posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 11:16 AM
I guess my whole point is why aren't the Republicans going after his lack of a long-form birth certificate like a pack of wild dogs? I challenge you
to show me an official document that lists the hospital and doctor. You can't do it because it hasn't been released or it doesn't exist. Trump
believes he's hiding something, but almost all the other Republicans are sweeping the issue under the rug. Why? If the GOP all stood united and
demanded proof once and for all - or face Congressional investigations and subpoenas - they could easily force his hand and end this divisive issue.
It's certainly not healthy when half the country believes the POTUS could be a usurper. What kind of message is that sending to the rest of the world
and to our enemies?
So, why hasn't the GOP gone after him? Are they spineless and afraid of being labeled "racists"? Are they afraid it's a trap and that he will
release it at the last minute and make them look stupid? Perhaps they're all in on it and a deal was struck not to go after him on the issue? Daryl
Issa and the GOP controlled House has the power to bring forth Congressional investigations and issue subpoenas for the eligibility issues. Same goes
for invading Libya without the consent of Congress, which alone could be an impeachable offense. Yet, he gets a pass on everything. Why?
Not to mention that his place of birth is totally irrelevant: from my understanding, you can't be a "natural born citizen" if your father was born
in another country and your mother was too young to confer NBC citizenship. Both parents at the time of birth have to be US Citizens. If not, then the
child is the nationality of the father, and in this case Kenya was under British rule.
To muddy the waters even more, you have the adoption and passport issues, lack of school records of any kind, social security anomalies, and an
endless list of other questions. Yet, there is not one single peep about any of these things from any of the GOP's major players. Note even Trump has
touched on any of the other questions. Why is that? It all makes sense if either they are all in on it, or Obama is a Republican operative.