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Half decent bigfoot footage.

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posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 09:59 AM
All the proof I need is in the Patterson footage.
This looks like BS to me though.
I wouldn't be that close to a giant ape capable to tearing my body in half.
Plus, I'm sure most would agree, I wouldn't be advertising my whereabouts to it by freaking out and making a ruckus.
Besides, all the Bigfoot stories I hear consist of it being very shy and elusive.
That one seems like he's pretty damn comfortable around them.
Which leads me to my conclusion, it's a person.

I could be wrong, but, probably not.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 10:02 AM
Oh well,

The 2x4 through the windshield video that comes up after this video ends was worth the time.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by angrydog
Eh ? Who are you, anal bot 9k do a google search, i'm not your personal research tool. Dont be lazy.

sorry but i also never heard of that rubbish...big food alien hybrid? lol...

yea right..

so aliens are cave men?
edit on 9-4-2011 by angrydog because: (no reason given)

Honestly, I don't have a pocket alien. i've never seen an alien, i don't even know if they exists.
That's why I run a conspiracy site, and regular these types of forums, to find truth in the phenomenon. i'll give you a couple links to what i posted.
It's actually interesting, though it's a little far fetched

I've been reading lately that Bigfoot may actually be an alien and this is why he is so elusive. Also, he has been spotted on Mars: In other Bigfoot news, there is a group of gentlemen that claim to have a frozen Bigfoot carcass. They supposedly will be revealing it next month:

Anyways I could go ON AND ON, but i'm sure you have used google before. I don't dare say any of this is true, because I personally do not know. What I do believe though is there is more to this world than what we portray And i think videos like this be it fake or not, i'm not sure help people educate them self's on mystery.
edit on 11-4-2011 by Gemwolf because: Removed quoted post

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by watchitburn
Oh well,

The 2x4 through the windshield video that comes up after this video ends was worth the time.

Lmfao i actually didn't see that i'll have to play the video again.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 10:06 AM
WOW, THAT 2X4... That's insane hahaha thanks for pointing that out.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by prodomino
I could say allot about your avatar as well, here i'll give you a goal. It might help you with your ranting

Speaking of ranting...

Originally posted by prodomino
instead of flaming every post you find inaccurate in your eyes

Disagreement, no matter how vehement or satirical, is not "flaming". However, calling people "anal bot 9k" and talking about their avatars is flaming. We are asking for evidence to back up claims and looking at such claims with a critical eye; you, however, seem to be very upset we are not simply taking a blurry, 16 second video as the best bigfoot video ever. If you cannot handle disagreement, perhaps a forum is not the best place for your sensitive soul.

Now, do you want to actually have a discussion or do you want to whine because the questions are too hard?

Originally posted by prodomino
get off the forums and do you part for the paranormal. come up with better footage. do research, field work etc.

I'm doing my part by using critical thinking, something in very short supply in the paranormal community.

Originally posted by prodomino
Then you will have a better leg to stand on, shrugging a video off as 'fake' short footage etc etc etc, is a lame excuse

It is not a lame excuse one bit; the video is blurry, the subject at too far a distance to judge what it is with any veracity. All of that makes the video suspect and certainly not "great".

Originally posted by prodomino
i'm sure if you contacted the person that actually uploaded the video. you might find he has 10 - 20 minutes worth of this 'fake footage'

If he has it, then why hasn't he uploaded it?

"The average sheep" huh? Look at that, more insults, more "assumption of arrogance" from a believer.

Originally posted by prodomino
Another thing, you come at me with these verbal insults etc about a post i've made

No one has verbally insulted you; you are the one doing that.

Originally posted by prodomino
if you're here to simply debunk, put people in an anal mood or just be ignorant, what are you doing on a conspiracy website

I am sorry, I must missed the sign that critical-thinking is not allowed here. If you cannot handle differing opinions or hard questions, what are you doing in a discussion forum/

Originally posted by prodomino
i could understand your claims if you backed them up, this video is flawed because. or this footage is lacking this. but ignorant one line posts, we'll I personally wont tolerate.

I did back them up. You decided to throw a fit.

Originally posted by prodomino
So please if you have nothing intelligent to bring to this post go troll some one else.

Only the smallest minds think that disagreement is "trolling".

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by WingedBull

wow you're still being a troll.
Miss your morning boob milk ?

This footage is probably fake yes, just as 99% of all footage is fake. But would you rather have a look and decide for your self or just have people not post footage at all anymore ? I don't see where you are going with this argument. or even what it's about ?

You believe it's fake footage, That's great, there is a good chance it is fake. but why flame me ? and what the hell do i have to back up I didn't record this. i'm just sharing a link. take a few steps back, i'm done with this post, if you want to carry on it's going to be a one sided argument.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 10:14 AM

The Best Youtube Comment on the Bigfoot Vid
throw a rock at it
olias88 1 day ago

Originally posted by watchitburn
Oh well,
The 2x4 through the windshield video that comes up after this video ends was worth the time.
What the....??
Was that real? I just watched it about 25 times and I can't tell lol.
You can see it bounce on the road before it hits the windshield, but why in the hell would the driver of been recording video in the 1st place?

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by BrokenCircles

The Best Youtube Comment on the Bigfoot Vid
throw a rock at it
olias88 1 day ago

Originally posted by watchitburn
Oh well,
The 2x4 through the windshield video that comes up after this video ends was worth the time.
What the....??
Was that real? I just watched it about 25 times and I can't tell lol.
You can see it bounce on the road before it hits the windshield, but why in the hell would the driver of been recording video in the 1st place?

LMFAO that's exactly what I thought. That is absolutely insane. and lol @ throw a rock at it.
I've watched that 2X4 video like 20 times to haha, it HAS to be fake. and if it's not that guy is SO lucky he's alive.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by prodomino

Apparently it's real, but I think she should get fined $$$ for recording video while driving.

Give me a 5th of whiskey, and her a camera, and I bet I can out-drive her lol.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by BrokenCircles
reply to post by prodomino

Apparently it's real, but I think she should get fined $$$ for recording video while driving.

Give me a 5th of whiskey, and her a camera, and I bet I can out-drive her lol.

LOL, no doubt. We'll at least something good came from that bigfoot video

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by prodomino
wow you're still being a troll.
Miss your morning boob milk ?

What was that you were saying about trolls and flaming?

Originally posted by prodomino
This footage is probably fake yes, just as 99% of all footage is fake. But would you rather have a look and decide for your self or just have people not post footage at all anymore ?

I'd like to see quality footage (which your video isn't) and not suspect videos backed up by nothing but hyperbole.

Originally posted by prodomino
I don't see where you are going with this argument. or even what it's about

My argument is that it is not a quality Bigfoot video.

Originally posted by prodomino
but why flame me ?

No one flamed you. Disagreement is not flaming. You are the one doing the flaming...

Originally posted by prodomino
Who are you, anal bot 9k

Originally posted by prodomino
I could say allot about your avatar as well

Originally posted by prodomino
Miss your morning boob milk ?

Originally posted by prodomino
and what the hell do i have to back up I didn't record this.

You did make a claim about Bigfoot being an alien-human hybrid, which Gorman asked you to back up.

Originally posted by prodominotake a few steps back

You're the one losing his mind and throwing a fit. Everyone else here has been cool and collected.

Originally posted by prodomino
i'm done with this post

Heat and kitchens.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 10:59 AM
if you look closely I swear I saw a large hairy arm reach in from the left off camera and toss that 2x4

could be just my imagination though

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 12:43 PM
i was waiting for the bigfoot to smack the guy across the woods and take his beef jerky

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by iforget
if you look closely I swear I saw a large hairy arm reach in from the left off camera and toss that 2x4

could be just my imagination though


Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

edit on 11-4-2011 by Gemwolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by pez1975
i was waiting for the bigfoot to smack the guy across the woods and take his beef jerky

You know what i find interesting is when the guy turns around to start running, i dont even know where to stand on this video it's either faked or not faked. still interesting though.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by prodomino

LOL just because one nut says bigfoot is an alien hybrid does NOT make it legitimate research, you need to do alittle damn research and stop going to "crystalinks" for legitimate info on subject matter.

lol bigfoot is an alien hybrid, im gonna be giggling about that for a couple days.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 04:57 PM

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by prodomino

in the interest of accuracy - please re-label your delusion " utter twaddle "

What exactly is utter twaddle ?

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by gortex
reply to post by prodomino

]post by prodomino
Actually do your research, it is said that bigfoot is a human - alien hybrid .

said by who ? , a link to back up your claim please .

It does not have to be said by anyone specific person. Nor does there need to be any proof of it. It's just a branch of conspiracy theory that claims Bigfoot is an alien/hybrid. That's all that's required for it to be put in this forum.

Second line. Who gives a crap what forum it's in. Either you have something to contribute, or you are just trolling.

With that said...I think it's probably a fake.

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