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Hello, my paranormal past, alien and meteor dreams

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posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 03:46 PM
Hello, I'm new to ATS I have been somewhat addicted since being introduced to the site and I decided to make a profile after I read a few threads that i really wanted to chime in on. But people usually already have said what I was going to say, but I might be able to throw something in that was missed or help out a minority opinion every so often. I also wanted to post about my own experiences which might be of interest to some people but I'm not that into talking about myself so I thought I would throw it all into an intro thread.

I'll start by sharing my paranormal experiences for those who may have had similar ones, only two really:

1. A few years ago I was staying at my dad's apartment and while laying in bed I saw a tiny blinking light moving around the room, so i turned on the light and then i heard something tapping on the wall.

2. My friend and I were driving on a country road at night and we both saw a beach ball sized glowing purple orb on the side of the road. It was very neat.

Now I really wanted to share my recent dreams and also my husband's since they relate to other recent dream threads.

My dream from last night about aliens or meteors:

The first thing i remember about my dream is being in the town i currently live in, I believe it was around dusk, the sky was orange-ish.
Then i looked to the north east and saw a glowing ball moving across the sky. I remembered that a comet was supposed to pass close to earth so
I thought that's what it was, but then i noticed about five more glowing balls toward the east. I think some were moving and some appeared
stationary. I couldn't tell if they were meteors or ufos, i feel like they were meteors. I then remember there was a sense a of panic as I was suddenly back at my "home" packing up survival gear into a backpack and
instructing my husband that we should only take what we can carry, although i think we were going to put stuff in the car because he wanted to
take the whole bookshelf, but earlier that day (in real life) i had set aside some outdoor survival related books, so in my dream i just grabbed those
and started sorting through sunglasses and then i woke up.

This last dream i had about two weeks ago about a meteor apocalypse:

It was before i saw the other posts on ATS about meteor dreams. I sort of shrugged it off at first as,
a pretty normal dream but then it freaked me out when i realized other people were having meteor dreams within the same week. And the more i thought
about it, the more i found meaning in what i thought was a regular dream.

My dream started out with me in my home town trying to get a ticket for a chairlift to get to the top of a mountain. I remember there was a sense of
urgency and it seemed like it was the cool thing to do or something as a lot of people were in town trying to get on the chair lift. So i got my
ticket then talked to someone and he said my ticket didn't quite go to the top of the mountain but i could walk the rest of the way. So When i
got on the chairlift I had a big bag of dog food with me and there was i girl i've never seen before, but it felt like we had always been friends.
We rode to the top and i saw the top of the mountain, i don't think there was snow, maybe at the very top, but i didn't get off, i think i was just
riding the lift around and by this time it was dark when i looked at the sky and saw beautiful shooting stars streaming down. Then all of a sudden i realized they were meteors
and i was on the street downtown my city running frantically when a meteor hit right next to me and exploded. I was thrown to the sidewalk and I "awoke" in my parents house
in bed with my dog and cellphone. I really wanted to get a hold of my husband to see if he was ok but i couldn't figure out how to use my phone. That's all.

What i interpreted as possible important was the fact that everyone was trying to get to higher ground. So there must have been a warning or earthquake. I had a large bag
of dog food, possibly i was leaving my house for a while and stocking up. The girl seemed oddly familiar to me, maybe a spirit guide warning me. And of course the meteor shower.
The dream was also very vivid i seemed really aware for being in a dream.

I think either its a coincidence that a few of us here have had meteor dreams, maybe reading too much ATS
or they could be prophetic, but i don't think i've ever predicted something in a dream.

Then the other weird dreams which have happened to me or my husband since living in our current house have been numerous. I lived here alone for six months and didn't have
very odd dreams, but when he moved back we both experienced strange dreams and he also saw an apparition or something that he said looked just like me.

So just to list the weird ones. I've had several dreams where i'm in my house or outside of it like my consciousness is wandering around while i'm asleep. A couple have involved a
couch that was here before we moved in. And i've had several where I feel like i'm talking to really important people who are very vivid but i've never seen or met before.

Demons in a dream:

I was in an unknown place and there were a few cloudy people around, but i was talking to one girl and I asked her if they were demons and she said "they don't
exist" and then her face distorted into demonic looking creature and back to normal and she said "just be glad he doesn't know you're here" Then I went somewhere with her. And my husband woke
me up because i was making weird noises.

Another evil dream:

A while back I also had a dream that me and my husband were in our house and he was in the living when I saw a tall dark figure standing behind him that scared us both so we ran in the
bathroom to hide and i was turning the light switch back and forth trying to turn it on but it wouldn't, then i woke up.

My husband has had several strange dreams he claims were very vivid and they also took place in our house.

His abduction dream:

He said he had one where he was abducted by aliens onto a space ship and they took a piece of disease out of him but they didn't get everything.

Alien seduction dream:

He had another one where he said we drove up to the house at night and a little alien creature sprinted out of our house to our neighbors. then when he got out of the car there were three lights in the
sky following him. When he got inside he said there were people there who talked to him directly in his brain and one was a girl who tried to seduce him, but he noticed something was wrong
so he ran down the street to some people but they all disappeared and the streetlights were all going out and he heard the aliens tell him in his head that they were aliens who needed his semen to impregnate someone

His evil dream:

He also had another weird one on a night when we both felt like there was something observing our thoughts and we both told it to leave, but before we told each other this he dreamed that all the
lights were on in our house and he felt something evil, he looked out the window and all the lights were going off in the city like a wave of evil coming at our house and at that point in the dream he was
awakened when my dog jumped off the bed barking and growling at something in the living room.

So the next day i burned some sage and we've had pretty normal dreams, except the first one I mentioned.

Well, I hope this is of interest to someone.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by loucares

Well Hello there loucares. Im sure once you have enough posts to get this into the dreams and predictions forum, you will get a much better response.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 03:49 PM
I've had a similar dream. It started with me floating above the road for a while, in darkness..Then all of a sudden I was in an unfamiliar city. The sky was changing and meteors or some sort of huge orange/yellow orbs were filling the sky. All of a sudden I felt like it was over and a calming rain entered the atmosphere. I remember seeing a sign with an unimagiable death count. But, there was a survival count of 33, representing our 33 ancient bloodlines. It seemed like I teleported into a supermarket, and as i walked outside one or two of my friends were there smoking a cigarette..we just looked at the sky and smoked our cigs, and that was the end of it. I think these dreams are somewhat of a sign...of future events on this planet


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