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Namaste (my fall and consequent ascension)

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posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 06:23 AM
Welcome to ATS!

Sounds like you have good inborn quality.

I would sincerely recommend you to read the book Zhuan Falun in my signature link below. The book explains all the secrets about how to become a truly good person, opening your third eye, developing supernormal powers(inborn powers) etc etc. If you already have these powers from birth you can strengthen them enormously by cultivation of Falun Dafa.

The book was a bestseller in China during the 90s and then the communists banned it and started their terrible persecution of 100 million Falun Dafa practitioners(as you may realize the reasons of that persecution are no coincidence either, we live during the end of times - as we know them, in my opinion, and Falun Dafa has a massive role to play during this age, as Nostradamus and others predicted) ages ago.

In my opinion this is the most important book published since this civilization began 5000 years ago.

/Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good, Falun Dafa is good

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 07:38 AM
Awesome find! Thank you much. I would give you a star if I could.
Good intuition too as this is right up my alley. I have no doubt this is one of the teachings that came from Tibet.
If this goes practice goes well, I will ask permission to start a thread teaching the basic fundamentals of creating a spiritual warrior. I have the advanced and intermediate techniques, but I don't have an intro cross-over for people who don't have 7 years to spend in retreat or are not Monks/Nuns.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:54 AM

Mod Edit: Removed advertising.
edit on 15-4-2011 by Gemwolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by Gaussq

At just about 15% into the book I am utterly speechless. Maybe it's my current karma or maybe it's the author (and teacher?), but this book is pretty much putting my whole life's research in 1 place. I have never heard anyone put this world system into context so elequently.
I am working 7 days a week 12 hours a day at night right now. However as soon as this work cycle ends (2 weeks maybe) I will be finished with the book and i am going straight to the center.
I need to be a part of this.
Thanks again

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:14 PM
I can't seem to figure out this PM thing and I have checked the forums. Maybe it's just my blackberry. But I don't mind just writing on a wall as I have nothing to fear or hide. My life's an open book.
If anyone has any insight or help feel free to throw me a bone.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by LuisCyfer
reply to post by Gaussq

At just about 15% into the book I am utterly speechless. Maybe it's my current karma or maybe it's the author (and teacher?), but this book is pretty much putting my whole life's research in 1 place. I have never heard anyone put this world system into context so elequently.
I am working 7 days a week 12 hours a day at night right now. However as soon as this work cycle ends (2 weeks maybe) I will be finished with the book and i am going straight to the center.
I need to be a part of this.
Thanks again

I know the feeling you are referring to, I am so happy to hear your words, I had exactly the same feeling s you describe, it is called predestination.

And yes, the teacher is the author of the book, he is more often referred to as Master. As you will see in the following chapters this book is beyond anything in this world.

I guess there is still time left before you should start to send righteous thoughts, after you finished the book you might want to try it. Going to a practice site is the best way for you to progress quickly.

If you have very good inborn quality you can progress to an unimaginable level in 2-3 years.

An inspirational story from a practitioner with very good inborn quality:

I have a question for you: Can you sit in double Lotus?


By now you have most of the info you need to get going, please study the lectures from Master too. Any more questions, please PM me or put them here in case it doesn´t work out.

I wish you all the best.

Mod Edit: Removed advertising
edit on 15-4-2011 by Gemwolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Gaussq

Originally posted by LuisCyfer
reply to post by Gaussq

However as soon as this work cycle ends (2 weeks maybe) I will be finished with the book and i am going straight to the center.
I need to be a part of this.
Thanks again

If you have very good inborn quality you can progress to an unimaginable level in 2-3 years.

An inspirational story from a practitioner with very good inborn quality:

I have a question for you: Can you sit in double Lotus?

If double lotus is the same as "Full lotus," (the position the Buddha sat in) then yes.
I have done cultivation training before, but never actually commenced with any Gong generation because i wanted the "Lung" or physical transmission first. He actually describes this as planting the seed in your belly. It seems that by not practicing the other techniques it was not unfortunate Karma, but rather fortunate as this master says previous energy generation techniques can get in the way.
Is this master still alive and at least instructing his higher level practitioners? I hope to meet him in this body.
I am considering just going to the local practice next Tuesday after work at 6:30am. But i was concerned with interrupting the ongoing practice with beginner questions which I can probably figure out by continuing to study. I don't know we'll see next Monday.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 12:46 AM
Please do not hesitate to go to the practice site anyway, the instructor is very happy to see you, I am sure!

If you have done some meditation practice and can do full Lotus(double Lotus) it looks very good for you, your body is probably quite good. Your Gong level can probably shoot up very fast if you put your mind to it.

Any questions are welcome!


posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by Gaussq

My equipose and samhadi, I have been told, is quite strong. I lived at a Tibetan monastery and had an intense retreat for 3 months in 1998 after giving away all of my worldly possessions in an attempt to reduce my Karma.
I received some rare and high level empowerments, but wasn't exactly sure what I wanted. My teacher at the time sent me to India to find what I was looking for (I think he knew as an incarnated Tulku, but couldn't show me due to Karma).
I fell back into daily life while trying to wrap up my business and renounce my old life and never made it to India.
I had always had a feeling that I should attain enlightenment in my own country if the teachings were available. I was told that due to my sudden renouncement I would be subject to the "boomerang effect."
I needed to take things gradually in order to avoid the karmic backlash.
I fell even further, got married and my daughter was born in 2000. She was born somewhat enlightened and it has been all I could do to keep her from copying the other kids. She could sit in the full lotus position since birth and has as strong an equipose as me since she was 3. She is not like the other kids and tries to help them to a fault. She even takes blame for them because she does not want to see them suffer. It has been difficult for me to watch it all unfold.
My wife is a 9th degree black sash and has been studying Shing-I kung fu since birth. She knows these forms already as Ba Gua.
My hope is that the 3 of us will benefit from this practice, help others and not add to our daughters karma.
Again, I cannot thank you enough for reuniting me with this teaching.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by LuisCyfer

Thanks for your info, very interesting. On a sidenote, in Falun Dafa, marrying, working and having worldly possessions don´t mean you "take a fall", the main focus is to not be attached to those worldly matters while you confront them in your everyday life. One should conform as much as possible to everyday society and try to improve xinxing during conflicts. Being able to let go of everything and take things lightly is a key issue and that is not easy to do when a conflict suddenly flares up in daily life.

Therefore, it is said Falun Dafa has the best and most solid cultivation form since we don´t shy away from conflicts or everyday society by hiding out in a temple. About your kid, it is very likely she will develop extremely quickly since kids do not have any attachments at an early age and hence will be able to reach the high level almost instantly.

I have two kids with good inborn quality and I have seen my fair share of supernormal states in them, eventhough they are not actually practicing cultivation yet for various reasons.

Just my two cents, no truth offered whatsoever.

PS: Did you work out the PM system yet?

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by Gaussq

I sent you a PM.
I guess my whole thought was that I didn't plan for these things to happen. I was trying to transend above the mundane. It was my attachment to the ideas that alllowed them to manifest. That was my only disappointment. After getting over that the family is great.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by LuisCyfer

Ok, I understand. I guess the idea to transcend the mundane has been in the minds of many Dafa practitioners throughout their lives..

I just sent you a PM, please check it.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 11:46 PM
Hi LuisCyfer
First Understand Stages Of Samadhi dont get illusion's by the Bliss Read the Book

Download Book here

I have been Thought From My Guru very Old Mystrey school teaching of Light Body Transformation (Not anything connected with Kundalini Chakra by Concentrating more on chakra will ground in 3d,4d and 5d Earth Ascension is Beyond that.
There are Two Spiritual Divisions in INDIA One is Sanskrit Original Aryan Teaching(kundalini) and the Other One is Old Tamil From Lemuria(Advanced Teaching of Spiritual Force)
You have to find a Guru who can initiate you by taking your Karma to him
Jesus has given clear description to achieve this ascension Through Eye ,Eyes are gateway to heaven Its True.
Truth is Out there search for It

Read my Post in below Site

Ascension 8 & 2 Mayan

edit on 14-4-2011 by Arcot because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 11:49 PM
IF what you say is true, than you know that the peace sign in your avatar represents death. it represents the tree of life turn up side down....

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by Arcot

@ Arcot
Thank you for your post. Once again information I didn't know existed in this day and age.
It is truly fortunate how all of this lost knowledge is starting to pop up. I believe it has a lot to do with a mass elevation of consciousness or vibratory frequency.
Here you demonstrate 2 systems from opposing civilizations that failed to get along. The Hyperbollians and Atlantian/Lemurian alliance. (Please forgive me if I have the bodies wrong. The souls are what I am referring to.) Each have surviving teachings in todays day and age.
The text you linked seemed to be written for the old Lemurian mind set. It may be hard to find a master to interpret this and transmit it in the correct frequency.
The real trick is in finding a living qualified master. All of these systems are good and will work better for some than others. I am starting to see a return of the masters also.
Take this thread for instance:
I mean could somebody (possibly shiva) be calling all of the old masters back now?
I have searched in this body for over 5 cycles now and had not found a master who could break through my karmic propensity. I believe here in this thread I have finally been introduced to 1.
About Jesus, I find the parables easy to understand on the exoteric level, but his esotericism I think is also lost without a living master. This I find, is my cross to bear.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by HispanicPanic

Thanks for the reply. (I am emulating the avatar, with permission of course, as I am not the original artist.)
What I say is true. (Not knowing specifically what you are referring to, but assuming it is the "Druid" reference.)
Life and death are 2 sides of the same coin from my perspective. There could be no life without death. And without death life would be pointless!
I personally try not to get hung up on idealism, but it is on the tie-fighter which symbolizes the darkside.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:14 AM
Well, well.


Do not be concerned with some negative replies. If you come in making big claims and statements, people will understandably question your honesty.

I would like to hear more about this running from the MIB, and how that came about.


posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:19 AM
Thats some resume. I wish I could say Im even 5% of that.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:21 AM
Could you give me Friday's lottery numbers please!

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by LuisCyfer
About Jesus, I find the parables easy to understand on the exoteric level, but his esotericism I think is also lost without a living master. This I find, is my cross to bear.

Jesus was a teller of tales, amongst the other gifts ascribed to him. Many of the parabels are retellings of ancient moral tales and teachings. Many of them had already been re-told by Aesop some 600 years before Jesus. In my opinion, the influence of the Greek culture on the New Testament is under-emphasised.

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