posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 06:58 PM
Well so do Japanese Scientists from their University studying HAARP records, and so does Ben Fulford including that Japan paid 60 trillion yen to the
US illegal henchmen after the quake which I wish they had never ever done and used it to relocate their people, ie. Canada has a population and
they'd be welcome.
That a small evil group holds the world hostage, and extorts all the resources, 90% from the world to fund it. Its amazing.
Now put the shoe on the other foot. 9/11, and two countries in perpetual invasion with over 1 million citizens killed over 300 000 children and a
tomb covered with depleted uranium dust. All for the supposed, and highly questionable "actions" of a few bad guys.
What should Japan think of the US, for this small group. Should the world invade as a police action?