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If you were drafted into World War III, would you fight?

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posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Griffo
reply to post by Holly N.R.A.

"What if there was a war, and nobody came."

Well the other side would win.

That's why it's important that when you have a war, you should get out notice and advertise it enough so that everybody knows specifically which country is fighting which other country (none of this vague "war on terror" nonsense), where the war will be, when it's going to start, and maybe give them a rough idea what it's about -- oil, freedom, revenge, ethnic cleansing, trade routes, ancient homeland, etc. That way, everybody will have a chance to get there on time with the proper weapons.

From what I've seen over the years, when there's a war, somebody always shows up.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by nightbringr
Well, since i dont believe in the whole "TPTB" thing, i would fight if my country was being invaded by a foreign, hostile force.

I would rather die than live as a slave.


It already has been.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

I'd go and then I would shoot every comanding officer and tell my fellow soldiers we will not murder INNOCENT people, commanding officers are casualties of war, they ARE NOT innocent people. Then I would hunt down the heads of ALL major corporations and do the same. The insanity must stop.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:04 PM
I'd like to say no, but it's quite a difficult question to answer definitively. It's easy to yes or no at this point, but if it actually happened it wouldn't be such a straight cut answer like some of you guys are posting.

If the war was about something stupid like oil or some pointless argument between our 'leaders' then I would probably not fight.

If the war was about some total maniac who wanted to wipe out my home country or something, then I'd probably say yes... although I can't be certain...

At the end of the day, I think I would rather die by my partner and family members side than in some foreign country tousands of miles away. It would be hard to see friends go to war and probably never come back, but I don't think I could do it. To those that would call me a coward, have fun dying in some ditch, I'll die in my loved ones arms.

You would think humanity would have learnt some sort of lesson after WWI and WWII, so you would expect any future wars would not get to the point of conscription.
Plus the fact of the matter is countries now have rediculously powerful weapons. I don't think a war could ever get so intense that conscription was required as we would have probably destroyed the planet by then.
Sometimes I really think that depopulation of the planet is the only way to solve all of our problems... which is a depressing thought.
edit on 14-4-2011 by Noviz because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-4-2011 by Noviz because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:06 PM
Bless these young Thundercats, and their fiery patriotic spirit!

Being above the age limit does have its benefits and blessings.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:07 PM
I've read every reply in this thread to this point. Now I can see how easy it is for the world's ruling elite to whip the masses up into a frenzy of war. The good news is that many of you can see through all the BS and that gives some hope.

The problems of the world would be solved if each and every person would have some compassion, consideration and respect for his fellow man. Consider for a moment that your brothers and sisters are human beings just as yourself. If the Human race would just grow up we might, just might, be able to live in paradise on earth.
edit on 14-4-2011 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:10 PM
They wouldn't draft me with my gimpy leg. I tried years ago to serve my country and was sent packing on a medical discharge based on something they knew about prior to my entry. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't defend my country. While I couldn't go overseas, I would certainly fight to defend my country from invasion, just like I would hope any one would. I choose to join the military knowing full well I would end up fighting a war I most likely would not agree with, and while I am not the most patriotic person, I made my peace with that. So I guess my answer is, it depends on the situation.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
Yes I would. If the enemy was legit.

I probably would just go sniper though. Considering it's the only thing I'm good at.

I'm not saying you have no experience of shooting, but this isn't some First Person Shooter... To paraphrse PurePwnage, There is no respawn in RL...

Plus you can't forget that in times of conscription you don't really get a choice of what you do. They will probably just give you a gun, show you how to shoot it and send you off to war.

I just love how some people are saying straight Yes or No answers... how can you be so sure of yourselves? I know it's probably just a keyboard warrior mentality, but I doubt you would say Yes so surely if it happened.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by MegaMind
I've read every reply in this thread to this point. Now I can see how easy it is for the world's ruling elite to whip the masses up into a frenzy of war. The good news is that many of you can see through all the BS and that gives some hope.

The problems of the world would be solved if each and every person would have some compassion, consideration and respect for his fellow man. Consider for a moment that your brothers and sisters are human beings just as yourself. If the Human race would just grow up we might, just might, be able to live in paradise on earth.
edit on 14-4-2011 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

Human beings are anti-social by nature. By the polling of this thread alone you can bet your bananas that the ones who want war are the young ones, controlled by the music they listen to, the tv & video they watch, the *videos games that they play and the food they consume...hell it is evident even in their social lives when they go out "clubbin" it is a violent event!

Whatever the circumstances they are the "primary target group" for a reason.
edit on 14-4-2011 by maestromason because: *forgot video games

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:18 PM
Does anyone else it's kind of pathetic that a country has to FORCE it's citizens to fight for it's cause? I mean, it doesn't say to much for this apparent "free country" ..
There's no way you should fight for anybody other than yourself & your family. I don't know of anyone else who deserves my life.

Plus, $1,000,000 to the man who show me a war not motivated by political or economic means in some way.
If you want to fight, more power to ya. If you don't, who's place is it to say you HAVE to?

Again, back to an earlier quote;

"What if there was a war,
and nobody showed up?"
edit on 14-4-2011 by WilhelmFink because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by believer74

It would be interesting to see if you were so happy to go to war after you had been in one.
Atleast you are honest though...

I really hate people who join the army and then seem shocked when they are sent to war. There was a lot of that when the all this war on terror started. If you join the army, atleast know that you may go to war and may die lol.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by Noviz

I've over age but that won't stop me on the condition I fight on my own soil against coming invaders.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:26 PM
will not fight WW3 only will fight if theyres a revolution POWER TO THE PEOPLE


posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

I would never shoot at anyone by command.

My granddad was drafted in WW2 Soviet forces. He jumped off the train at one of the stops. He pretended he is looking for a soup they were told they will get and jumped on the train which was traveling back.

He also told me, that if he would have jumped off the train while it was moving, he would be shot at by military personnel. This is what happened to his fellows who jumped off the train at night.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:32 PM
I wonder if the video gaming industry gets funding from the Military interest groups?


Cyberfighting via remote control is the future of global theater-wide combat.

No matter the mode or methodology, the age cap is the age cap....,Go young Thundercats go!

and for the cowards who are not willing to defend your country's freedom there is always college, but I think the majority would pick war over college, sad but true.

edit on 14-4-2011 by maestromason because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by maestromason
I wonder if the video gaming industry gets funding from the Military interest groups?


Cyberfighting via remote control is the future of global theater-wide combat.

Well they have already tried using games for recruitment. It's called America's Army.

It's actually quite a good game... but the whole intention is for it to be a recruitment tool which is kind of wrong in my opinion, but atleast they are honest and open about it.

I'm sure I saw an advert for the UK army (can't remember what type), but the guy was flying a drone with a 360 controller. From what I can remember, they zoomed in to it... to make some sort of point that if you can play video games then you could be in the army.


After some research it seems that both the British and US Army uses Xbox 360 controllers to control various things. les-using-xbox-360-controller/ -spy-plane-with-xbox-360-controller/

Here is part of the video I was talking about:

I just hate the fact how he says "It's basically a spy plane" to make it sound really cool and then they show the 360 controller. Good marketing strategy, but it's still pretty lame because it relates war to a video game. You don't respawn in real war...
Now what they don't show you is all those soldiers getting blown up by a road side bomb

This is also quite interesting:

edit on 14-4-2011 by Noviz because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Noviz

Thank you Noviz for that informative fact. That is just about the lowest point that your government can go, to invade on the entertainment industry to supply recruits for your army. That is playing low ball at its finest!

Those moldable young minds have not even had a chance to think for themselves as to what they would like to become in life....LOW!
edit on 14-4-2011 by maestromason because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by maestromason
reply to post by Noviz

Thank you Noviz for that informative fact. That is just about the lowest point that your government can go, to invade on the entertainment industry to supply recruits for your army. That is playing low ball at its finest!

Those moldable young minds have not even had a chance to think for themselves as to what they would like to become in life....LOW!
edit on 14-4-2011 by maestromason because: (no reason given)

Yes thats what I truely hate about targetting the games industry. They are trying to target a young audience while they are easy to persuade and moldable as you put it. Obviously they use the 360 controller because it's a good piece of hardware and there is no point in reinventing the wheel but how they use it for advertising is not good.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Noviz

Originally posted by maestromason
reply to post by Noviz

Thank you Noviz for that informative fact. That is just about the lowest point that your government can go, to invade on the entertainment industry to supply recruits for your army. That is playing low ball at its finest!

Those moldable young minds have not even had a chance to think for themselves as to what they would like to become in life....LOW!
edit on 14-4-2011 by maestromason because: (no reason given)

Yes thats what I truely hate about targetting the games industry. They are trying to target a young audience while they are easy to persuade and moldable as you put it. Obviously they use the 360 controller because it's a good piece of hardware and there is no point in reinventing the wheel but how they use it for advertising is not good.

Well, their success rate is probably high due to the economy, and the addition of the hard sell that they use and the deep psychological engagement tactics I know they use to recruit young men & women.

The fact that the 360 controller is their "standard" operational interface device*(it is in just about every home in the US and abroad) only makes it easier to qualify and sign on recruits. I would not doubt it if they actually logged into the MS XBOX 360 network to obtain who the top players are and work it from there, just a theory, but I would not put it past the government.
edit on 14-4-2011 by maestromason because: *

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 05:48 PM
YOU ALL HAVE TO REMEMBER. They're going to make it seem like if you don't fight the opposition is going to kill us all. Look how good of a job they did with the "WAR ON TERRORISM". Wanna know how to make sure your not fighting for the wrong side? DON'T FIGHT AT ALL. I said it before I'll say it again:

they too are human beings, which have a right to life, even if they themselves have murdered one or several human beings or even have let thousands and millions being murdered through war and terror. Human beings must never be judged according to the same standard as they themselves applied. Hatred, revenge and retaliation are never a standard for punishment for any crimes no matter how sever and inhumane they may be because hatred, revenge, and retaliation are as bad degenerations as the violent crimes of the fallible persons. Of course violent criminals, criminals, murderers, terrorists, and humanity criminals of all kind mustn't get off scot-free and thus have to be punished. But, the punishment, the sentence, and the execution of the penalty must always be humane and remain humane and must never put in danger or harm the body and life of the fallible persons. With the sentence and penalty too, it has to be acted according to brotherly love and humanity.

Billy Meier

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