posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 02:00 PM
I feel we have come a long way as humanity , so many advancements across the board of Philosophy, Psychology, Astrology, Science, Maths, Medicine,
Technology, Arts, Engineering and so on, all of our dreams have manifested from simple ideas reaching fruition into existence in this physical realm
we call our world.
We are all unique and individual in our own right yet there is a common bond that links us all.
Regardless of the wars that are waged in the name of progress, the countless lives lost through greed and hatred, anger and jealousy we all feel, we
all experience the vastness of human emotions, pain, suffering, despair, fear, love, joy, happiness, tenderness.
We are what is important. Yes so to is our world but we are the creators of the world around us and we have created something that no longer serves
us. It takes from us our very security, our peace, our brotherhood and community spirit, it tramples over our rights and liberties. It squeezes the
life blood out of everything that is good and pollutes it with destructive toxins.
The world we have created has become our enemy. It has turned us against one another and has conditioned us to live side by side one another in fear,
suspicion and prejudice.
It is down to us individually and collectively to create a world we wish to live in. It is not an impossibility. Sure there are those that would have
you think that way.. they would say to you we are too far gone to envoke the needed change to stave of world calamity but we have the potential now
more than ever to make the needed changes that will save our future generations and the planet that has so plentifully provided for us without ever
asking from us in return.
We owe it to ourselves and to our planet to turn the world around and direct it into a path of self sustainability.
We are at a precipe , at the preverbial fork in the road and it is down to us.
We look at all the happenings in the world and our perceptions are conditioned to accept a reality which is at best extreamly procarious.. but it does
not have to be that way. We can choose to avert our gaze and look elsewhere instead of becoming consumed by fear through all the propeganda and social
engineering that has recently gripped the world in a state of fear and panic.
We can look to a better world , a better future but only by excluding what has already been and gone. Yes it is now in our history's but we can not
stop and let it impact on us, depress us and lead us down the road of despair. We must pick ourselves up and work hard with dedication, commitment and
focus in creating the world we want.
It is not longer any good to just sit bacl and think what a brutal world we live in, how times are so bad and desperate and how the world around us is
crumbeling. We have the infrastructure and the capacity to use what we have and to turn things around full circle.
We can not fight the system any longer, we can not trust revolution, for it is a vessel to channel our energies in a political world which already
taxes us enough... no, those energies are better used elsewhere preparing the world we all want.. and not adding to the already decaying one that
currently serves us.
The world is our enemy but i have faith and i believe in every single one of you. I know you have the power within to awaken to a reality that we all
desire and need and to help in some way create that just world of peace love and security.
To those of you in jobs, to those of you who work for the governments of the world in positions of power and influence i say to you today is the day
to act. There are no second chances.. it is easy to feel that the world is uncertain and you have to look out for yourself.. that no one cares about
you and that you have to think of you and yours but i say to you that which you wish to protect will shortly come to an end if you dont stand and be
counted for in the here and now. If you really want to protect that which offers you security and peace you need to get vocal and proactive in your
circles and help change the current mind state. Help to raise it completely out of the current parradigm and help others to shift their perspectives
from a selfish desire to protect oneself and ones family.. the truth of the matter is that we are all one humanity, we all need to stand together and
work together if we are to stave off any coming world changes.
To the man at the bottom of the ladder is say to you, you are just as important.. you too should influence those around you.. youths especially, you
are the voice of the future.. help your friends to change their mentalities from any forms of desturction, drugs, violence and crime.. you need to
look at yourselves and realise you have massive potential to change this world in which we live.
Yes this world is currently our enemy , the past has paved the way thus far but the future is yet unwritten. We are so powerful we only need to
acknowledge what we are..
Let this message not perish in vain.. let it effect you, overwhelm you and become you.. let it inspire you for true change.