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Originally posted by FraternitasSaturni
Originally posted by jude11
Anyone notice the decline of IQ rates here? Except for B. Clinton, recent Presidents are dumbing down.
In order of IQ rating:
182 . William Jefferson Clinton [D]
175 . James Earle Carter [D]
174 . John Fitzgerald Kennedy [D]
155 . Richard Milhous Nixon [R]
147 . Franklin Delano Roosevelt [D]
132 . Harry S Truman [D]
126 . Lyndon Baines Johnson [D]
122 . Dwight David Eisenhower [R]
121 . Gerald R. Ford [R]
105 . Ronald Wilson Reagan [R]
098 . George Herbert Walker Bush [R]
091 . George Walker Bush [R]
You said "except" for Clinton?... hmm... you do know the order of your presidents right?
Just sayin...
Full analytical report for Michael
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General statistics
Total number of questions: 30
Questions answered: 30
Questions not answered: 0
Questions answered correctly: 28
Questions answered incorrectly: 2
Percentage correct answers: 93 %
Your age adjusted IQ score is 135 and the average score for all test takers is 100.
Your Grade ** Gifted **
Anyone with a general IQ this high is considered to be gifted. You have the ability to think critically, conceptualize ideas and form your own conclusions. Your ability to think in patterns and to produce order out of chaos enables you to handle complexities and see logic in everything. Needless to say you are self-aware of your abilities and have the brains for all known occupations. If you think of intelligence as the ability to adapt easily to new situations then you are at the top of the charts.
Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Entrepeneur (The Pioneer)
You are probably closest to …
Keirsey Temperament: The Rationals
Keirsey Personality Type: The Inventor
Myers-Briggs Classification: ENTP
Myers-Briggs Group: The Intellectuals
Myers-Briggs Type: The Originator
Personalized IQ report for Wicket ! Your age adjusted IQ score is 138 and the average score of all test takers is 100.
IQ Score of 138 IQ Calculation
Standford-Binet 138
Cattell 157
Wechsler 136
Standard Deviation 2.375
GRE 1308
SAT 1308
Percentile 99.123
Rarity 114
An IQ Score of 138 is Higher Than 99.4% of the General Population