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A Declaration Unto the World From The Heavens that Jesus Christ Lives and Shall Soon Return.

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posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 02:00 PM
tests, graduating, progression...

Some aspects of this thread of this thread are reminding of all those hours spent cramming for finals, oblivious to the fact the material I was studying was far more important than the test I was cramming for. I missed the whole point.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by Abe7Fig

I've known we were in tests here for years, and would quit all the time, absolutely refuse to take another step with each tragedy that occurred. I don't believe in a wide open free will zone, where might makes right, and without boundaries. I wouldn't send a child to a school like that. But I know its not like that now. I literally quit, and spent days unwilling to take a step and had visions given, after lots of prayer, but still refused, they werent going to make me walk my journey that easy. I saw guides, knew that we were in tests and was stubbornly determined to fail every test on purpose because I don't believe in tests, just waking up, being healed from the damage and abuse and traumas and distortions and taught what an equal wonderful world looked like.

Well, that process brought me to the last time it occurred, roughly 9 years ago or so, I know where I was living at the time, so its rough. That time, I felt Presence in my heart. Traditionally, after my meltdown, God should have been quite upset with me. That was the last time I didn't get it either. I spent a couple days feeling this Quiet, Strong, Gentle, Loving, Understanding Presence within my heart. I knew that everything I felt was understood and that the feeling that kept coming was that, that this Loving Being would feel the same way, with the same info input that I had, and such a strong zeal for compassion, healing, happiness and joy and equality for all, but that there was more, something I didn't remember.

Finally after a couple days, I was so guilt stricken but still being stubborn and refusing to participate, just quit, but I turned within and said, "Alright ,alright, what is it that You are trying to tell me?"

I was shown endless progression. I was shown that each level was like a steep learning curve, so no one had all the answers. I also believe every single soul in existence, there is a plan for. Something ET_MAN wrote in a post on HH thread, about fish and instinct, they all finally begin to swim up the river home. But for some it can take a long time, and the consequences to harming others are big.

Even if you never were put in a realm with other negatives like some of the NDE's that are negative have talked about or some of the doctors in surgery have given accounts of their patients, and ER nurses. One man who, for example was having heart surgery and he kept saying For God's sakes keep doing what you're doing because when you stop, they're taking me down to hell. The doctor wasn't religious but someone helped him find a prayer for this man, under anaesthesia to pray, that stopped the situation and brought peace. That doctor found faith that day.

Even if you were only facing yourself, in the corner somewhere, in time out, can you imagine what some people will feel and go through for ages, in a regressed state of bleakness? It can take a long long time to see the light that is standing there beside you waiting to take you home. Perfect knowledge for some is going to be hard, and would wish to spare anyone this, to have people remember, wake up, seek, pray, have faith in Goodness and Love, and try to solve problems here and now. Its our own conscience. We're going to remember, that everyone here is family, like your brothers and sisters, children, parents, and there are ways to live equally and without control, abuse and harm, seeing through the materialism, division, separations, trinkets, toys, while billions are starving. Finding other solutions, cooperation, connection, Love.

Some things are hard, especially if people around you are negative, and fight alot, some things are big tests. I don't have all the answers myself, just faith and prayer and seeking. Trying to solve problems, trying to be Love always.

Like the sun, just shine steady, no matter who is around, even through arguments that might come up. These are hard.

Peace, Love & Light!
edit on 21-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 03:13 PM
Some of this is logic. If you keep seeing past the traps and choosing positive,and connecting to the Love in your heart trying to keep it pure like a child's love, not letting the world affect you. But its also something you can be led to in prayer and meditation, if you remember, and seek to remember more, to have your sight healed, and for all the negativity in your mind and blocking you, to be gently revealed. This is a life long work. Its not controversial. Its the very heart of the religions.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Abe7Fig
tests, graduating, progression...

Some aspects of this thread of this thread are reminding of all those hours spent cramming for finals, oblivious to the fact the material I was studying was far more important than the test I was cramming for. I missed the whole point.

Some folks feel the need to razzle dazzle others with mystery that exists only in their own imaginations. The only way to understand them is to adopt their imagination, to suffer there delusions. The truth is simple and it is right here in front of everyone. All can see it, feel it, and touch it.

The Sermon on the Mount

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Im going to admit I'm not sure if I correctly absorbed most of your post (hopefully it's because I've just got math on the brain right now). So I will just say this in general, rather than as a direct response. If life is truly just a test, it is not a test one can easily pass so long as one is preoccupied with the fact that it's a test.

What motivates you to do good? Is it hopes of passing a test? is it to progress? is it to be comforted? If it is not for these things you do good, then why do you mention them? If it is for these things that you do good, then what good are you doing?

I'm not going to say consequences/judgment/karma does or doesn't exist. I have no idea how the world works. But I am going to say that every time I hear these things come up, I see, though in very different clothes, the God I was taught about growing up. The God you obeyed because if you didn't, he would condemn you, and if you did, you would be rewarded in heaven, where you could drink and feast with your friends and family for all eternity, forever youthful and beautiful...

Do you see what I am saying? Perhaps my view is born only out of ignorance. If what I see is a misunderstanding, please show me.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by Abe7Fig

Thats not how I see God, the warring Smiting one. That is something many are programmed into. I've always been led, guided, sought all my life, felt energy, Presence, Love, Spirit. And only believe in Love. And had past life memory. So there's a lot more to Spiritual truths than one some think.

But for people who are choosing to be Love, and to forgive everyone, I don't think going to Church or not is an issue. I'm sure not telling people to leave their faith or Church, but to start to see the world with Love and caring, compassion. To do this no matter what, no reward necessary, its just the way we would want to be.

Question all the norms, money? Banks? Corruption? Billions starving? In every employment or educational setting there is a strong program to conform. In Churches conformity is strong as well. These are the traps. Chasing material things.

Nothing in this world has any value. Its a stage.

Meditating, prayer, seeking, reporting for duty under the stars, in the morning at dawn, sungazing, in prayer. Asking for ways to help. Prayer is phoning home. Talking, pouring your heart out honestly.

Most people simply follow traditions in religions, they don't search for the True Spirit of Peace and Love. But I believe all who seek will find, and that they will start to experience daily miracles, being guided, Presence, Dreams, experiences, wake ups, direction.

Its something your own inner soul should be pushing you towards when you start to be conscious and seek.

edit on 21-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM


Some folks feel the need to razzle dazzle others with mystery that exists only in their own imaginations. The only way to understand them is to adopt their imagination, to suffer there delusions.

So much for Judge none right.

Both have admitted that there message is meant to be misunderstood.

Are you making a righteous, honest and fair judgment?

Have I admitted that my message was meant to be misunderstood?

Misunderstood, This is deceptive.

It's interesting how you recognize and speak a language that is full of oppositions, deceptive, non-deceptive, understood, misunderstood, Get it?

The truth is simple

Then how is it that you don't even understand the simple truth?
Have you really taken the time to read the entire new testament?
With all due respect, you don't even recognize the difference between Love and Hate.
You don't even recognize the difference between helping a person and harming them.
Murder and Charity, for you it's all the same, how then do you feel that you have the Truth?

If we want to simplify the truth, here it is for you.

There are oppositions in all things, a person has freewill to decide and choose for themselves how they live their life, how they treat others, they are responsible for their own actions based on one of the 1st principles of Science that 'for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction,' Cause and Effect, Law of Attraction, Consequence to Action, Law of Harvest, Reap what you Sow --- What you do unto others, you have only done unto yourself based on the simplicity understanding that 'for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction.' If you jump off a cliff, what is going to happen to you? You are held accountable for your own actions, it is 'YOU' that is making the choices and ultimately you are only judging yourself based on how you lived your life and what you did unto others.

There will be a judgment. You miss the truth about who Jesus Christ was and consider yourself to be Jesus Christ. "All is One, All is Love, All is Perfect, All is Heaven." Isn't that what you believe in? Do you believe in a 'YOU' as a 'SELF' or do you feel that you have 'NO-SELF'? Are you recycled when the time comes to leave the flesh? Do you believe that you will be re-incarnated into blades of grass or anything else that's randomly alive?

With all due respect, it's clear that you lack the most basic and fundamental understandings of the ABC's and 123's, the simple truth that most in the entire world already know.

Harming or Helping someone, is there even such a thing? If so, what is the difference between the two?

What is LOVE?

When you say Love does it mean Hate? If it's all the same to you then who in the world can help you? You fall under the .0000001% of the world population (or less) believing that Murder is Love and that all actions are Love and only Love. Are you in denial about something?

If you have read the parables and metaphors of Jesus Christ you simply do not understand them. I suggest you re-read the parables and metaphors of Christ as I've listed 40+ of them in this thread. Go over them and learn the true teachings of Jesus Christ for what they truly are. Learn to discern the Light square Truths contained therein. Not your own version of what you want the truth to be. Do anything you want to another person and it's all only Love, Heaven on Earth and Perfect. Only Love, seriously think about it, please put down your beer and smoke and really think about it. Everyone will be held 100% accountable for their actions based on eternal understanding, have you asked for or about forgiveness yet?

Job 24:13 “There are those who rebel against the Light; they do not know its ways nor abide in its paths. “

Isaiah 5:20
“Woe unto those who call Evil Good and Good Evil, who put Darkness for Light and Light for Darkness, who put Bitter for Sweet and Sweet for Bitter.”

John 1:4-5
“In him was Life, and that Life is in the Light of mankind; in their Good works. The Light shines in the darkness, but the darkness comprehends it not.”

How is it that you comprehend not the Light and Truth?

John 1:7
“He came as a witness to testify concerning that Light, so that through him all men might see the Truth and Light.”

John 3:19-21
“Light has come into the world, but men Loved Darkness instead of Light because their deeds were Evil. Everyone who does Evil Hates the Light, and will not come into the Light For Fear that their works will be Exposed.

1 John 1:5
“This is the message we have heard from Christ and declare it unto the World.
God is Light and in Good works and True Light There can be No Darkness and Evil at all.”

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

What is His will? What is Love?
What is Harming a person and Helping a person?
Is there a difference between the two?

Many will say to me in that day,
Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you, depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

I see that you've avoided the more difficult questions in the previous post. Maybe you should address the opposition/contradiction factor.

Is Child Molesting, Torture, Rape and Murder LOVE? True Or False?

I write this to you with the best intentions IAMIAM, because I do care about you and everyone else. But I do recognize the difference between Love and Hate, and there is a difference.

I sincerely wish you the best and hope that you can see the True Light for what it really IS.

Love & Best Wishes!
edit on ECDT1111AprAM51 by ET_MAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by ET_MAN

Some folks feel the need to razzle dazzle others with mystery that exists only in their own imaginations. The only way to understand them is to adopt their imagination, to suffer there delusions.

So much for Judge none right.

Both have admitted that there message is meant to be misunderstood.

Are you making a righteous, honest and fair judgment?

Saying what something is, is not a judgement. Deciding whether it is good or evil, that is a judgement. I can say some one is picking their nose. That is just a statement of what is occurring. Saying they are a bad wicked person for picking their nose, now THAT is a judgement.

I do not judge you. I cannot judge you. I do not see the world through your eyes. I once did. I once saw a world of oppositions. Then those oppositions fell away. I realised that the oppositions I saw were entirely created from my own perspective. On the otherside of my view was someone staring back at me with the same view of oppositions, yet from his view, I was on the opposite end of the spectrum than he was. In both of our mind, we each stood on the side of Good. We were mirror images of each other and we would have destroyed one another for our side.

Then we moved to each other to cut the other off. In the center we became one and realised that the duality we had seen was merely an illusion.

Perhaps you have not made such a journey. Perhaps you still sit on your side looking at the enemy within judging and plotting to destroy. You will make your move when you are ready. Then you will either rush in and destroy yourself, or you will become one with yourself, the all.

I judge no man. Each must judge themselves.

Originally posted by ET_MAN
Have I admitted that my message was meant to be misunderstood?

Who said I was talking about you?

Originally posted by ET_MAN

The truth is simple

Then how is it that you don't even understand the simple truth?
Have you really taken the time to read the entire new testament?
With all due respect, you don't even recognize the difference between Love and Hate.
You don't even recognize the difference between helping a person and harming them.
Murder and Charity, for you it's all the same, how then do you feel that you have the Truth?

If we want to simplify the truth, here it is for you.

Oh I do know what love is my friend. Like God, there are no words to describe it. You, must experience it for yourself. Once you do, well then you will know...

But anyway, I am not here to disagree with you. I am merely sharing a view, and you are sharing a view.

Let those who hear your words come to you and follow you. If they hear your words and follow you, then they are meant to. That is what they need, not what I have to say.

What I have to say is not for followers. It is for those who wish to be free. I am not a Lord or King or Priest over anyone. I walk with Lords, and Kings, and Priests.

Consider my view my peace treaty with the world.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM


Let those who hear your words come to you and follow you.

Do you honestly believe that I'm after followers?

Sharing the Truth of the way things are is simply sharing the Truth.

If I say to you, look up there in the sky at the Sun, do you see the Light coming from it, AM I trying to get you to follow me or pointing something out?

Does the Sun exist or is that an illusion as well?

Is there such a thing as Light and Dark or is that an illusion as well?

Love and Hate? Happy and Sad?

Helping and Harming? Fire and Ice?

What is Real for you if anything, and what is illusion?

It would be nice if you could at least answer the questions.

Is Child Molesting, Torture, Rape and Murder LOVE? True or False?

Is there such a thing as True or False?

Love & Best Wishes!
edit on ECDT1111AprAM51 by ET_MAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by ET_MAN
It would be nice if you could at least answer the questions.

Is Child Molesting, Torture, Rape and Murder LOVE? True or False?

Is there such a thing as True or False?

Love & Best Wishes!

There is no such thing as child molesting for we are ALL children. Molestation can happen to anyone and it is merely unwanted sexual contact.

Is it evil? To the person receiving the unwanted contact, yes, to the person making the unwanted contact, no.

What must be understood is why the person making the unwanted contact with another is doing so. Some where along that persons life it was taught this is right behavior. Chances are that person is acting out what has occured to him or her. There could be other issues which cause one to act in this way.

My point is the act should NOT be shamed. Shaming it only causes the behavior t be repressed and does more harm to the person acting and the one being acted upon. Both should be shown love and compassion that a better way of conduct can be found which is mutually agreeable to both.

Don't try to hem me in with black and white questions that play on others emotions. It is a waste of bandwidth.

With Love,

Your Brother
edit on 22-4-2011 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

When you say, don't shame it, what does this mean? Different people could interpret this in different ways.

The only interpretation that would even be close to acceptable in the most loving but protective way, would be to call this extremely harmful (lifelong in its damage and often generational) what it truly is, extreme harm to another and self, and rescue that victim from this crime, and intercede with massive counseling, self esteem, behavioral pshychology methods, not medication and normal community response, but the top university models of methods, which work. And the one who is sick and doing this, would be isolated from the opportunity to find others to abuse (this is an addiction that will not be often in his power or control, even with the right intent to change) and some form of house arrest or bracelet, and massive counseling, in an attempt to heal, again the best of it. Though most people want to see punishment. But even lack of a punitive system, even a healing one, STILL PROTECTS.

This isn't merely an alternative behavior without shame. Its a crime. And usually comes out of abuse to the one who is performing it, unless they got roped into M'Kultra, SS stuff, and Occult/Cia stuff at a later date.

I believe in healing and forgiveness for everyone, but its a process. Its not, everything is fine, that there isn't right and wrong, that we're not here learning all of this and increasing our consciousness, for we are. And Protection is one of the most important things. Protecting.
edit on 22-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
When you say, don't shame it, what does this mean? Different people could interpret this in different ways.

I meant exactly what I said. Do not shame the act.

What is different between sexual molestation and being punched in the eye?

Both are unwanted contact. One is shamed, the other is not.

The shame that society places on sexual molestation does more harm to the victim than the actual act.

Why do we shame sex at all? Is it not the most natural act in all of creation? Is it not the most necessary for our survival? Yet we hide behind closed doors and shame the act. We teach our children it is dirty and shameful.

No wonder they suffer so when they are molested. It is the shame that does damage.

Is this condoning Sexual Molestation? Absolutely not. One should not do to anyone's body what that person does not want done.

When one does things to another that that person does not want done, care should be taken to find out why he or she is behaving this way, and work to heal the illness that is creating the behavior.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Oh my, where do I begin?

Ok, I have walked with, and been friends with many many people, down in the trenches of life, due to my own acceptance of everyone, and love for them, and also my ex, and his black market 101 and zillions of friends, and those I met through this will be friends with for life.

Now, I've been punched, gone through abuse, had that person go to jail for this, won't go into the experience that 6 years was like, but recovery is not the same, for a punch as for sexual abuse.

Now, I'll share what happens to so many, including a friends daughter. This is not her dauther, but another wounded soul, I call a trooper of this world, one of the unseen victims of sexual abuse.

During that 6 year period, we were renting off a slum landlord. Now with 5 boys, the 5th was born then, and low rents available, moving isn't easy. My ex got together with a drug runner, back yard mechanic and got the landlord to rent out the garage to him. I did feel sorry for the guy, I did have my eyes opened very much, and also did find out there were countless needles in all the bushes in a yard my kids ran barefoot. In the end it took informing city counsel that he had illegally built a bedroom on the garage and ran a hose from a coke bottle to under the neighbors fence and shed for his urinal. Because the slum landlord was going to only build a fence and give him half my back yard and gardens. In addition, he broke into my house, ate my kids lunchen meat, stole the keys out of my purse and used my car to do his runs, and ended up making me pay out for his accident because it was his word against mine, and I really couldnt deal emotionally as was having couselling for abuse at the time, really way beyond my ability to deal. Plus I do have compassion for eveyrone including and know his family.

Now the basement was rented out to a pimp and a young 22 year old prostitute, strung out on drugs, hep C, possibly HIV, looked about 12. She cut her wrists in our kitchen, mom was there and kept her there, I kept kids in their rooms and called the ambulance. She used to have a daughter but went all the way into the drugs and lived this addiction for him, lost her daughter when she met him. I know this personally because my mother and I talked on the phone to her mother, and her friends from the coast drove out frequently and spent money, time, effort to try and get her to leave this lifestyle and we all had long talks.

When we luckily did move, she kept coming and visiting with us. We gave everything we had, food, anything to help them out, and long talks. She was illiterate, but a book of poetry, she recited as if an actress, and was a poet. I gave her my best books I had bought during my counseling about Co-Dependency and Spirituality and Affirmations/Positive Statements, prayers, meditations, healing. And books and pens. She came over and showed her own spiritual poetry to God, and the prayers she wrote.

I took her to Church. She's dead by the way, aids I was told.

What caused this, she was sexually abused as a child. She talked it about it alot, she poured her heart to me, quite a few times.

I was at wits end because I don't close the door on people. I asked her, how she could come over here all the time, in to my crazy, kids camp, with all the noise, and chaos and she said, I had the most normal place she had ever found. My place was her sanctuary.

A punch is nothing. Sexual abuse is profound.
edit on 22-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Sexual abuse is profound.


With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Profound Lifelong Damage. Because of human psychology the way we're wired and child development, who learn who they are, and whether they count, and are programmed or boken for life during the first 5 years, self esteem and self worth tied into being a victim or sexualized is not healthy.

Read what I wrote again.

And that young woman counted more to me than the Queen or any of the wealthy I've ever seen. The cia that runs that drug scene and corruption is behind it, and I have stood up to the police and with my friend, stood up to a black op working the streets who was targeting her daughter son her grandson. He knew that we knew and we were just discussing him when he pulled up. Slumming, but military background, from a very wealthy family of masons, hanging out with the drug victims and trying to indoctrinate a very psi, experiencer, child AB- bloodline.

His head fell and he looked from her to me, and that getting past us was not going to be easy.

That girl counted so much more.
edit on 22-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Profound Lifelong Damage. Because of human psychology the way we're wired and child development, who learn who they are, and whether they count, and are programmed or boken for life during the first 5 years, self esteem and self worth tied into being a victim or sexualized is not healthy.

Read what I wrote again.

I read what you wrote. There is more going on there than merely sexual molestation. In your story there is a tale of extreme rape and other physical abuse which lead to drug abuse to mask the feelings of low self worth, prostitution which leads to an even greater feeling of low self worth, a terminal disease, and finally physical death.

Again, any unwanted physical intrusions of anothers body is wrong, but what makes sexual abuse more damaging is the shame we place on it.

You are not born knowing shame. It is something you are taught. You are taught from the very beginning that your body is shameful and that sexual parts are shameful. Thus, when they are violated you are indeed burdened with shame. It is the shame that sends one into that downward spiral to oblivion.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Its systematic abuse by the controllers, cia, paramilitary. Its massive and goes on in every town, and those awake who are on protect mode need to nail it firmly. Like that guy. My message to him and the Scottish Rites Masons in the Southern interior of BC: NOT on my watch!

We need to know what Love is.

One thing I do not agree with, is thinking that people who are being pulled into these deep rivers by the abuse these Black ops are doing, are guilty. I see them as innocents. I see that young woman as the same young age or 4, as when she was abused.

Considering that when wide awake women stand up to crooked cops and don't get arrested, as is my experience, and they instead, duck their heads down and slink off your property like guilty reptilians, we need to stand up, without fear.

And instead of talking about Shame, maybe realize there is so much GUILT in the corrupters, that its a good one to work with. They are riddled with guilt. That is the expression in their faces when I talked to them.
edit on 22-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Its systematic abuse by the controllers, cia, paramilitary. Its massive and goes on in every town, and those awake who are on protect mode need to nail it firmly. Like that guy. My message to him and the Scottish Rites Masons in the Southern interior of BC: NOT on my watch!

I hate to break it to you, but the Masons are not as nefarious as you like to believe. If you actually knew what they were about, then perhaps you would not make such broad statements. Regardless, it is your world, create it how you choose.

Originally posted by Unity_99
We need to know what Love is.

It is far easier to explain what love is not. Judgement.

Originally posted by Unity_99
One thing I do not agree with, is thinking that people who are being pulled into these deep rivers by the abuse these Black ops are doing, are guilty. I see them as innocents. I see that young woman as the same young age or 4, as when she was abused.

All are innocent. We live in a world where people are trapped in their avatars, not seeing that which is within them all hiding behind the mask. All are innocent. If they knew what they were doing they would not do those things they do to each other.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

The Masons aren't? From my knowledge there are those who walk a light path and those who go much further into something very unhealthy. My fathers family moved to Canada, from UK, direct discendants from Sir Walter Scott and the James 11 line, and the other side also interesting. Seems to be partly the reason, maybe solely, for alot of the lifelong experiences. The interior, my great uncle was a mayor. My father and my uncle/physicst, were recruited, though declined. In fact my uncle left a project in Australia, bailed on it and lives on a tall mountain to the north.

Southern Interior of BC, is inundated with this Black Op structure. There are occult actiivies, altars, and I was told that you'd be surprised at who attends. Think doctors, lawyers, judges, teachers, ministers. Doctors is the tip off to what they're doing and that its not just our pets being kidnapped.

Don't tell me something I already know. I know whats going on. It all came together nicely including the infrastructure from city consel, to realtors, laywers, judges, police, its very corrupt.

Do I think that there are many positive, loving, responsible masons? You bet.

But its the pyramid and past a certain level, its all corruption.

The cia/black ops and paramilitary run all of the occult groups, the drug scenes, all of it, and the connection to the Masons is rather significant.

I connected all those dots, and for the very first time, unusual strange things that didn't make sense suddenly fell into place, the chemtrails dumped on our complex, those US jets only flew over the poor areas. My friend and I were noting the whole thing. The way the managers family was friends with druggy gangs of kids who robbed the pizza place and bullied all the little kids and stalked our house in gangs, egged it, and the landlord never once replaced the manager, though this gang was endangering the whole neighborhood. It all fell into place, enormously well. Who is doing what, their attempt to sully everything, to do the opposite of what they should be doing, which protecting property would be the most logical thing, yet that was twisted into endangerment and promoting trauma.

I can see it 100% now, completely. Yes the masons are a part of this.

Not On MY Watch!
edit on 22-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 01:29 PM
Its the real people, women, natives, my friend is half native, her AB-, eastern europian grandson, from a race of golden eyed kings, aparently is 1/8, and the real grass roots people are the ones, the poor, the ones with their eyes open, that need to topple this pyramid. We are wide awake. I see this as a real peoples movement.

edit on 22-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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