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aliens and television

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posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 01:49 PM
during the course of a conversation that is about ufos, one of the inevitable items that always comes up is roswell. then onto our scientific "discoveries"...fiber optics...microchips..etc...these are all valid points, but one i never here, and should is this:

what about television...i'm still baffled by how a little radio, can pick up some sort of "signal" and then play this music back the heck does that work? who had the mental capacity to do this? i can understand morse code...that makes sense, but radio? wow, amazing..

then came tv...

now, not only can we listen to the radio..we can watch it ?!?!? how does it know what to do? more importantly, what did we base it on? who thought of it? know what i mean? i dont think we ever could have thought of something that complex on our own. now, in this day and age there is satellite, cable, etc...baffles the mind even more..

but my point is this, i think the technology of television came from one of 2 places. 1: ship crashes, we examine it, find the technology there, and incorporate it, along with numerous other finds on the ship...2: i dont know...some super genious creates this? it baffles me,,,anyone got an opinion?

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 01:58 PM
If you're curious, why not take the time to do a little research of your own into the development of radio and television. If you would, you would find there's no conspiracy or alien involvement. Or is this just grab for points?

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 02:03 PM
no this is legit. ive read a few things here and there, but honestly i am idiot with electrical jargon. the facts on it get so technical, you almost need a PhD to understand it. dont get me wrong, im not stupid, but i will admit my weaknesses. all i was looking for, was someone who has a real understanding of this stuff.

im not saying aliens brought us the tv..but if you look at the last, say, 10,000 years of technological improvements, compared to say, the last 80 years or so, its amazing what has come has to be something other than smart guys...

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 02:03 PM

All teh answers you seek. Took me about 3 seconds and use of google.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 04:23 PM
While I'm a firm believer in alien visitation, and our reverse engineering of their tech, radio and tv have a pretty long record of R&D behind them to support that we came up with it on our own...

Two amazing inventions, no doubt, but consider also the way a digital camera works, or a telephone, etc.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 04:44 PM

now, not only can we listen to the radio..we can watch it ?!?!? how does it know what to do? more importantly, what did we base it on? who thought of it? know what i mean? i dont think we ever could have thought of something that complex on our own. now, in this day and age there is satellite, cable, etc...baffles the mind even more..

The human mind is a very powerful device. Never under-estimate it. You have to want to learn in order to learn. Do some research via a search engine and you'll easily find the answers to your past two questions.

Gazrok, you do realize that by using that avatar you are spreading a visual meme. Facial expression is a very effective programming tool.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 06:46 PM
As far as Aliens having something to do with technology why not look at something that is hard to explain.

For example..The Pryamids

To say Aleins help bring us TV or Radio is so funny.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by brykc14
As far as Aliens having something to do with technology why not look at something that is hard to explain.

For example..The Pryamids

To say Aleins help bring us TV or Radio is so funny.

I find transmitting signals on EM radiation and decoding it on billions of recievers pretty amazing compared to a well shaped pile of stones. Don't get me wrong I think the pyramids are a wonderous ancient feat...but if we are talking ET technology the pyramids are tinker toys. Compare them to the Washington monument in DC, the pyramid is made of cut square stones pilled up with a nice wide stable base...The monument is poured liquid stone over a steel skeleton that sits upright on an extreamly small base.

Now as for the pyramid being hard to explain...they aren't. Lots of people have come of with lots of ways to do it both modern and ancient. Heroditous said they used wood and rope level machines. Modern humans could probably do it in about a year with our current technology.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 07:13 PM
That my point. They didnt have our modern technology.

Washington Monument was built between 1848 and 1884

The Pyramids were buit around 10,450 BC

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 07:15 PM

I recommend you read Nicolai Tesla's autobiography...makes you think; a genius with access to different!!

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 09:24 PM

Now as for the pyramid being hard to explain...they aren't.

There are a lot of unexplained factors regarding the Great Pyramids. Do some research, you may be surprised. For instance, the perimeter of the Kufu pyramid relative to it's height is the same as the circumference of the earth relative to it's radius.

The Pyramids were buit around 10,450 BC

Well, the plans for the Great Pyramids were obviously created at that time. Whether they were built then or several thousand years later is up for debate.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by brykc14
That my point. They didnt have our modern technology.

Washington Monument was built between 1848 and 1884

The Pyramids were buit around 10,450 BC

It's pretty much been shown that it is possible to have made the pyramids with the technology available to the Egyptians. It was still a humongous achievement, but seems to be solely a terran one.

The bigger question, thought, would be...why? Why would ET build a few piles of stones so long ago?

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by brykc14
That my point. They didnt have our modern technology.

Washington Monument was built between 1848 and 1884

The Pyramids were buit around 10,450 BC

You implied aliens had a hand in their construction. So was it an amazing feat in human engineering or a silly stone toy of aliens? They are only amazing if they were made by ancient people... people with less technology than we have now. So if aliens made them...why just make them with wide bases an out of cut blocks? Why not put some real work into them? Or at least enough that they rival modern megaliths like the St. Loius Arch or the Washington Monument?

So which is it?

(BTW, no one really best there is only partial evidence for different theories.)

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 02:08 AM
well, i just got home from and checked this thread, and im glad it went somewhere. i read the info, and well, it just confuses me. oh well, guess i should just let it got, but ill say this..whoever thought to do this all

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 02:41 AM
Don't underestimate the power of the human mind. The people who created radio and TV did it themselves, to take the credit away from them and pass it on to so called "crashed aliens" is to deny those people their ability.

Its like the people who deny that the Egyptians could build the pyramids, or the mayans their fortresses. Just because the average Joe finds it hard to work out how it is done, does not mean that there were not much smarter people than him around in the past.

[edit on 26-7-2004 by Netchicken]

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 05:59 AM
I think you have been smoking too much reefer and missed all the history of science in High School and College.

The simple truth is that there were some uber-geniuses that flushed the basic math out of a few expiriments with magnets and electricity. Their imagination and genius (and a long road) is responsible for the rest. Here is a link:

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 08:10 AM

So if aliens made them...why just make them with wide bases an out of cut blocks? Why not put some real work into them?

I was not saying aliens made them. I was saying that I didnt beleive aliens had anything to do with TV or Radio. That came from some of the greatest human minds. Then someone said that they were baffledby how someone could have came up with it. I was just saying if you wanting to look at something that would baffle you, look at the pyramids. I think they are harder to explain how they were built, that TV or Radio was. Compared to the technology they had.

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 10:37 AM

Gazrok, you do realize that by using that avatar you are spreading a visual meme. Facial expression is a very effective programming tool.


posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 10:29 PM
er...dude? Its called Invention and expirementing. You take something old, and make it new. Like, morse code to phone. Radio, to TV.

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 12:49 PM

Don't underestimate the power of the human mind. The people who created radio and TV did it themselves, to take the credit away from them and pass it on to so called "crashed aliens" is to deny those people their ability.

I have been saying the exact same thing for years to the people who "Thank God" for their loved ones being saved in a hospital (or other similar situation). Try thanking the doctors and nurses instead.

Off topic? Yes. Sorry, but this was a great opportunity to spout my opinion.

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