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What everyone agrees about God

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posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by templar knight

Jesus loves us all!
Lets unite.
I pray for a post with only "good" replies.
God be with you.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by templar knight

Ok taking just 1 point, here's my angle.
God knows the present past and future.
From this i get there is no such thing as free will.
If God knows the end then how could that be free will?
Some will say "Yes but he still knows your choices and allows you to make them".
If that is the case he knows all up to and including what you finally did.
So what if, and it may sound terrible and blasphemous but go ahead and imagine with me.

We are God.
When God created the whatever out there, all living beings are a small piece of god.
After all being the only thing out there would be lonely, so.
God removed tiny pieces and made them all little living things.
This way God could experience all aspects of everything.
This means there is no such thing as sin, everything you do has already been set in stone by God.
Yes even Murder, Rape, Etc. all of the "bad" stuff.
Would God send himself to hell?
Torment himself for eternity?
Probably not, and I do not think God would create a soul knowing that he / she was damned to eternal torment for something he / she had no control over whatsoever, if God know all and sees all this would have to be the case.
So I imagine God has no personal need of time as he is forever or infinity.
With this in mind, when we die and go to "heaven" (I like to think of it as a temp agency) all of our loved ones whether dead or alive are there.
When we get to the temp agency we pick up our next assignment for the next life we go be whatever it is and when were done we come back to the office, everytime reporting our assignments, keeping ourselves (God) amused.
Just the way i like to rationalize it.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by PoopDawg

I disagree, if it is not the truth then it must be ...untruth.
If the bible is only a set of examples that could be, then i would call that an outright lie.
Just the way i see it.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by templar knight

We are God.

Or has i like to see it ..
(worth the read)
or heres a video version if you like to just watch..
but the audio drifts in and out a bit..

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by g146541

All we can do is speculate, there is alot of good points to both sides.
We arent meant to fully understand God. We never will.
Faith is the key word.
Have faith.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by PoopDawg
reply to post by g146541

Faith is the key word.
Have faith.

Do you wish to just have faith in god ?
or do you wish to know god ?
just asking to open your mind to possibility's

1. Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
2. Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

Adjective: Showing or suggesting that one has knowledge or awareness that is secret or known to only a few people.
Noun: The state of being aware or informed.

i dont have faith in god, i look to know him by seeing the creation around me and within me.

edit - Flag and star OP sorry forgot to do it earlier

edit on 13-4-2011 by sprocket2cog because: S&F

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by sprocket2cog

No audio probs for me, but yes!
Excellent video, the only other thing i would connect is the folks in this video are a part of god and vise versa.
Thank you excellent time spent.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by sprocket2cog

For having faith in God i will be rewarded.
My reward will be heaven and knowing God
better than anyone on this earth could ever dream of knowing him.
Thats enough for me.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by sprocket2cog

Faith and knowing, ok the only thing that i do know beyond the shadow of a doubt is i know nothing.
Especially compared to all of the things just on this earth, yet alone the other things out there beyond.
Therefore i have to rely on faith, but i think religions try to put God in a book.
To contain something as....immense (for lack of a better word) as God in a book or even a set of books would be foolhardy.
I have faith that God is not as bad as these books make him seem and that he would not allow living things to hurt without any way of avoiding it. (whether corporeal hurt or eternal damnation)
Remember God is all powerful, so he has to know how it will end.
And if I am wrong i would be satisfied with just knowing God, although we are all his / her / it's children therefore we are a part of God.
I still believe we are God, whether just a shadow of what God is or an active piece.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by PoopDawg

What of the damned souls who will never know God?
Why did God make a damned soul for the intent purpose of putting it into eternal damnation?
Remember, God knows all. Right?

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by g146541

Yes i agree, we are all made in the image of god to be part of him is to know him, even if its just to know just part of him. (that sounds like a tongue twister but its what i know)
Have you tried to open your mind to knowing god as you fall asleep or meditate ?
Clear your mind and tell yourself that you truly want to know god better. but just be clear of what you really want to know and that once you know it its hard to forget

and remember
EGO is a dirty word...
(Its been fun talking about this thanks everyone)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by sprocket2cog

Trying to actually know God in this form would most likely drive me over the edge as i have a hard enough time remembering where the keys are on my keyboard yet alone adding infinite knowledge.
I'll just skate on through and do what i can to be good.
We'll party later.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by g146541

the sad thing is nothing I do will grant someone else access into heaven.
As well as nothing done by you will keep me out of heaven.
I don't have the answers to every question,
God says not to question, so I don't.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by PoopDawg

That's where i could not grasp the religion things.
God is all powerful, this is a fact for anyone who believes in a God, otherwise my God is stronger than yours.
There is ony 1 God and people believe different things of God and God goes by many names.
Seeing is how God is all powerful, the best answer he can come up with is don't ask?
Although human logic, to God would probably be a spec in the well of knowledge.
It is the best i can come up with.
But, a God that could creat a soul for the intent purpose of it's eternal pain, is not a wise God.
I may be wrong, who knows.
But i do admire folks that follow the righteous path and do live a good life.
I just have to believe God knows all and sees all.
This is what causes my rift in between God and religions for me.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by g146541

I understand where you are coming from,
But in my opinion God doesnt want us to question
Him because God alone is impossible to understand.
And not being able to understand causes you to lose faith.
I'm not religious, but I am a christian.
Its just one of those things "dont ask just do it"
Our father knows best.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:17 PM
The title to this thread should be "What everyone WHO BELIEVES IN GOD agrees about God" or something to that effect.

Might be a newsflash to you, but not everyone believes in god. Ergo, not "everyone" agrees about anything about god.

Feel free to flame me if you want (I don't mind having toasty buns
) but not everyone believes what you believe.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 05:08 AM
The OP simply stumbled upon Epicurean philosophy naturally.

Epicurus realized that god is not real, and what he did was logically end the argument.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?”

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by templar knight

God is Omnipotentt;
- God made all the universe, stars, planets, animals and man

God is Omniscient
- God knows the present, the past and the future - everything is to His plan

God is Goodness
- God is and and good spirit
It is our nature that we will destroy forests, animals and ultimately the planet and my interpretation of a God knew this - but still set the wheels in motion for our own self destruction for His perverse pleasure.

Add a 4th:
God is the ultimate Judge

Our life on the world is nothing more than a test.

Are you a good spirit or an evil spirit?

We are sent here, and given free will to decide our actions.

It is NOT our nature that we will destroy forests, animals and ultimately the planet.
We have a symbiotic relationship with all the above.
It is some who with their free will, decide to be evil.
It is some weaker still, who decide with their free will, to follow the same path as those evil ones.
How many times do you hear peoples lame cop out excuse "well, they were doing it".

Most of those on ATS who see the truth about the crap going around us, if they think about it, just weant to see justice being done. equal rights and laws for all, both rich and poor among us.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by Tephra
The OP simply stumbled upon Epicurean philosophy naturally.

Epicurus realized that god is not real, and what he did was logically end the argument.

I beg to differ Epicurus did indeed ask that question but only as a paradoxical argument.

Epicurus didn’t deny the existence of gods. Instead, he stated that what gods there may be do not concern themselves with us, and thus would not seek to punish us either in this or any other life.

But yes i see how the OP was asking exactly what Epicurus argued. But it actually may have been someone else who came up with the argument as this was a common theme among the Greek skeptics. And Epicurus was most likely an Atheist.

Also in the early 1900's Alvin Plantinga came up with a rather compelling argument to this idea,
he states
"the existence of evil counts neither against God's omnipotence nor against His goodness, rather it is an error by the creature in their exercise of such freedom."

Besides if god is everything not just the good side, then surely as a matter of experience for the greater conscience it is in the interest of total understanding to create all possible permutations of reality as to better understand the whole...

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 06:54 AM
Just a thought, its all relative anyway.

If we had no "evil" in the world how would we define "goodness", things would just be what they were....static and dry.

For there to be motion, there has to be a reactionary opposite force, with anything. Can't have one without the...oother as the song goes..


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