posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 07:52 PM
I'll only speak for myself but the point of this thread is that people are claiming what they are reading at the FBI vault is PROOF, when in fact it
is not PROOF. A letter or memo sent from/to/within the FBI discussing someone's story is not proof of anything.
If i were to make a thread with a headline "Dogs can talk - PROOF", and then the source inside is my neighbour Mr. Smith told me his dog
talked...obviously it's going to get raked over the coals...and it's an incredible letdown for those really looking for PROOF that dogs can talk!!
After reading several of these threads it wears on one's patience.
coollottie, I'm on your side...really I am. I want disclosure, I want proof and truth, but that FBI link is not either of those. I'm not sure what
the point of that website is to be honest, perhaps to keep all of us tinfoilers busy while they do something behind our backs...who knows