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New Video 12/04/11 from French guy in Japan..Prepare !

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posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:16 AM
Well following this post some weeks ago.. the following video has surfaced on the tube with more info. Whats your take on it?

edit on 13/4/11 by kassych because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:18 AM
Video link isn't working. Fixed. Thanks
edit on 13-4-2011 by Bonified Ween because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by kassych

How 'bout a quick summary for those cubical rats without YouTube access?

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:38 AM
Gosh! Very dramatic and emotional, but no new news.

We are in the sh1t and lots of us will die. OK, we knew that already.

Don't have nughtmares people.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:42 AM
ok i will admit i have a macabre and maybe inappropriate take on this fellow...and i do relize the extrodinary disaster and the massive loss of life in japan. this french guy though, reminds me of kevin kline in the movie "french kiss" . i have already seen a couple of clips of this guy, and you can tell the pain he has for the people that have suffered from this tragedy. i always thought kevin kline went alittle overboard with his portrayal of a frenchman, but not now.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:45 AM
True..he has emotion all over his face (anger too) and this is like knowing the facts and being denied them in plain sight..if the radiation is going to affect other countries..being a level 7.. what are the odds of China or even parts of the U.S being affected?

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:48 AM
Just watched the whole video. It's on dutchsinse's channel, but the guy in the video is a French ex-patriot living in Japan (YouTube user name = playbacklapompe). I watched a video from him last month, probably the one the OP mentioned.

In last month's video, he was visibly angry at the Japanese Gov't and the media for not releasing enough information about the situation at Fukushima, telling us the situation was much worse than was being reported.

In this video, he looks tired, worn out, and more worried than angry. He discusses the raise from Level 5 to Level 7, basically saying that last week, this was still a Level 5, then today, they raised the Level 2 points to the highest level possible, and that Fukushima will kill people.

That's basically it, 12 minutes of a scared man telling people that now is a perfect time to worry. Take a look around 7:00 - 7:30, here he mentions Level 7, saying "this means what it means... it means we are in deep s#!^"

Couldn't have said it better myself.
edit on 13-4-2011 by jhnsmth because: I used the word basically twice in the same sentence..... Couldn't live with myself if I let them both stay there.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by posterboy

He's talking about how Fukushima is a level 7 now (and could possibly be 8 or 9 if the scale went beyond 7) and that millions all around the world are going to suffer because of this (one of the plants has plutonium ffs). It's definitely not only Japan's [serious] problem. You really need to see the video though to grasp the emotion because unfortunately I can't really convey that well - it's pretty unbearable to watch.

Picture a vacuum of death and hopelessness. That's what the video reminds me of, sadly. It's like he's just waiting to die now.
edit on 13/4/11 by AdamsMurmur because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:12 AM
I'm afraid to say this aint over by a long shot. Almost 2 thousand earthquakes & aftershocks since the big one in Japan, I can't even imagine how much damage under the sea bed and ground of Japan there is and I still think a bigger one is not too far off to finish Japan. Worst senario, much of Japan sinks destroying all of the Pacific and everything that lives in it and larger plumes of radiation affecting more countries on a far bigger scale. I think thats now not too far off.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by kassych

Please be clear about something important:

He is correct and possibly "x" times how many reactors are melting down (right now I am (just for my info) sure it is two that are at "7' after talking to some friends who would know).

HOWEVER, you and others need not die or fall ill. I grew up around radiation testing before they knew what it did.. I am still here.

There are options in protocols for radiation removal from the body.

Please research Young Living Oil Cleanse ( herbal oil radiation cleanse) or (any oils cleared for ingestion to cleanse). Young is perfection but pricey.

Hulda Regher Clark and herbal/ toxin cleanse ( I survived cancer because of her program)

Homeopathic cleanse with diet and toxin cleanse.

Gershon cleanse (do not know much about this but a friend was sent home with six months and survived breast cancer with this program)

Accupuncture and minerals (I have lupus but am antigen free and have normal panels because of this protocol)

Also, there is an amazing guy who saved a entire village with minerals, I have heard great things about. I am looking into him as well.

I have had to deal with cancer more than once...the issue becomes the toxin (radiation) in the body, the attraction of parasites, the creation of tumors (to protect the body from the toxin) and the ultimate shutdown of the immune system because the buildup of the radiation overwhelms the body.

Because of Fukushima, these protocols may become our way of life and the way of life for many generations to come.

I am not defending the decision of world governments not addressing to all what is clearly a serious world health issue. But can we again be surprised about the" ostrich head in the sand" from them? We cannot! Their argument stands as always. "Why panic a populace when there is nothing we can do for them or will not do for them?" I have had doctors speak to me off the record, it's all b*sh*t. You all can do this. We can save our own lives.

We are on our own..we must take care of each other.

Please immediately begin your research and incorporate into your life daily regimens radiation clearing minerals, or oils or homeopathics or whatever you feel is necessary to maintain a radiation free body. Please also pass this information around with your own experience added if you feel this is valid.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by angelchanneller

What are the radiation clearing minerals? I know Vitamin D plays a part but since you tried and tested these minerals, you could perhaps tell us because of your own experience with these?

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Yes, yes I am working on this...I agree with you but from what I know it cannot just be Vit D. The minerals I took were a mix and it was like chemo. I was so ill I cannot tell you. But they worked.

Then I learned about some that did not make you so sick and their doctor's corroborated the same results as mine.

So just give me a bit and I will get back to this thread.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Famous Link on Minerals

Another Famous Link on Minerals

As I share these with you...caveat emptor...I have not tried these, friends have. The first link was and has been recommended to me by many. Why do I shy I said my first mineral cleanse was of chemo level harshness. I will get back to it again.

The aerospace engineer (second url) really had the data and he got nicked just like Hulda Regher Clark. She was chased around the globe by the pharmas as well. In fact, when I found her program, she was arrested and serving time in a Mexican jail for healing terminal cancer patients. And I am one of them! The aerospace guy had to avoid all countries with heavy pharma influence. More of the same b*llsh*t. Nonetheless, study, know your body and move forward.

You must find what is BEST for your body.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Some more good to very good info, in particular and ironically, how Japan got through and lived through Nagasaki and Hiroshima...Seaweed and its micro minerals...the key to the cleanse!

This is a very important read!

Know nothing about this, but every body is different, may work for someone.

Radiation Self Care

There we are and lets share when we see in new research...oh...speaking of:

Could have a high BS factor, but...

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 03:46 PM
Unbelievable how those who are responsible for this crime against the entire Earth can walk free and not have to answer for their crimes. I find it ironic how here in Canada you can be charged and found criminally liable if you don't shovel your snow and someone slips in it but when a Nuclear power plant has a broken seal and 73,000 liters of "demineralized water" gets into Lake Ontario it's as if it's not THAT big of a deal.

It is this kind of BS that I posted above which leads me to believe that TPTB truly and honestly don't give a spec of thought to the every day citizen and why our "cries" aka protests ALWAYS go unheard. It is because of this that I KNOW violence will be the only solution
edit on 13-4-2011 by Nastradamus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
I'm afraid to say this aint over by a long shot. Almost 2 thousand earthquakes & aftershocks since the big one in Japan, I can't even imagine how much damage under the sea bed and ground of Japan there is and I still think a bigger one is not too far off to finish Japan. Worst senario, much of Japan sinks destroying all of the Pacific and everything that lives in it and larger plumes of radiation affecting more countries on a far bigger scale. I think thats now not too far off.

What makes you think this? I`ve seen several people say things like this lately. Could the whole of Japan realistically sink into the Pacific?

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 04:20 PM
And i thought i had problems!,This dude is stressed and rightly so.I think from his last vid he mentioned he had children ,and people may ask' well why dont you leave?'.Maybe he has no where to go or no cash .bad situation

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 04:27 PM
SORRY but he reminds me of him

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Gloster
SORRY but he reminds me of him

lol. I have to admit the original video was painful to watch, kept trying to find a fork to stick in my eye to stay awake. Guy needs a lesson on getting to the point in under 7 minutes. Sounds like a rehash of what we already know and fear, yah its a crap situation and isn't going to get any better from the looks of things, tell me something we don't know.

edit on 13-4-2011 by brill because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 02:04 AM
I don't know...I did see his first video. I was not particularly impressed.

One of the things that has happened since the crisis is that anyone who happens to be physically in Japan with a computer suddenly has gained a lot more online credibility and attention. I found this out in a not-entirely-pleasant way when I started to post updates on ATS from Tokyo right after the quake. Suddenly I had a lot more attention (not all of it positive) than I was used to getting on ATS. The same must be true of this guy, on an even bigger scale -- I've seen his stuff linked to on other fringe sites, jeff rense, doom blogs, etc...he's "making the rounds" for sure.

When you get that kind of web attention suddenly and you aren't necessarily prepared for it, weird things can happen...perhaps he likes his taste of minor-league fame and needs to whip up more doom-fears to stay in the limelight (such as it is) for whatever personal attenion-seeking reasons he might have as an individual...but when you come right down to it, does he provide hard numbers for his contentions? Does he have evidence? Does he rebut evidence? I'm asking because I've seen a string of these weepy/rambling expat youtube clips and they all just seem to be non-qualified private individuals expressing their inner anxieties but not bringing any hard evidence to the table. I am not a "debunker" or "denier," I accept the possibility of doom and take it seriously, but must...have...more...evidence!

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