Wasnt really sure what forum to put this in... But just found it in my subscriptions on youtube...
People are screaming out not to spray it, yet he still does, I mean this thing looks totally harmless, only wandering around... I wish I had more back
story to it, like why the cop was even around it, or even had any type of weapon to use on a harmless baby squirrel. sickening for sure
edit on
9/4/11 by masqua because: Replaced 'All Caps' in title
Yeah, pretty dumb and selfish imo. Someone should pepperspray this cop so he knows what it can do. I can't wait to hear the stories of all the
backlash this git is going to recieve.
(ps...wanna alter your heading....ALL CAPS is not allowed)
LOL, HOW DUMB.. so what the guy sprayed a SQUIRREL.. I have a frikin squirrel infestation here... I wish I had a tazer, I would zap the little messy
If it weren't for SQUIRREL MEAT, many of you wouldn't be here today...People have become soo skewed and soft.
Your grandparents or parents had to eat wild meat, and dont thing for a second that SQUIRREL wasn't on the MENU.
You're right, I should not have assumed. The folks on ATS pissed off about it were different than people in the video being pissed about it. Action
will stand...Plus you used a little foul language. That's bad manners.
How does caring for an innocent creature lessen our sensitivity for Japan or other world catastrophe?
This is why I continually leave ATS. It is so frustrating to keep coming back here and witness these mouth breathing children using internet
short-speak and spamming threads with nonsense.
This officer was probably a kid who smothered kittens when he was growing up. He is perpetrating an illegal act. If a cop saw any other citizen do
this, he could easily arrest them for animal cruelty.
It was associated with Osama Bin Laden. NOX News reports :
One of Al Qaeda's most dangerous fugitives was apprehended today by a local Texas police officer. The FBI is now questioning the squirrel in order to
find out it's intentions with local school children. President Obama and congress refused to comment, but sources mentioned that he will likely have a
stay in Guantanamo prison very soon.
Thats Nox News, your source for the latest information and updates..
edit on 9-4-2011 by Nephalim because: (no reason given)