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OBAMA: 'I just miss -- I miss being anonymous'...

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posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:26 AM
Obama Cries to Media

Here we have a man that has single handedly resuscitated the Soviet Union inside the United States with attemps to make Czars, destroying vibrant industries, and attacking Lybia on orders from the UN.

He is NO MAN. This is only the third year and he is cracking like a baby. Hillary Clinton is running the country right now and we didn't even vote for her.

For any one of you that feels compassion for this fool lets take a look at Obamas Comrades.

Obamas Brotherhood
edit on 11-4-2011 by Analyze76 because: spelling

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:33 AM
I do not see any communists around here. Got any photos of the any active soviets from your area? What exactly is Hillary running? I know she is doing HER job but I guess you need to help me out with that. As far as his family goes...when did Americans start judging people by the family they were stuck with to such a degree? Last time I checked, the Republicans and Libertarians were the ones claiming you can only go after the person, not their family. Family is off limits, right? But I guess Obama made his family public by being president? Sure. Anyway, to address what I thought the topic of the thread was until I finished the OP, I do feel for him on this. I felt for Bush on this too. I really do not care who the president is when it comes to certain issues, certain aspects of being famous, I do feel a bit of compassion for the most loathsome among them for the amount of scrutiny some people get. It has reached a level above and beyond anything resembling reasonable and is an added pressure on a fragile ecosystem that could really use all the stability it can get, no matter who is sitting in the big chair.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:39 AM
Obama was Anon????

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:42 AM
Well, that explains everything...

he's a /b/tard in disguise.

(And I have absolutely 0 political affiliation, btw. don't try to bang that drum my way. I call's em as I see's em)

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by Sinnthia
Last time I checked, the Republicans and Libertarians were the ones claiming you can only go after the person, not their family. Family is off limits, right? But I guess Obama made his family public by being president? Sure.

Obama brought his family into this by his own will
when he refused to show a long form birth certificate.
Until a LF BC is produced then his family will be
scrutinized to find what he hasn't produced:
a true lineage.

Obama has too many holes in his lineage to
be purely coincidental.

And how can Obama have a SS# of a man
who died in 1981?

And how did he get a CT prefix SS# if born
in Hawaii?

And what is the connection between Obama's
mother and George Soros? His mother worked
for the Ford Foundation from 1981 to 1982
which is a Soros funded entity. Her boss at
the Ford Foundation was our current Sec of Treasury's
(Timothy Geithner)'s father. Coincidence?
That the same man that funded his mother's job
in Indonesia is also the same man who contributed
tons of money to the Obama Presidential campaign
through left-wing financial networks.

These are all holes in Obama's lineage that have
been either deleted or ignored. So Obama brought
this upon himself.

In fact, Obama does not have a US long form
birth certificate IMO. And he didn't get his SS#
til he was 20 yrs old and his mother worked
for Ford Foundation. Obama is an illegitimate
president IMO.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:18 AM
Here we have a president that stares out the window of The White House wishing he was not the president. This is are not being represented.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:22 AM
He must really miss it...Considering he's running for re-election

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:25 AM
So Obama misses his anonymity

Too late for that now

So what he needs to do asap

is explain why he has scars all over his skull

and where he was born

If he tells the right story

he could be anonymous again very soon

and that should make him feel complete

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
Obama brought his family into this by his own will
when he refused to show a long form birth certificate.

Sure, you go with that. Funny how when part of Palin's platform was actually WHAT A GOOD MOTHER SHE WAS and how she raised her perfect family, we were still not allowed to address her family. You make up something about Obama with your birther issues and say that is why his family is in the forefront.

At least you are not shy about your completely hypocritical double standards. Bravo! Save the birther arguments for the birther threads. It is really just an off topic rant that does nothing to really address what I wrote. You do not need to reply to me just to spout that birther crap and pretend it was on topic, real, or mattered. Go fail in a birther thread with that.

I even expressed sympathy for Bush, even Nixon if you read my post but hey, you just hit reply and go on a birther rant. Maybe read the OP and thread title again.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Analyze76

If I could have one wish granted at the moment it would be that he actually was anonymous and we would not know who the dude is.

Well, since he has not released much about his background, I guess he's halfway there.

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