reply to post by Blue_Jay33
...A forced interfaith.
I think this is closer to the initial stages of the future our masters have planned for us, not necessarily the final goal.
Actually, I've thought a lot about this, and have looked back in history, enough to look forward and make some predictions. Maybe some will
the past. Many old religious barriers have fallen, very recently, relatively speaking. Within Christianity, all three main segments
have undergone severe "change", and all in the same over all direction.
The Catholic Church had it's Vatican II, modernizing, turning away from the old ways, adopting much of what Protestantism did before they got around
to it. Many Catholics don't like to look at it quite this way, but few should argue about the fact that Vatican II was more real change than the
church had gone through in the past thousand years.
Within Protestantism, something slightly more "diabolical" took place, since a 1984ish NewSpeak methodology was used so effectively, mainly within
the English-speaking world, that many Christians within this segment can't even accept their historical label.
It began as "interdenominationalism", and quickly progressed to "
non-denominationalism", and worked so effectively that there are people
today who honestly imagine that they are "just" Christian. Well, even if our particular congregations have limited histories, certainly theology
has a history, and there are different "flavors", how ever you slice them.
And the Eastern Church. The Orthodox are sometimes the "forgotten" branch, and yet, they are substantial. The thing is, they went through
tremendous change through the Soviet regime, which installed KGB throughout the Russian Orthodox Church, which spread behind the old Iron Curtain, all
the way down to Greece. Small wonder why Protestant Christians felt so attracted to this "half-way" home to Rome tradition, over the past few
In Islam, interesting developments continue, with the Saudi Royal Family in control of their holy sites during most of the past century, and the
Saudis completely in the pocket of Western elites, central to a new order in the Middle East, that shockingly ended up including a Jewish nation,
Israel. Islam is being "molded", because it is the religion planned to help "deliver" the new world religion that our masters have spent so much
time creating.
Now, the present. No big coincidence that Muslim populations are exploding across formerly Christian Europe. Simple demographics are going to
deliver much of the globe to Islam, and Western leaders are all playing their part to ensure that the coming generations will either be Muslim, or at
least immersed in a mostly Muslim world. They are being effectively deployed, and very few seem to see the future that is implied.
From what I can see, it will be this global "westernized" Muslim, which will soon be in the majority, that will be the focus of various efforts to
mold them further, into the kinds of people our masters want.
The Future? Perhaps 50 years from now, the world will "groan, and find itself..." Muslim. But at this point, "Muslim" will not mean quite
what it does today. This new "gentler" Muslim will then be ready for the next phase.
This "new and improved Muslim" will receive the prepared New Religion willingly, not forced, as will most of the remnants of the other religions,
probably in connection with elaborate government psy-ops, that could even involve things like "aliens".
In the meantime, over the next so many decades, things will likely be chaotic. Probably major war. China will come to play more of a role that
pushes East into West, fitting perfectly with the planned merger of all in between.
Looking further, perhaps cose to a century from now, the world will find itself religiously in two main camps. In the West, which would include the
Middle East, the present Muslim world, we would have the "Godly", the majority being members of the new World Religion. In the Far East, you would
have the "ungodly", setting the stage for a "final" war. When it's over, the following decades would involve absorbing the remnant Chinese into
the World Religion, perhaps arranging a somewhat Eastern-style variant to help the transition.
In the end, all non-elite will either be members of the New Religion, or else underground believers of various kinds, perhaps a few Jews and
Christians, maybe old Muslims. But they would be just a tiny handful.
At this point, the elite could have their Utopia, our global Plantation, and if the plan works, the slaves would have little hope of ever gaining
their freedom again, since the New Religion is primarily enslavement of the mind.