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Government Shutdown: Mistake or Deliberate?

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posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
reply to post by SaturnFX

People can get by just fine without jobs or in a depression.

Sure...people can also get by just fine without clothes or farmed food...we can eat tree bark and plants naked.
People are survivors...however, life isn't about just survival (anymore). its about thriving and moving on and up. Its easy to talk about what people can do while sitting in a air conditioned room behind a computer, isn't it.

I'm a brave my blog on how I dream about my bear giles ninja skills while eating donuts behind my computer...ya..I am all surviverie cause I watch the programs.


The only reason anyone needs an income at all is because we have to pay taxes and fees just to exist. If it werent for taxes we could all get by quite fine with just a 10th of an acre of soil.

Well, I won't be building your webpage for a few tomato's.
I don't even know how to approach that discussion...sure...we could get by without taxes...of course, driving down the road would be an adventure given the potholes and no traffic lights (initially...worse)..hell, would certainly solve the gas price issue considering we would all have to trade in the car for a horse and carriage

nothing like devolution of a society for a goal...bah

We're not supposed to be living this way. All of the artificial frames propping it up and government interferences mandating participation is testament to how wrong and unnatural it is. It cant be sustained forever no matter how hard they try.

Will once again point out the irony of a man posting that on the net. nothing says hypocrate than someone using technology (alot...your not new) to decry technology...and even further ironic...using a government invention (the internet) to talk about the uselessness of government.
Sorry, just can't take you seriously..this is like John Candy being a fitness expert (late john candy...miss that guy)

But we're all too set in this lazy life. Too used to the splendor and decadence. I didnt have electricity or running water until the government knocked and told me I must have it or lose my home.

You were probably effecting the neighbors health (much less your own) with stagnant water and a breeding ground for disease..
no running did you..flush?

nevermind, don't want to know..just gotta make sure to live upstream from wherever your living

None of us need any of this. A lot of us want all of this. Those who do not want any of it? They get a visit from the cops telling to buy in or get out.

Your right...we need nothing beyond a cave and a good berry bush nearby...we want more for our lives...we all but demand more for our lives.

If you don't want more...there are plenty of places on earth to goto where you can live like a caveman still...hell, there are -plenty- of places even in America where you can find a nice little hole and never have to come out again...
society has come together and created cities and these areas, we build and move towards a new evolutionary don't have to participate...but sort of like a really big house party, if you don't want to be there...then leave, else play by the rules.
If you doubt there is a isolated cave where you can live out your days trying to survive, let me know, I can google map you any environment you want and where to go...from frozen wastelands, lush forests, or can sell something to get a ride out there, or just foot it.
but stop complaining about what you have and don't want...if you don't want it, walk away from really is that simple.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Yes, lulz and all I'm in a cube in front of a computer.

You know why smarty guy?

I have to earn an income to pay my tax or the government takes the home.

I'd rather spend 18 hours a day farming for myself and my family than 10 in this cube.

Taxes force labor.

And the typical "love it or leave it" fall back.

So much violence and anger from the government and its supporters.

So simple to leave it? I stop paying taxes my farm is gone. Where do I go? Become a vagrant? A beggar? How do I live a homestead life without breaking hundreds of rules, regs, and of course tax laws?

I dont want to be a lunatic ina cave or a beggar on the street. I want my land tax free so I never have to work for an income ever again and never have to leave the property boundaries for anything. But you all wont let me. Apparently without my participation the whole system would collapse because I'm just so damn important.
edit on 8-4-2011 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
I dont want to be a lunatic ina cave or a beggar on the street. I want my land tax free so I never have to work for an income ever again and never have to leave the property boundaries for anything. But you all wont let me. Apparently without my participation the whole system would collapse because I'm just so damn important.
edit on 8-4-2011 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

Well, I can agree with that sentiment...Who doesn't want that style of life, however, its a unity thing...socialism if you will to keep the roads paved, the electrical grid running, etc... it or leave it
and if your in some cave or log hut in the middle of a forest, chances are, you dont give a damn about some regulation your breaking...thats society stuff that is a million miles away from your reality.

There are -plenty- of mountainmen and such, carving out a rather enjoyable existance deep in the forest...tiny huts next to backwoods waterways, fishing, gardening, and hunting is their life...electricity from a old fashion water mill enough to power a lamp and maybe a small fridge, and thats it...the lifestyle isn't bad, and chances are, if you researched some of those quiet and peaceful people, you would find many of them are running from the law, or just tired of being in society...but ultimately they are left alone and can break all the regulations they want in their own little world they created.

it is an can think of many excuses why it isnt (oh, well, how would I pay taxes)...but you can't decry a system, then feel obliged to continue being part of it when there are other options..thats just being a bit of a baby if you ask me.

Oh, and sorry about coming off sharp..political threads bring out the best (worst) in me and I become overly sarcastic and grumpy...

But, also, you and I are on different sides of the universe...I am a progressive are a rural survivalist...two completely seperate (valid) psychologys at want to have a forest farmer existance, I want to be downloaded into a computer...bound to cause relation issues

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:51 AM
hmm good points here, though c'mon.. the repubs threatened filibuster on obama care, look how that went.. the dems knew alot of the stuff they were putting out wasnt good legislation, so even with all 3 branches, they stalled and stalled because they wanted at least some repubs on board ( through bribes and exemptions and w/e you could think of) so they wouldn't get 100% of the blame when the people got mad.

Lets face it, the country is in trouble. when bush left office the deficit was 600 billion, not good.. but not bad. now what are the debt and deficit figures? trillions.

The wars can be blamed but honestly social security and medicare are the real problems for our debt. add on top of that the benefits illegal aliens ( illegal alien is NOT another term for immigrant) receive through anchor babies and you quickly see how insolvent the programs are in current configurations. but minority votes have always been the bread and butter for dems since the 70s and that's why we have these open borders still

both parties aren't perfect, but show me an example of republicans living in lala land playing with money they dont have, and taking money out of social security to fund their pet projects back home

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by Kingbreaker

social security has been providing low interest rate funding to the gov't for decades and well, you blame the boomers, but they just started retiring last sercurity has been running a surplus and well, if the gov't wasn't borrowing from them it would have another avenue...
so, explain to me how it has contributed to the debt???
has all those pension funds who thought that treasury bonds were a good investment idea also contributing to the debt??
what about all those servicemen and women who are investors of treasury bonds??
or ira accounts,
not to mention countries like china and japan??

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:07 AM
I really hope you're wrong, OP. You have no idea how much I hope you are wrong...

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by Kingbreaker
social security
illegal aliens
anchor babies
minority votes

Total indoctrination of neo-con values...keywords are great.

why not talk about the corporate tax rate? why not talk about 33 v 35% for wealthy?

anchor babies...yes...that is the issue =rolls eyes=

financially, the illegals don't even qualify for a drop in a very large bucket that is the problem, yet, the words trigger an emotional response (we are a society with a legal fetish, so giving the two dangerous words...illegal aliens (omg, ET has a gun!) stirs up the primal fight response in humans...). It does nothing to address any issues beyond making people subconsciously freak out at the terms.

I am not for illegal immigration mind does hurt the economy. an illegal will take a job paying 3 bucks an hour that should be going for 15 bucks an hour, making the pay rate skewed and nerfed...sure, I understand that, but given the scope of whats being discussed here, illegals have almost no impact comparatively....this isn't uncle tom's tomato farm...this is the federal budget and giant federal programs that, arguably, are the knitting that seperates this country from, say, somolia.

Its not that the right has only paperdoll arguments...their concerns and ideals are in fact important, but they use nothing but emotion to fuel their discussions, and then try to destroy real big arguments in favor of their paper dolls attention.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:21 AM
Shut it down. Stop everything in the public sector.

Let the people decide what is important enough to reactivate.

Teachers are important, administrators are not.
Trash pickup is important, refuse committees are not.
Road repair is important planning commissions are not
The constitution/bill of rights are important(they have been inactive for some time now), All the later laws are not.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:34 AM
does this include feds

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:37 AM
I love this. As shutdown looms some fighter jets from Vermont are about to flyover the red sox game.

It's like seeing the repo van down the street a d getting in some amazon orders real quick before it gets here.

Is that a necessary expenditure?

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posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 01:16 PM
ya, but well, the old will not eat, the troops will not get paid, because of low income women take advatage of low cost pap smears and get low cost birth control pills????

the whole thing borders on insane and all representatives should be replaced immediately and put into mental hospitals!!! we'll just have a good ole lottery and pick their replacement's out of hats......
probably get a saner government that way!!!

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Well, I can agree with that sentiment...Who doesn't want that style of life, however, its a unity thing...socialism if you will to keep the roads paved, the electrical grid running, etc...

It's not "socialism", nor a unity thing... It's "law" and legal matters... People don't "own" their farm.. land... house... The Executive or STATE owns it. That's why it is taxed.

These "who owns the land" scams have been for hundreds of years... If you doubt this, then ask yourself how a government can tax what it doesn't own, EVERY YEAR forever.... Don't pay the taxes the STATE takes "back" the land. Mineral "Rights" is another example... who gives such "rights"? ... on YOUR land...........

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 12:00 PM
Dear Congress, Last year I mismanaged my funds and this year I cannot decide on a budget. Until I have come to a unified decision that fits all of my needs and interests, I will have to shut down my checkbook and will no longer be able to pay my taxes. I'm sure you'll understand. Thank you very much for setting an example we can all follow.

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