reply to post by littlesheep2011
I feel bad for you, just as you feel bad about the incident
Not much we can say, is there
Well, there's a lot we can say, actually. About how women used to rule and men were kept as drones
About how women stupidly chose to mate with the larger males, thus creating a problem for themselves when those large males physically undertook to
overthrow the females who ever since have existed in the subservient position
About how males, having overthrown the original female rulers, pasted male faces over the female statues and busts -- something which was discovered
on digs by archaeologists, but which is little known
Those nations which placed more value on males, such as China, are in for hard times, obviously, as result of the one-child policy. Women are in the
minority there, we're told by our trustworthy media, and thousands (probably millions, considering China's population) of males will never get a
bride because now there just aren't enough to go around. So we see a male majority against a weaker female minority and the video tells the story
Of course males use physical means of repressing and controlling females
Males feel inferior. And there's justification for that, obviously
Whomever played God and genetically modified God-Knows-What to create humans
simply created the female first
and then fiddled a bit more to create the male
The male testes are simply prolapsed ovaries
just as the penis is a type of prolapsed uterus
The genetic meddlers didn't even bother eliminating the useless nipples from the male
The reason males are so fascinated with their own excreta is probably because to them, it's a form of giving birth like the women they envy and wish
to emulate
And of course, there are far more homosexual males and male transgenders, female impersonators etc. than their female counterparts
Then there's cross-dressing. When I looked at People of Walmart, I was astonished to see so many men dressed (really badly) as women. Is there some
sort of cross-dressing epidemic in the US ?
It's going to get worse before it gets better
Obviously, the elite know they're going to have to eliminate a large percentage of the world's population. They've already left it too long
and males will probably be high on the list of those to be eliminated
They're superfluous, after all
They're weaker and more prone to all forms of physical and psychological ailments
They cause the most trouble, the most problems
The top 2 to 5% will probably be kept for breeding purposes. They'll probably be similar to battery-hens
And scenes such as that shown in the video you linked
will be a thing of the past
and the world will be able to progress
But you sound Ok, OP --- I hope they keep you