posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by TheLieWeLive
you could be on to something here,i dont know anything about plum island, but wouldnt it be usefull to scare away would be imvestigators if there were
rumors of tick bourne lime disease and other animal to man pathogens being studied in this place?
wether or not some hybrid is responsible for the long island murders is another question.
i dont have any problem beleiving that there is an ongoing campaign in america and the west in general to instill fear and anxiety in the
population,look at all the recent mass shootings,prostitutes being targeted yet again and all the other low level nasty s*it being pumped out by the
media 24/7.
i dont watch any msm news at all,i noticed a long time ago it was having a negative effect on my mood and emotions ,it seems like every other week a
child is murdered for instance, and i genuinely beleive this is the intention.
having said that i think it would be disengenous to dismiss OP out of hand, for one thing does anyone really beleive any of the alphabet agencys are
beyond ignoring the international ban on human cloning?
what if these prostitutes were bused in to "service" someone or something created on plum island?
promised lots of money then killed out of hand,after all there is no way they would be trusted to keep their mouths shut.
I also dont think they would bother going to a lot of trouble to dispose of the bodys, these people would veiw the dead prostitutes as trash and not
give a second thought to their crimes ever being brought to light.
if the heat go
t too much how hard would it be for them to frame the first poor fu*ker brought in as a suspect?
i think we all know the answer to this.
edit on 13-8-2012 by erictcartman because: typo