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Post Your ChemTrail Pictures Here!

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posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 02:26 PM
Not seen any chemtrails in this thread, they all look like normal contrails to me ..... here's some more





If anyone could post a picture of a definite chemtrail for comparison, it'd be useful

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by hotbakedtater

tater, I am confused.

Why did you post about five photos of normal cirrus clouds, and title the thread "ChemTrail Pictures"???

You are aware that there are NO SUCH THING as "chem"-trails, correct?

WeedW..............this isn't a debate and yes you've always been confused about that fact & the truth .. it SAYS.. post your CHEMTRAILS pics HERE...........the debate of CHEMTRAILS IS ------------------------->THAT WAY to the other forums..

GOT IT ..? so IF you have any pictures of CHEMTRAILS, fine post them ~!!

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

I use the term chemtrails because most posters here will understand what I am talking about, and it is the name of the forum as well. I have to take back what I said, I do have one speculation, and that comes because I notice the sun gets hazed out by these trails a lot of days, and wonder/speculate if it is not weather modding. Forgot to add, a lot of times, really almost every time a heavy trail day comes, not a day or later here comes the rain. You can predict rain from the lingering trails!
edit on Wed, 13 Apr 2011 23:56:22 -0500 by hotbakedtater because: (no reason given)

Star &Flag for ya~! And yes, it's a pattern, rain WILL ALWAYS follow chemtrails, ALWAYS within 1-3 days after trailing. So it serves multiple purposes;

~keeps the temperature down more so the the electric/oil company (those still on electric & oil heat) will get a few more $$$
~Since the solar panel industry is booming and the solar technology is getting better and better in that, the panels now don't need as much sunlight to create energy, the chemtrails are covering up our MOST natural energy resource~Sunlight. Thx to the Oil companies... again.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by kn0wh0w
can i post a vid as well?

i need some help then!

last year i've tried to make a thread about my vid, but no one had the curtesy to tell me how to upload it to somewhere...
maybe my luck has changed.

it's a video of a MASSIVE contrail/chemtrail and a passenger jet flying by leaving a contrail that dissapates allmost immdiately.

i know there is debate that those planes might be flying at different alltitudes etc.
but i'd like for ATS to have a look.

so please tell me how to upload a vid!!

Here's a excellent ATS media guide on posting pics and such; however I'm not sure if ATS allows for members to store video on their server because of the storage space, that I've noticed. So... with that being said..

you'll have to post it up to YouTube and then embed the video back to this thread.

hope this helps, maybe some other members that are more knowledgeable if ATS allows it's members to store video files on their site can help you out more..

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by Komodo

This thread would be empty, because there are no such thing as "chemtrails". What are shown are contrails, clouds, and a completely lack of understanding about the science involved. For them to be "chemtrails", you would have to show there is a chemical involved. As I've never seen pictures of a trail being tested, you can't do it. It's like saying a thread is only for pictures of fairies. Excluding the chance for people to explain what the pictures show, and why the pictures are most likely NOT "chemtrails" is to embrace both ignorance and censorship.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Komodo

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

I Forgot to add, a lot of times, really almost every time a heavy trail day comes, not a day or later here comes the rain. You can predict rain from the lingering trails!

Star &Flag for ya~! And yes, it's a pattern, rain WILL ALWAYS follow chemtrails, ALWAYS within 1-3 days after trailing.

Because contrails form when conditions are ripe for cirrus, and cirrus is often the advance indication of an oncoming front - this is not news - google "cirrus cloud predicts rain"...

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Komodo

Oh, OK....I am so stoopid.......

WeedW..............this isn't a debate and yes you've always been confused about that fact & the truth .. it SAYS.. post your CHEMTRAILS pics HERE....

Here are MY "chem"-trail pics:

Photo #1:


Photo #2:


Photo #3:


Oh. wait.....that's right.....CHEMTRAILS ARE A MYTH!!!!!

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 07:36 PM


posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by Stewie

post removed by staff

Because, I stated a FACT.

I am suffering from a terrible Internet connection, atm.....trying to upload photos to my ATS Video, and getting a connection error....... Grrrrr!

edit on Thu Apr 14 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul

If you want to know more about contails and how they work then Contrail Science is worth a look - it also "debunks" a lot of chemtrail myths, and many (all?) "believers" routinely

Perhaps you should also know that Contrail Science recieves their funding from NASA..........not really an unbiased source.

I have asked you before, and I do not recall your answer,do you have any links that are not govt. backed??
would be very interested in seeing those.


posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

You have no life.
Oh! That statement is rude!
But you spam the threads daily and get away with it.
Copy and paste for your collection.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by ParkerCramer

Huh?? This is laughable:

Perhaps you should also know that Contrail Science recieves their funding from NASA....

Really. It is beyond ridiculous. AND, you know this, don't you? Is it not true that you just made this allegation up, out of thin air? Because, IF you had a source, you would have provided it. (NOT just an "opinion", that won't suffice).

In any event.....just HOW does NASA figure in to this paranoid delusion of "chem"-trails, anyway???

THAT is a true puzzler.......Or, is it just a favorite whipping, boy, NASA?

edit on 14 April 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by ParkerCramer

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul

If you want to know more about contails and how they work then Contrail Science is worth a look - it also "debunks" a lot of chemtrail myths, and many (all?) "believers" routinely

Perhaps you should also know that Contrail Science recieves their funding from NASA..........not really an unbiased source.

Perhaps we should - so how do you know that??

I have asked you before, and I do not recall your answer,do you have any links that are not govt. backed??
would be very interested in seeing those.

do you have any links showing credible evidence that chemtrails exist at all? whether govt backed or not??

Do you drive on raods paid for by taxes the gubmint has spent? do you fly in a/c that are directed by gubmint air traffic controlers? If you are in the USA does your bank have connections to the Fed reserve?? Can we trust you since you have all those gubmint connections??

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by Stewie

Ahhhh....finally got a better connection and access to ATS Media uploads (MY end was the prob. NOT ATS!!)., these are what will be valid considerations of actual "Chemtrail" Pictures, with source included:


(Source?? Well, a volcano. Sorry, I didn't think to label the pic, from where I found it online, to name the exact volcano. Doesn't really matter, anyway....).

Picture #2:


(Same comments....)

Picture #3 (As viewed from a pilot's perspective):

Those, just representative examples of actual sources of real "chemtrails" the sense of any real, actual impact on the Earth's global "climate" (even if only locally, in most instances). Although, some historical records have note of wide-spread, but still temporary, climactic changes from very, very large volcanic eruptions....even far, far from the source.

In any case, even those MASSIVE spews of material, from the Earth, and Mother Nature herself....have had minimal effects, overall. Anyone who cares may certainly research to discover the sorts of amounts estimated, per eruption. and, THEN...try to calculate just how humans could, with our limited technology, attempt to match it in scale and scope......

A photo of the actual material, in the atmosphere. Gee.....where is it?? Actually, the sorts of contamination, the ash, the other chemicals that are "supposed" to be in the "chem"-trails (the MYTH) as part of "geoengineering" are really invisible, to the Human the visible light spectrum. In fact, when the Sun is up, and there are no clouds....the contribution of these gases tend to make the sky a more brilliant BLUE! "Rayleigh scattering" is a term to look up, if you were unaware.

Of course, at low Sun angles, the light is refracted differently....and the effect of Rayleigh occurs in more pronounced ways (just as it does anyway, at sunrise/sunset)....just, more vividly, because of the presence of the (unseen, visibly) material from the volcanic eruptions. (And, STILL no visible "chem"-trails!):


edit on 14 April 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I can do better that that

This is what stratospheric clouds really look like - in this case ash and other aerosols thrust into the atmosphere by the Sarychev eruption in Siberia in 2009, as seen in England some days later:



Clouds at that height are only visible around sunrise or sunset - I've adjusted the concrast to make them stand out a bit more, unless you're specifically looking for them, you wouldn't have noticed them at the time.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:29 AM
Essan I love your pictues! Thank you for sharing them with us.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

To play this game you want to play weed, I have to disable my legs so that I cannot walk away from a computer monitor. I must disable my brain, so that I must post photographs of nonsense. But, alas, I don't want to play games.
YOU, apparently like this game. I must wonder if you have legs, or a brain.

HERE, is an example of a chemtrail.

There are many others. In fact, you may have the ability to take those, though I admit, I cannot yet give you that credit. So, get out of your wheelchair, use your brain, and take some pictures of chemtrails if you desire to post them. Just stop jerking us off for your own pleasure.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by Stewie


HERE, is an example of a chemtrail.

The image that followed that quoted portion, from you post (folks may feel free to scroll up, and view for themselves) is merely a NORMAL JET CONTRAIL.

It was laid by a jet's is a lot of tiny ice crystals, suspended in the stratosphere....JUST LIKE A CIRRUS CLOUD....and, in every case, the atmosphere will alter the appearance....sometimes, if the winds are light, or calm....VERY little change.

OR....if the winds are high, and there is shearing happening....(AIR is, you CANNOT 'see' the winds.....the air, right?? ONLY what it affects, as it blows....).

Air and wind and atmospheric currents WILL affect contrails, after they have formed. AND cirrus clouds. AND cumulus clouds. AND stratus clouds....EVERYTHING is affected by the atmosphere, and the winds!!!!!


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