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Survivalist Pain Medicine 100 Proof Rum or Skullcap?

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posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:46 AM
Be careful with skullcap. It can be poisonous. However, poppies are a good crop, even the California variety. You can make a weak syrup out of their roots that helps pain and coughs. I have a book of Native American remedies. I suggest you get one of those to learn about what nature will provide in the event doctors disappear.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:03 AM


posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by DaddyBare

That is called deadly nightshade and it is really bad, you shouldn't be telling people about that.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Slipdig1

To late not to tell...
kids have been using jimson weed to get high off of for years...
grows wild in the southwest as far as Calif... very few nowadays dont know what it is... what's really dangerous is that lack of info

besides isnt better to let folks know that while it does have some medicinal use... it's risks outweigh it's benefits

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by wonderworld
reply to post by randomname

That sounds rational but I wonder how the pain of a tattoo compares with getting an arow yanked out? I guess it would numb a person. I'd be laying flat on my face and hope I wouldnt wake up during the procedure, like pulling a tooth out with pliers!

Does not compare. Actually, both are relatively inocuous. I pulled a 3 inch ring shank nail out of my hand, and it wasn't all that painful, and I have many tattoos, and they mostly feel like a slow burn. Hot pizza on the roof of my mouth is far worse than a tattoo.

The best thing about pain is that if you are feeling a whole bunch of it, you are probably going to be fine. If it isn't hurting all that much, but it looks like it should be, then things are dire, and you better start saying your prayers and trying to get help.

I've also blown myself up and gotten "full-thickness" burns over 25% of my body. That hurt very little. It was mostly uncomfortable, and I had this nagging sensation of "heat" that would not go away. The intense pain started about 2 weeks after the skingraft surgeries, and the pain was from the enormous swelling and added water weight on my legs. The most painful thing I have ever felt was hitting little bumps in a car that most people would not even notice, but all that swelling just bounced and jiggled on all of that new skin and staples. Very, very painful.

My wife is currently battling Fibromyalgia, and she has decided after weeks and months of experimenting, that alcohol is better than vicodin for her pain. The narcotics work sporadically, and she quickly gets used to them, but a few drinks puts her in a carefree mood and numbs the pain. Alcohol is superior to the narcotic in her case for some reason. I'm sure it is different from person to person.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by randomname
not to mention it's a time honored tradition to drink a few ounces of whiskey while getting a tattoo.
edit on 10-4-2011 by randomname because: (no reason given)

Any tattoo shop that lets you drink during tattooing probably also serves up hepatitis along with it's ink.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by wonderworld

. I went to the ER in immense pain and left in immense pain. They don’t like to give out pain pills due to others abusing them.

the same thing happened to me and i pulled a muscle in my back, i could only hobble around, and i couldnt jump or put weight on my left leg.

went to the doctor, doctor said i cant do anything, come back in a week, i said doc, i have already been babying this for a week hoping it would get better, but it hasnt. oh..well..come see me in a week.

assholes abuding painkillers so when someone in need NEEDS some, they dont get any and have to jump through hoops just to get t3's

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by DeepThoughtCriminal

You mentioned stiching the skin. I bought a bunch of super glue. The doctors use it now insteaad of stitches in smaller open wounds. I think if ice were available numbing it first would be a good idea.

Be carefull with superglue - its poisonous if it enters the blood stream .... you are suppose to stop the bleeding first before bonding a wound.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 02:07 PM
I'm a RN and have been using Kratom for years for chronic pain.. Works better than any narcotic. You can research it on

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld

Originally posted by jawsismyfish
reply to post by wonderworld

Poppy pods (dried) contain a fairly large amount of opiate. I don't think it would be a stretch to make a tincture with grain alcohol that would be quite effective as a pain killer if you didn't have any other options.

I wonder if those poppy pod things are legal to buy or grow here in the US in a greenhouse or something? Do they sell poppy pods in an herbal store? I think there are other things that affect the nervous system pain but I wouldnt know which herb or combination of herbs.

for the purpose you are hypothetically discussing here, no, its not legal. but growing them in your pretty garden to look at how pretty they are, thats perfectly legal. a wise move might be to start taking strolls around your neighborhood looking for well tended gardens that contain the correct poppies, and note the location for future reference. also start your own garden, but pepper in some posies because i dont think you can fill your whole backyard with poppies without raising a few eyebrows. with these plants you can make a very potent and potentially addictive (AKA it works be careful) tea using the dark sap in the pods. five minutes of your own research should fill you in on the nuts and bolts of what to plant and what to look for. this beats alcohol by a million when it comes to pain relief, and is renewable.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld

Originally posted by jawsismyfish
reply to post by wonderworld

Poppy pods (dried) contain a fairly large amount of opiate. I don't think it would be a stretch to make a tincture with grain alcohol that would be quite effective as a pain killer if you didn't have any other options.

I wonder if those poppy pod things are legal to buy or grow here in the US in a greenhouse or something? Do they sell poppy pods in an herbal store? I think there are other things that affect the nervous system pain but I wouldnt know which herb or combination of herbs.

Morphine, the first narcotic analgesic used theraputically, comes from the unripe seeds capsules of Papaver somniferum, the opium poppy.

- Modern Pharmacology, by Charles R Craig, Ph.D & Robert E Stitzel, Ph.D.

Codine can also be derived from morphine.
Opium poppies grow wild in most countries, even here in the UK.
I would however, be extremely careful about attempting to make your own without the relevent knowledge and understanding. For a start, only the one type of poppy can be used and the side effects, if you get things wrong, can range from coma to death.

Unfortunately, the kind of pain relief you are looking for will not be in any book you can readily find in your local library. 99% of naturally derived narcotic analgesics are illegal for you to own without a prescription (due to the very real danger of death if not prepared correctly) so consequently, books discussing the subject are not all that readily available, unless you are willing to do some serious reading of a range of pharmaceutical literature.

151 proof alcohol sounds a safer bet to me, for those with little to no previous knowledge of such things.

Regards and good luck!
edit on 11-4-2011 by OptimisticPessimist because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-4-2011 by OptimisticPessimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:20 PM
yes it thins blood and its not that it numbs the pain you just stop caring when you down a bottle of jack

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:44 PM
If your looking for a good herbal medicine book, I recommend Making Plant Medicine by Richo Cech. Very informative and very detailed instructions.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Alchemst7
There's an herb that's still legal to get in the US called Kratom. It work just like opiates for moderate to severe pain and has other benifits as well. If the SHTF it helps with depression and anxiety. In low doses it helps with energy and supresses your appetite to help ration your food. I stock piled this stuff and it can last up to 6-7 years. Vaccum sealed.

I did a quick search for this do I know who to purchase from? Have you tried it for yourself and is it effective? Maybe you could U2U me with more info.
I have the standard Tylenol, Ibupofrin, etc but yeah, for real pain, itd be nice to have something better for yourself or loved one, it'd be so hard to watch your loved one suffer. That would be tough.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by wonderworld

Originally posted by jawsismyfish
reply to post by wonderworld

Poppy pods (dried) contain a fairly large amount of opiate. I don't think it would be a stretch to make a tincture with grain alcohol that would be quite effective as a pain killer if you didn't have any other options.

I wonder if those poppy pod things are legal to buy or grow here in the US in a greenhouse or something? Do they sell poppy pods in an herbal store? I think there are other things that affect the nervous system pain but I wouldnt know which herb or combination of herbs.

I believe you can grow poppies as long as you don't harvest them for opiates. The dried pods are sold in craft stores and are perfectly legal to own. A nice bouquet of decorative poppy pods on your dining room table might come in handy if you had no other option. As was mentioned earlier, the dosage is very hard to get right due to differences from plant to plant so titration would be a must. There would have to be some very extreme circumstances to warrant doing this.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 04:29 AM
I have a small bottle of Opium poppy seeds from some that grew wild in my yard when i lived in northern calif.
I have seen them growing wild in just about every old mining town in calif motherload country.
likely planted years ago by the chinese.

I have no plans to grow them unless SHTF.

Then i will to make pain meds likely laudanum.

I found the way laudanum was made from a old doctors guide from the 1820s

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 04:46 AM
First yanking out arrows:
like fish hooks arrows are not ment to be yanked out
but pushed through.

Medicine in Canada:
I have a huge jug of oxy because i DIDN"T ask for pain killers while I waited for several hours in emerge
with kidney stones. which are a cross between having a baby and a hard attack.
the doc perscribed them AFTER i had passed the last one.

is a poison
IMHO for many, it is slow motion crack
It will cause you to not feel the fact that it limits your body's ability to transmit heat to your extremities
It causes deadly lapses in judgement.

There are lots of herbs that kill pain
while fixing a problem
like the way Yarrow works on an abcessed tooth:
while stopping the pain, healing the infection, and breaking down the toxic puss...
SHTF the AMA won't be there.
keep the Alcohal and the opiates
they just keep you coming back for more
while killing you slowly

If you need a northern plant opiate for serious bush medicine:
labrador tea, even lettuce in large quantity will provide a useable opiate

as far as doing homework:
you better bdamn well read the label on anything a doctor gives you.

edit on 12-4-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 05:03 AM
If the SHTF and there is a total break down of society, former laws are going to be the LAST thing I think about. I would be growing all sorts of medicinal plants with extra to barter. Opium and marijuana were used for thousands of years for pain and medication before these "laws" came into effect. I am also a chronic pain patient so I would definitely need to do something fast, or otherwise suffer horrible withdrawals which would be possibly life threatening in a winter type outdoor situation.

Opium poppies are among one of the easiest things to grow. Basically plant some, and wait. They grow in most climates, and self propagate. They actually tend to OVER grow, so be ready for that. It sounds a bit odd to say, but I bet heroin (diacetylmorphine) (which is still used in certain countries today for pain management) would be worth its weight in gold as a pain killer to those with chronic pain. This also goes for coc aine, which has many uses as a local anesthetic, appetite suppressant, and energy booster. Even if it might just be chewing on coca leaves.

Now, I completely understand that most of these ideas are one hundred percent illegal at the current time. But, in a survival situation, when society has broken down, are you really going to worry about some laws of a former country that stop you from being able to self medicate in times of extreme need? Most likely not.

Be safe. Be responsible. And most of all, Moderation is key.

Also to add, alcohol is FAR more dangerous then any opiate. Opaites cause no long term damage, are not toxic, and are one of the most studied group of medications out there. Granted overdosing is where it gets risky, but a safe, moderate dose, even if you were to take that every day for the rest of your life, would be nowhere near as bad as drinking a fifth of whiskey to dull the pain every day. Opiates usually are not the problem. Its the lifestyle that most addicts live that causes all the diseases, while them chasing their highs causes the overdose. Dont get dependent on them and they are a absolutely beautiful thing. Again, moderation is key.
edit on 4/12/2011 by deadline527 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by jawsismyfish

DO NOT mix opiates and alcohol; you have been warned.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by ballsdeep

Thanks for the warning. There are preparations that mix opiates with alcohol as a tincture, laudanum for example, without causing instant death. Since we're talking about survival here, the benefits may out weight the risks. Opiates treat diarrhea as well as pain - both can be bad news in a SHTF situation. Being informed is the key, especially in an environment not friendly to mistakes.

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