing about this nonsense the elite are busy behind the scenes creating rules that they sneak through parliament that make are lives a misery. Unemployment, the cost of living and the ever rising price of fuel, and the loss of your civil rights and liberties- thats why we should be storming Downing Street and the White House. The other stuff is just trivial...
I can't speak for our American friends but we here in Blighty, who were once a nation of proud lions who stood up for ourselves, have become a pathetic sad bunch of nodding dogs. The government turn to us and say, "You know we're going to increase your tax's and put millions of you on the dole..", and we simply nod in agreement and say, "Oh go on then..." After whats gone on in this country there should be riots on the streets. Mass demonstrations and whole cities ablaze, but there's nothing... Zilch, zero, absolutely nothing! And lets face it, if we're all going to meekly roll over on our backs and let the government tickle our bellies we'll get absolutely what we deserve- NOTHING!

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by RufusDriftwood
The government turn to us and say, "You know we're going to increase your tax's and put millions of you on the dole..", and we simply nod in agreement and say, "Oh go on then..."

You forgot the bit about how the Inland Revenue have taken to sending threatening letters to late payers.

HM Revenue chiefs were accused of acting like ‘thugs’ yesterday by threatening to seize the cars and televisions of people who owe tax and sell them for a pittance.
In a secret crackdown designed to humiliate those who fail to settle unpaid tax bills, HMRC has adopted a provocative twin-track approach to those do not pay up promptly. It involves:

*A menacing threat to seize their possessions and auction them off publicly for a fraction of their real value.

*Begging them to pay up, saying if they refuse, the Government will run out of money to treat the sick and educate the nation’s children.

Read more:

Her Majesty's revenue service has resorted to threats and emotional blackmail to garner funding for divided Britain.

Meanwhile, in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, divided Britain openly displays her divided credentials;

Women who do not wear headscarves are being threatened with violence and even death by Islamic extremists intent on imposing sharia law on parts of Britain, it was claimed today.
Other targets of the 'Talibanesque thugs', being investigated by police in the Tower Hamlets area of London, include homosexuals.
Stickers have been plastered on public walls stating: 'Gay free zone. Verily Allah is severe in punishment'.

Read more:

edit on 17/4/2011 by teapot because: topic

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by teapot

Do you know what my friend, I'm amazed at just how many people I know, one of which is my own sister, who work and have their employers take tax from their earnings on a PAYE (pay as you earn) basis, who have suddenly found themselves hit with a secondary tax bill... Surely if theres been a mistake its the fault of the employers not the individual who is suddenly expected to cough up thousands or face a criminal court or bailifs... Just another example of how our corrupt government is turning the screws on us.

A revolution in this once proud land is well overdue in my opinion.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by RufusDriftwood

Employers benefit from PAYE! They deduct NI and Tax within the worker's pay period but the money is not collected by HMRC as frequently as weekly or monthly or whatever! Taxes are collected quarterly, bi-annually or annually!


Every direct employed worker in the land has the right to opt out of PAYE and take full personal responsibility to pay their tax liabilities under Self Assessment!!!!

Kippered between the rock and the hard place?!

As self employed (when working!), I get to opt out and as such can offset reasonable expenses against my tax burden.

It's the Unions who take no action to advise people of their tax rights that really p's me off.

So what say you to the idea of a 'tax revolution'?
edit on 17/4/2011 by teapot because: formatting and add a bit

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by forklift
This is part and parcel of the strategy 'divide and conquer'...

Your post is absolutely spot on. Whilst I may be a Nationalist, I also recognise that mass-immigration is an insidious NWO strategy as opposed to a legitimate invasion of foreigners. Some Muslims do have the mindset of colonisers, but by and large Europe would stand unchallenged if it didn't have corrupt leaders paving the way for socially-engineered conflict.

The Muslims are intended to be the 'Jews' of the next Holocaust and as much as I dislike the religion itself, I intend to speak out against its use as a scapegoat. I want England to remain English, but I don't blame immigrants for the most part. My hatred is rightfully directed at the Globalists.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Cythraul

Originally posted by forklift

The Muslims are intended to be the 'Jews' of the next Holocaust

That's what it looks like.

Muslims have been living in UK espicially from Pakistani/Indian origin since the 1950's and everything seemed normal until 9/11 took place. There were a few racism issues but not as bad as things are today after 9/11.

I am sure their level of integration has remained relatively same since they have been in UK. So why is there sudden hoo-haa now about burkhas and mosques and hallal meat? Add amjad choudary and you have all the ingredients for pouring out anti-islamic propaganda by the bucket load.

The real culprits are the party leaders and the capitalists who have their own sinister agendas. They are the ones who make the policies and who are solely responsible for opening the doors to mass immigration.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 04:20 PM
Forgive my ignorance. I still don't remember the apropriate etiquette one has to abide by in this forum.
This is the second time I have ignorantly attempted to post a video without understanding the process behind it.
One kind soul has already rectified my first gaffe. Maybe he can do it for this second one.
It's just another view point and one that I'm sure many people are struggling with because they agree, but they don't necessarily want to.
Hey ho.

Keep calm and carry on.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by starchild10

I say hail cameron i didnt support his party,but im re thinking my choices.All the immigrants in south of England in londistan are killing us,reverse the process i say.If we get to many it could be dangerous for all people enclaves for different nations/tribal.Then a strong racist leader from a mad bnp type party get the masses together against the mass islamic enclave,and ya have civil unrest and dead peeps on the streets..not saying there bad to excess,but they are here to make money at best work or rob any way they can..but at worst huge terror (sleeper)cells..and in future armies making the new islamic UK. Think on do gooders..

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 04:43 PM

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 05:20 PM
I post this video again..

I would like to see any muslim who think they can take over this country or hate this country have a talk to these guys.

Britain will never be an islamic state, NEVER!! As long as i draw breath never ever never.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by gavlar1974
reply to post by starchild10

I say hail cameron i didnt support his party,but im re thinking my choices.All the immigrants in south of England in londistan are killing us,reverse the process i say.If we get to many it could be dangerous for all people enclaves for different nations/tribal.Then a strong racist leader from a mad bnp type party get the masses together against the mass islamic enclave,and ya have civil unrest and dead peeps on the streets..not saying there bad to excess,but they are here to make money at best work or rob any way they can..but at worst huge terror (sleeper)cells..and in future armies making the new islamic UK. Think on do gooders..

Quite worrying about your fictitious BNP leader who is going to cause havoc on British streets. Havoc is coming to British streets and it wont be because of muslim immigrants or terrorism. It will be because the good British people will find themselves pushed into a corner. They will either roll over and give up the ghost or at the very least stand up and fight back against our corrupt government.
If you still believe in the lies concerning terrorist sleeper cells, muslim extremists hiding in the housing estates deep in the hearts of the cities of this great nation, or some muslim plot to take over this land then you are living in cloud cuckoo land and don't know your arse from your elbow!
You've fallen for the oldest trick in the book. Our evil government creates a patsy for the weak minded to blame for all of lifes ills and you are one of the nodding dogs who are pointing fingers and declaring yourself anti muslim simply because the government have created the right atmosphere for people like you.
For gods sake wake up. The muslims are the Lee Harvey Oswalds of the 21st century! The ultimate bogey man who lurks behind every dirty curtain, on every council estate, in every city in this country. Please, snap yourself out of it. Your real enemies reside in Downing Street and the White House in America. When the cell door slams shut it wont be a middle east extremist who stands the other side of the bars but a wite Englishman wearing a savil row suit bought by your over inflated tax's.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by AngryOne

Ok I will certainly answer your question about whether I believe phenotypyes are our only physical differences , once you have answered my question of where you think white land , brown land, yellow land , and black land is !

You seemed to have forgetten my question about that ?

I got the idea that you dont like people of different colour because you want them all to stay in their " own lands"
of course this is just speculation.
If that really is the case you are trying to make , where would that leave you ? are you native american ? if your ancestors are from europe and if you are white shouldnt you move to "white land" wherever the hell that is !

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by sapien82
reply to post by AngryOne

Ok I will certainly answer your question about whether I believe phenotypyes are our only physical differences , once you have answered my question of where you think white land , brown land, yellow land , and black land is !

You seemed to have forgetten my question about that ?

I got the idea that you dont like people of different colour because you want them all to stay in their " own lands"
of course this is just speculation.
If that really is the case you are trying to make , where would that leave you ? are you native american ? if your ancestors are from europe and if you are white shouldnt you move to "white land" wherever the hell that is !

HOW do you use multiple quotes when replying anyway? Dang.

Anyway, regarding racial territory, I'll admit that it could be difficult to determine just what is what; regardless, I stand by my belief that Europe should stay European (and Asia Asian, et cetera).

As for relocating, hell, sounds pretty good to me.

Good lord, I have got to get to sleep.....

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 04:45 AM
Ok, i know this thread is about many different aspects of religion, culture, colour, creed but just take a look at this latest report from the sun:

Now i'm not saying its true but i'm pretty sure it happens and what if it is true??? It's getting out of hand!!

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