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Can a work of art also be a magical act?

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posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by mistermonculous

I made myself cry remembering it. I was in my early 30's but it was no less emotional.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by coyotepoet
reply to post by mistermonculous

Also interesting to add to this, that the Rose is supposed to hold the highest vibration of the flower world.
edit on 22-4-2011 by coyotepoet because: (no reason given)

Funny you should mention that any student of the mysteries will tell you....the Rose holds very significant and esoteric meaning.

Also, let me give you another interesting tidbit of information on roses. For years I did neurological and scientific studies on "paranormal" phenomena involving "ghosts" and "spirits." These were studies that were very quietly supported by government and academia all over the world. We used hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment, oversight of many experts in their fields (electromagnetism, neurology, environmental science, astrophysics, etc...) along with very rigid scientific methodology. We had a very solid number of individuals who had recently lost a loved one in our studies. In the days following their loss, many of them reported the overwhelming and unusual smell of roses....even during the middle of winter.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 03:11 PM
I´ve experienced and heard from people of the scent of roses whenever some inorganic consciousness attunes to our material world.
very interesting that it is mentioned here and much more so that it is mentioned in conditions where reports of similar conditions have been reported, I´m positive they are not angels, but sometimes some people is greeted by "entities" that vibrate in a higher more positive state of being upon departure from this material state.

but hey who really knows what is going on in this mysterious Universe, where everything is possible and all is permitted, as long as one is willing to pay the price!


I would like to look at the finished piece.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 07:47 PM
The experiment is complete. The resulting painting:


The subject, day seven (no visible decay or clouding of the water):


The environmental oddities have been documented in this thread, however I would also like to share the psychological effects.

1. Overwhelming empathic response

2. An increase in the need to be kind

3. Frequent (and somewhat emasculating) tearing up due to bliss

4. Constant positive interactions with others, and a deep-seated sense of connection with strangers

5. Decrease in long-standing terror of death

Profound thanks to all who participated in this thread, and I would encourage everyone to explore the connection between art and magic. I have had an experience beyond my capacity for expression.

The painting is being given to the individual who commissioned the tower, gratis, of course.

edit on 23-4-2011 by mistermonculous because: Merg?

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 02:11 AM
Is art magic?

We have all heard of the occult arts and of magick craft, and similarly to arts and crafts they seek to cast forth into this plane of existance nominally called the physical world entities and forms from outside this realm.

Why has there been such fascination for the Mona Lisa? Not because Francois Premier of France, known for his most powerful of all royal symbols - the reptoid salamander - at his Amboise castle kept this gift from his court painter and military engineer Leonardo da Vinci near his bathtub and its humid splatterings, but because of la Giocconda's "other worldly" presence which still compels the public to awe when at the Louvre it is not one of their six official copies exhibited in its stead.

This does not mean that she was a being conjured up from elsewhere, who may mysteriously appear at the bus stop, but that it is a window into another place and/or a testimonial to a form of visitation which continues to intrigue us. Yet I had to quicky dispose of a beautiful transluscent mythological painting by rennaissance artist Francesco Albani portraying the furies unleashed against Orpheus whom they cast stones against in a rage of folly. Bringing this painting into my home brought on a tornado starting a series of cursed events the locals could only attribute to "the evil eye", prompting me to immediately dispose of the painting and likewise remove any photos or traces of its presence from my life.

Da Vinci is noted for his occult initiation, as is French Painter Nicholas Poussin whose mystical works are still not fully deciphered and who despite being rather ungifted at painting for much of his career, upon his arrival in Paris became initiated as a young man into "secret orders" to then go on to Rome to a successful career as an artist for his patrons Cardinal Barberini, Cardinal Rospigliosi later to become Pope Clement IX, and Cardinal Richelieu of fictional Three Musketeers fame. French poet, artist and cinematographer Jean Cocteau is himself rumored to have been Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, and there are countless other references to the occult in many of the arts, Beethoven and Mozart were sponsored by occult secret societies as can be learned in another posting made here from a few years back (yes, I forget where and when I posted that). And as others have said, sacred architecture is pervasive not only in temples and cathedrals but even in Israel's Supreme Court building.

Today much of art has been subverted for magick purposes, with mass culture being penetrated by occult lodges and the dark side projecting into innocent minds satanic lyrics to encourage demonic possession, atone destructured noise in lieu of music to lower our emotional spectrum, cinematographic apostolates of depraved ammorality far more dangererous than immoral deviance, worship of false values in consumer society and corporate inculture, trance enducement in mass sporting events by the gratuitous exaltation of lower impulses, vilification of the higher arts by soiling with feces, the cult of the hideous and irrelevant scorn of whatever is aloft, much of mass culture has become blasphemous of anything of beauty, relevance or attainment.

For this reason much of contemporary pseudo art is anchored in magick references, such as the grotesque and quite representative "happening" linked to in the OP's first post in a not so thinly disguised reverence to the master of darkness, in the rose used by the Knights of the Rose earlier yet but more recently referenced by the 17th century Rose Cross which was the only fragrance which could mask the unbearable Sulfurous Pungency of the Prince of Darkness whether in reptoid or demonic manifestation.

Your post is deeply embedded with the dark arts, whether you are entangled in a web of sycophantic botrhia and inattentive to its tendrils or a complacent adept unknowing of the consequences of the tacit pledge. For art is the front line in the battle for our souls, while few believe in the soul enough to protect theird, some right here in this dark place where we speak out, toil to endear themselves to the dark one.

Is magick the art of bringing forth demonic legions in helter skelter? Is it surrender to possession, the artist under a spell in the creative act? A passageway between orders of existence? The gangway suspended between ships roaming the uncharted abyss? The pretext for piracy of our aesthetic quests and search for meaning to the cynical chaos of havoc?

Art commands. It embodies its message, swallowing our eyes and thoughts, whispering backwards words to one who is other compelling to seek out its call. A failed spell or violent hex, a murmured incantation or the shrill outcry of summons, the initiation dance or the still after sacrifice - art is magick.

edit on 13-5-2011 by Getsmart because: luos ruoy ni ydaerla si tra !

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

My dear Getsmart,

Art is also an act of creation, a conduit to our creator.


No decay, no clouding, almost one month later.

Much love since.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 03:13 PM
Some two centuries ago, one of my favorite authors discovered what has since been called the "Stendhal syndrome" or "When art destroys its admirers". For he asked the question:

"Can one die of art ?"

Stendhal formulated this question after a trip to Florence during which he was afflicted by vertigo from seeing so many great works of art and beauty, thus revealing that art can be dangerous.

A psychiatrist specialized in this phenomenon, Graziella Magherini, confirmed that in the Florence hospital she had seen many cases of patients who had become ill from art. Their symptoms included vertigo, loss of their sense of identity, irregular heartbeat and for some the syndrome can lead to a full nervous breakdown.*

* Graziella Magherini, La sindrome di Stendhal, editore Ponte alle Grazie, 1996

This explains how art is far from strictly aesthetic or merely visual, and that exposure to it in large doses can become dangerous. One way to protect oneself from overexposure is by a technique I perfected as a youngster having visited so many museums my head would spin. One shuts out whatever doesn't speak to you in a compelling way, becoming impervious to lesser or inappropriate messages, instead rushing through room after room of paintings and sculptures until one finds just the right piece with which one wishes to commune, spending however long you wish to interacting with the work and its creator.

For art is a form of communion, a bonding with another soul, their innermost strivings, their loftiest aspirations. And just like one must carefully consider a book before reading it, as it involves not only a commitment of time and attention but the submission of one's imagination to the author's will, it is essential to extend the same precaution to the visual arts whereby one ensures that only essential works enter one's soul.

Is Art a message from heaven or hell, or rather isn't it how incarnated spirits communicate with one another in the most complete way outside of the abandonment of Love? And just as love is magic, isn't art spellbinding, secretly binding us to one another through its mysterious spell?


edit on 13-5-2011 by Getsmart because: art is to die for !

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 04:43 PM
i guarantee you've never heard this music before, just a little gift for ATS

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

Oh Good Lord!!
Here we go again.... Seeing bogeymen in every corner.

Getsmart, not everyone is out to get you (or the OP....although I think he knows that...). Not everything is a symbol of something nefarious. I kept fire salamanders and various snakes (both poisonous and non-poisonous) as dearly beloved pets as a child. No, I did not use them in any of my rituals. They were just pets... Nothing dark or satanic about an innocent child's pets!

Furthermore, every artist you named from Da Vinci to Beethoven studied hermetics and Rosicrucianism which initiates know to be highly spiritual and faithful to God...not Satan or anyone like him. I've known this since I was a child. If I could grasp these simple concepts as a preschooler, why can't you seem to grasp them as an adult? Oh, maybe because you are looking for some non-existent conspiracy in every act of nature, human thought, or action.

Lastly, magick is as much a part of natural and universal law as any other human action or will. It is the intent in its use that separates "good" from "evil." Everything in the universe exists as God's will; therefore nothing is inherently "evil." Everything serves a purpose...even Satan and his minions. "Good" and "Evil" are simply opposite ends of the same scale...of the same vital piece of nature. There is nothing wrong with the OP experimenting with natural law to understand how it works.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

The central lesson to be gleaned from the events documented in this thread is that my direct, and extremely unpleasant encounter with evil confirmed for me the existence of good. This, in turn, has lead me to direct experiential contact with the Creator, and has flooded my life with love from all quarters.

I agree entirely with CIAGypsy's assessment of "magic". Like technology, it is a neutral principle, and is likewise often misapplied.
edit on 13-5-2011 by mistermonculous because: floob.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 10:21 AM
I just want to say thank you and everyone else for this thread. I teared up myself after reading the accounts of lost grandmothers and seeing the paintings. I lost my grandfather at age 9 and still miss him dearly. Once I gather my thoughts I'll post another response, but I am so happy for the OP and his new found experiences.

I guess I will end with a short story pertaining to roses. My dad always bought my mom flowers, when I was born he bought her a rose bush and they planted it outside the front of our house. They named it after me and called it the X-Rose (my nickname being the X). Every year it bloomed the most beautiful, enormous blood-red flowers and smelled intoxicating-ly sweet. As I grew and became more aware my mother told me the story of the rose. Since I passed by the bush every day in and out of the house I took notice of its patterns... It seemed to bloom when I was happy and wilt when I was upset. Good weeks meant at least a dozen vibrant blooms, while sickness the leaves would shrivel and the flowers would remain small. It even seemed to die completely when I was depressed (this lasted over a year) but it still came back when I was in renewed strength and composure.

Later in life my dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer and passed away after a horrible, short battle. The ALWAYS blood-red bright, fragrant flowers turned black the morning he died. The new buds bloomed black-red roses that had no scent and the stalks had more thorns than ever... I have never seen this happen in my entire life up to that point. My father and I did not get along, but I tried my best to forgive before he left this plane. After the mourning period... the roses changed again, this time with bright red centers with black outer petals. My mother even noticed these changes...

We moved shortly after this... It was so painful at the time, we left the bush behind...

Wow, I will definitely finish this later. Rehashing all these memories is becoming very intense right now.
Have a wonderful day.
edit on 14-5-2011 by donatellanator because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by donatellanator

That's an absolutely amazing account. Thank you very much for sharing.

I find it quite wonderful that sharing our stories about our loved ones has produced such powerful empathic responses. We're all strangers, and our meetings are text-based. And yet I have a very powerful sense that we aren't strangers at all.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by mistermonculous
reply to post by donatellanator

That's an absolutely amazing account. Thank you very much for sharing.

I find it quite wonderful that sharing our stories about our loved ones has produced such powerful empathic responses. We're all strangers, and our meetings are text-based. And yet I have a very powerful sense that we aren't strangers at all.

I think many people share similar experiences or vague feelings that have left a "mark on their heart". I didn't seek your thread out, but did find it.

I do agree though, with focused intent so much is possible. Keep love in your heart always and good will surely find you.

For some reason I'm being drawn to paste this excerpt from a book, I'm going to go with it:

'While I was struggling with
silence, I simultaneously had to struggle with speech. To the same extent that
I have mastered silence, I have also mastered speech. This is because silence
means not talking, and talking means not keeping silent. I wasn't able to
separate these two things. I've discovered that silence and speech are two
different sides of the same unit, like the two sides of a coin.'
'Right,' says Ptahhotep. Then he gets up and leads me to one of the great
white stone blocks of which the walls of the room are made. Pointing to the
smooth, white surface of the stone, he asks, 'What do you see on this white
'Nothing,' I reply.
'And what could I draw on it?'
'Now,' says Ptahhotep, This Nothing therefore contains Everything. In this
condition both together form a perfect unity. Within this unity something can
only become recognizable if it becomes separate and distinct from unity.
'Now watch as I draw, with green paint, the form of a leaf on this surface.
The form of the leaf was already there on this stone surface before I drew it,
but you weren't able to recognize it, because the positive form of the leaf and
the negative nature of the background were still at rest within each other.
They were completely identical. The form of the leaf was not yet separated
from the Everything that is contained in this Nothing. When the leaf
appeared on the wall, it became separated from the Everything, and therefore recognizable.'

'And remember something very important: the fact that this leaf appears in
green colour means that it has left behind in the Everything its form in the
complementary colour, in this case red, as its invisible, negative picture.
Whatever you see as you look about you is only recognizable because it has
separated itself from its complementary half and the latter has remained
behind in the invisible, unmanifested state.
'You can achieve knowledge only through comparing the two sides, positive
and negative, which have become separated from each other. As long as these
two sides are together, resting in each other, you can't perceive or recognize
'Observe the visible world. It is only recognizable because it has separated
itself from the unity in which the Nothing and the Everything are still at rest
within each other. In other words, it has separated itself from the absolute
unity we call God. The things in the world about us are only recognizable
because the positive appears separately from the negative and we can
compare the two together. There can be no perception unless unity is split
into two halves—one of them manifested and the other, its reflection and
complementary half, unmanifested —so that both become recognizable
through comparison!

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by mistermonculous

Riveting story well told. Of course, I believe in these things. So your cat noticed first. It's good that you got rid of that Dark Tower, and were able to open up to God.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by coyotepoet
reply to post by mistermonculous
... The dozen roses on the bedstand, which were fresh from the day before, were all literally bowing their heads. They weren't wilted but they weren't standing at attention either. A powerful experience to say the least, especially since I could sense her shrinking from this world and growing in the next.

Also interesting to add to this, that the Rose is supposed to hold the highest vibration of the flower world.

Rose water & pure Rose essential oil is held in very high esteem by Sufi healers. Believed to cure almost anything.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by mistermonculous
The experiment is complete. The resulting painting:


The subject, day seven (no visible decay or clouding of the water):


The environmental oddities have been documented in this thread, however I would also like to share the psychological effects.

1. Overwhelming empathic response

2. An increase in the need to be kind

3. Frequent (and somewhat emasculating) tearing up due to bliss

4. Constant positive interactions with others, and a deep-seated sense of connection with strangers

5. Decrease in long-standing terror of death

Profound thanks to all who participated in this thread, and I would encourage everyone to explore the connection between art and magic. I have had an experience beyond my capacity for expression.

The painting is being given to the individual who commissioned the tower, gratis, of course.

Beautiful rose painting. Your experience with this rose reminds me of a story that Lois Bourne (English witch and author of "Witch Amongst Us") told. She met the late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi decades ago when he came to England. He handed her a rose which she took home & placed in water. It lasted for a month before it showed any signs of decay.

Your psychological signs sound like a wonderful opening of the heart. Thank you for sharing.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by AuranVector

Thanks A.V. As always, the level of scholarship you bring to the table is fantastic.

I did a bit of research to see if I could find info that might account for the arrested decomposition. Nothing turned up, if anything, the fact that the rose is immersed in untreated tap water should have ensured advanced decay by the end of week one.

Yet, there it is, fading slowly from gold to white, but otherwise entirely intact.

edit on 23-5-2011 by mistermonculous because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by mistermonculous
reply to post by AuranVector

Thanks A.V. As always, the level of scholarship you bring to the table is fantastic.

I did a bit of research to see if I could find info that might account for the arrested decomposition. Nothing turned up, if anything, the fact that the rose is immersed in untreated tap water should have ensured advanced decay by the end of week one.

Yet, there it is, fading slowly from gold to white, but otherwise entirely intact.

edit on 23-5-2011 by mistermonculous because: (no reason given)

Your incorruptible rose reminded me of the Lois Bourne story, but I remembered her story incorrectly. (My only defense is that I read her book a very long time ago [almost 20 years ago]).

Actually her story is even more fantastic than what I remembered:

"At the end of the meeting, as he (Maharishi MY) moved towards the door, there was a rush of people towards his vicinity, and as I was at the front. I was pushed towards him. He stopped in front of me and smiled, and to my delight handed me a bunch of sweet peas. As he passed them to me, his hand briefly brushed against mine, and I felt a distinct sensation like a mild electric shock shoot up my arm." (Page 30 of "Witch Amongst Us")

"I kept the flowers in water in my home, and at the end of THREE MONTHS they were still as fresh as the day he gave them to me. I finally pressed them."

Sweet peas are even more fragile & perishable than roses. (I'm surprised I did not remember this detail because sweet peas have a personal significance to me -- they're my birth flower.)

But three months of unearthly freshness?

Maybe I mis-remembered, just so I would be prompted to share this story here.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by mistermonculous

reply to post by mistermonculous

I have no doubt that art can be an act of magic .Magic and art are both created with powerful focus and intent, both can have profound effect and I would see art as a natural vehicle for magic. Using magical principles in the creation of art is not an unknown practice and you inadvertantly appear to have worked some powerful, if unfortunately dark, magic into your artwork. Your post is very interesting, and sounded like a very unerving experience for you. Thankyou for sharing it.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 10:27 AM
LAST REVELATIONS :2 UNKNOWN POUSSIN PAINTINGS are the key of Poussin secret and Rennes le Chateau mystery

AlL these discoverings are on this site and it's fabulous. I know this site will be soon in english

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