As usual, the atheist over-dramatizes Christianity as a tool of controlling weak minded people. So one-sided its ridiculous. You say atheism is
a personal choice but how is it it one when there is a right and wrong answer?
Wow, I can't begin to describe how wrong that statement is. Christianity is only my example, not my sole direction for demanding proof before I give
up logic in favor of fairy tales. Christianity WAS AND IS used as a control mechanism for the population, why else do you need money? Wasn't it your
savior that said not to worry about money and concentrate on being a good person?
And why is it that almost every religious person I meet or speak with has to deal in absolutes? I never once said that there is NO "God", I merely
state that there is no proof of one so I don't believe the BS you are trying to force down my throat. Athiesm is a personal choice, REGARDLESS of
right or wrong. I am asking for definitive proof to which you cannot provide, therefore there is not right or wrong answer, there only is what you can
and can't prove.
Is it totally outside of your understanding that people often become pastors because they think its the best way for them to *help other
people*... they think its the best way they can focus their caring nature?
Again you skew my posts in favor of your aggressive theistic nature. Never did I say that the pastor was trying to condemn me, nor did I say that all
pastors are bad people. But answer me this, is there any other organization on the planet that advocates the raping of children and the covering up of
the crimes? The last time I checked, it was a crime to sexually assault children in this country and many others, yet when it happens the catholic
church's way of dealing with it is not to condemn the individual and renounce him as not a "true christian," instead they relocate them and "handle it
internally." You draw assumptions because you are told that atheists are the worst kind of people on the planet, even over your pedophile preists and
pastors. Not all pastors are bad, make sure you save that quote for your next attack, and I can understand far more than you can imagine; do you know
I've been to college three times? I'm about ready to get another degree this time next year, so what does that say for my intelligence?
Are there people who use Christianity as a tool of control?
Sure there are, but considering I wasn't directly targeting your religion and instead was speaking of all religion in general with brief references to
christianity from my personal experience, I can list a few for you:
Charles Manson and "The family" - I don't really need to explain this one.
Joseph Di Mambro - Order of the Solar Temple - Joseph ordered the killing of his three month old son because he was the anti-christ
and a few days later a "last supper" was performed where Joseph and twelve of his followers commited suicide. Soon after that another fifty people or
so in his organization killed themselves in various ways. This was in France, but it still followed the christian doctrine of the bible.
David Koresh and the Branch Dividians - Again, no explanation necessary on this one. WACO
Marshall Applewhite and Heaven's Gate - Once again, followers of the christian bible, all commited suicide. HaleBopp
Jim Jones - Jonestown Jim Jones and 917 people died because he was instructed by "God" to do so. One of the most famous and worst
events in religious following.
L. Ron Hubbard - Scientology - While this isn't specifically christian, this is a perfect example to your question because L. Ron
Hubbard was quoted as saying that the best way to make money was to start a religion. He also said that it was the best way to avoid paying taxes.
We all know that Televangelists and Evangalists are completely harmless and just want to "Help" too right? Since when did Jesus ask for money? Last
time I checked the bible he healed people for free. There are far more than I've listed here, but for the sake of writing a book as a response, I'll
leave it at that for now.
But if you analyze the personalities of good number of pastors you quickly find they are actually not obsessed with controlling other people.
What they are obsessed with is HELPING other people. Having only gone to church as a teenager and not knowing any pastors, you don't understand
Again you fail, not only in understanding my post but in the fact that you have no idea about who I know then or now. For your information, and to
re-state what you obviously chose to ignore, I attended church as well as youth group. I went to events and did all the things the church did. I was a
christian for all intensive purposes for two years. Just because I was a teenager doesn't mean "I wasn't doing it right." A common cliche argument if
I ever heard one. I knew several other pastors and I'm even friends with the one from my wife's old church, the one her family still attends. My wife
cleans their church for extra money on Thursdays. I can tell you that he is a good person, but some of the former pastors I knew on the west coast I
wouldn't let anyone near simply because of how aggressive they were. To give you an example I had one of the pastors actually come up to me while I
was listening to a Meat Loaf CD (Bat out of hell) and told me
"I think that's evil, I think you should BURN IT." Sounds a lot like 1955
right? I didn't list every experience I ever had within that two year period or since then, nor all of the religious people i've met that are utterly
horrid as individuals because that would just take too freaking long.
The most important thing to know about logic is that it rests on a foundation of emotion... reasonless signals in your brain operating on the
concept of intuition. Your brain sets your goals. Logic is a tool of your brain to achieve goals. However, your brain also has a very wide variety of
other abilities aside from logic to achieve goals such as reflex reactions, "sleeping on it", "feeling it out", "acting on instinct",etc.
Wow, I'm not sure what realm you stepped out of, but the last time I checked, logic has nothing to do with emotion. In case you weren't paying
attention in school, here is the
Definition of logic. Your cliche's are not a valid
description of logic nor is it a definitive example of a connection between rational thought and emotion. In fact the two are inexplicably connected
like the opposite posts of a battery. If you study martial arts you would know that you must keep emotions in check in order to think clearly. This is
why when people get angry they do stupid crap, they don't think before they act. They are reacting to a chemical response in the brain instead of a
completely different part of the brain that controls reason. However this would be arguing semantics and is best reserved for a different thread thank
Why is it most atheists are social outcasts?
That is actually one of the easiest questions to answer, because theists make it their personal mission to condemn and threaten atheists because we
choose to question your faith; it says so in YOUR BIBLE. How DARE we question what you can't prove? How can we have the AUDACITY to ask why when there
is nothing to back up your story besides a contradictory storybook written by men almost a hundred years after the events that were supposed to take
place? Yeah, how could we do such a thing to question you. [Yes, that is sarcastic, just so you know]
They don't have a complete scope of intelligence. You are missing the emotional intelligence that other people have.
Really? REALLY?? Were you asleep when you posted that? The last time I checked, the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of the most intelligent people on the planet guessed it.....atheists. Scientists, inventors, many famous names too vast to list in this little paragraph. As far as Emotional
Intelligence, UH, that's new to me because I was pretty sure that religion relied on emotional manipulation to initiate blind faith. You prosper
because you instill FEAR in children and adults if they don't do what their told. Then once you have them in your clutches you tell them that you are
"good" and all about "love" all while cherry-picking the passages from your "good book" to support your story.
Some of the best advice I ever heard was (and I wish I could remember who said it, I think it was Dawkins):
"If you want to turn someone away from religion, have them read the bible.....ALL OF IT."
Your teen years were a failure in part because you didn't develop all the areas of intelligence needed for success. Not to say you could not
have done it.. only that you didn't.
Again you completely ignore my post and take what I say out of context to fit your agenda; try again. I said in my OP that I was far more intelligent
that the rest of my class, and I have been for years. I had to be put on medication because I was doing schoolwork that was way over my head. I am now
almost finished with my bachelor's degree for Game Art and Design. I am a very good artist and I've been drawing since the age of 5. You know why?
Because I would finish my schoolwork so fast that I would sit and draw in class. I could only do that for so long before I got so bored I had to get
up and move around. I was put on MEDICATION because they didn't know what to do with me. Only after about three years of this did a psychiatrist
finally come to one of my classes and realize that I was bored and needed a challenge. My IQ tests were borderline genious and I scored in the top 1%
for my ASVAB test for the Navy out of high school. Don't talk to me about intelligence. I am far more intelligent than you could ever realize but I
don't speak like this because it makes me sound egotistical and I hate for people to get the wrong idea about who I am.
As far as my teen years being a failure, you don't know much about psychology and having TWO PARENTS around. My father was only home a day or two a
month, he was on the road all the time. I had no male figure to really support me or for me to talk to, so I turned inward to protect myself and that
is why I was picked on so badly. I can guarantee you if I my father were there to support me, I would have gotten into a couple of fights to stick up
for myself and I wouldn't have been a victim. I know this and I understand it, too bad you don't pay attention.
People who focus on developing the full spectrum of reasoning... both logic and emotional... and who understand both are valid, are going to
tend to believe God exists.
People who focus on emotional and logical development are often balanced, from a philisophical standpoint. If you take away logic, THEN you have
someone who believes in "God." You don't really believe in a talking snake, a man living inside a whale and a small boat that carried millions of
animals (without enough genetic diversity to repopulate by the way) for so long that they didn't kill each other, or have anything to eat. I won't
even mention having no windows and the feces problem. But I guess if I take away logic I could probably believe.
Once you understand the holistic approach to learning, rather than trying to develop your life into something it isn't... a purely logical
robotic program, then you'll find your understanding of the universe actually increases dramatically, contrary to the person who somehow believes
logic is king would believe
Interesting that you seem to think I'm not emotionally developed. With the experiences I've had as a child, the lack of a father figure for almost my
entire life and the constant hurdles/pressure of being smarter than almost everyone you meet, you'd think that the "logical" thing to happen next is
for me to be another Columbine participant for a shooting rampage. However I am very emotionally balanced. In fact my lack of religion helps me
objectively look at things without getting emotionally involved. This has helped me enourmously when it comes to helping other people. I still have
empathy, anger, love, joy, sadness and all the other emotions you do; I however can choose when to let them affect me instead of just believing
anything someone tells me. Again, martial arts and philosophy are my two favorite subjects of study regarding logical and emotional balance. I think
that if you actually let go of some of that chip on your shoulder for my "daring not to believe" and instead focused half of that energy you used to
attempt to tear me apart and actually pay attention to those around you, you might find that atheists are people too.
Atheists are subjected to ridicule because we choose not to conform to the ridiculous, and because of that we are condemned. Well, I would rather be
condemned in your eyes and open to new ideas and information than to believe obsurdities that aren't scientifically possible and call them
"Intelligent Design."
I had really hoped that by explaining some of my background I could avoid the obvious attacks that I anticipated to come with this thread, but alas I
was again proven wrong by the common theist who makes it their personal mission to mis-represent, mis-lead, twist and outright derail honest questions
in the name of blind faith of a "God" you can't provide evidence for.
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