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Pay the Guys & Gals With Guns First!

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posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 08:01 AM

It seems not only inane, but downright stupid - if not criminal - that the members of Congress get to keep their paychecks while at the same time threatening to withhold payment to our troops in harm's way.

But the really criminal action is the withholding of income tax returns. Follow the money!

ATS member Vitchilo has an excellent thread following the money (or lack thereof) started here.

We are following a different path in this here rabbit hole than his post, and will be bringing additional information that may seem not so relevant at first blush - but that is up to the student to discern for oneself - and that's what ATS is about - bringing to light seemingly disparate bits of information and watch them coalesce into something tangible.

We're being had here folks (again), so let's dig a little deeper and get to the real reason this "drama" of the government shutting down is diverting attention.

If one recalls, we postulated just the other day that the ISS "Potential Disaster" was a false-flag operation to distract the sheeple from the real story.

Another false flag to divert attention from what's really happening?

This to divert attention from:

1) The radiation that is now threatening to harm every living thing in the United States forever.

2) The nuclear facility in Libya that was reportedly bombed yesterday.

3) The dumping of millions of gallons of radiated water into the Pacific Ocean.

4) The report of contamination 7,500,000 times the legal limit in the stricken reactors area.

5) The fact that the survivors of the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear/radiation event have yet to receive monetary aid - even though millions of dollars in donations have been raised.

6) The fact that in Japan's northern prefectures, (and probably everywhere in Japan) virtually all of the land-based food and now the sea-based food has been radiated to some degree.

And it goes on and on and on and on...

I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!

Thank you for your time and consideration.

These challenges to life and sanity on this planet must be met with clear minds and sound hearts, so may your 2011 see you embracing its highest potential and onward through the fog!

In Peace & Light


edit on 7/4/2011 by thorfourwinds because: type color?

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:41 AM
The more I read you guy's threads and information, the more I want to go and buy more Spam and Vienna sausages.

I prefer the Treet brand rather than Spam.

Ps. S&F Can you point me to the thread with the space station comment?

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 09:51 AM

Thank you for your time, consideration and participation.

We completely agree and have launched this thread to do something about it.

America's Being Nuked - Can We Together Stop the Madness Before It's Too Late?

Please join us there, bump and flag and tell a friend to do the same!

We are amassing a database of current, pertinent information to aid in the complete understanding of this worldwide crisis so as to be able to offer viable, realistic, real-world solutions.

First, we must awaken the masses to the very real fact that the USGOV/EPA/FDA is going everything in their power to hide the truth from we, the people.

Knowledge is power - come join us, have a read, and please post a comment, more information, whatever.

Welcome to the struggle and onward through the fog!

In Peace, Love & Light


posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by liejunkie01
The more I read you guy's threads and information, the more I want to go and buy more Spam and Vienna sausages.

I prefer the Treet brand rather than Spam.

Ps. S&F Can you point me to the thread with the space station comment?


With pleasure.

Space Junk Threatening Space Station, NASA Says!

In Peace. Love & Light


posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 07:27 PM

Meanwhile, back to the Fukushima World-Killer Nuke Meltdowns and the [color=limegreen]continuing radiation poising of our land, food and children - 24/7/365.

zorgon, what is your take on this?

Well, I spent three weeks following that Fukushima story doggedly... then in the end I found out three things...

1) Except for a handful of people and those that live in the area... NO ONE CARES...

2) We are still here... 1000's of nuke tests (especially near my home town) medical radiation, space radiation, CME's, cell tower radiation, microwave radiation... etc etc.. and we are STILL HERE.. and world population is increasing exponentially

3) Radiation is good for you


Thank you for your insightful and timely response.

1) We have been attempting to sound the alarm in the many nuke-related threads in our signature, and have come to the same conclusion: NO ONE CARES...

However, having spent the last six weeks on the road in the Hurricane Irene-ravaged areas of North Carolina, we were amazed - no, dumfounded - that [color=limegreen]NOT ONE PERSON we spoke with (including fellow First Responder Volunteer Firepersons) had any clue about Fukushima 24/7/365.

The Captain of the local department said that "there is no problem, or the USGOV/EPA would alert us, and it would be on television, right? (!???!)

Revised Conclusion: The people have been denied the basic information to make informed decisions as to how best "handle" the radiation poisoning nightmare.

2) Never thought that you would not be (there) "here" - after all, who would want to leave that pool? And whatever happens in "here" (there) stays in "here," (there), right mate?

3) You and Ann Coulter make such a great pair...

Glad to be back.

As we have been attempting to bring to light for over six months (!), there exists a world-wide conspiracy in the MSM to deprive the public of the facts regarding the dire consequences of the melt-throughs of the nuclear reactors at Fukushima-Daiichi.

Please listen up, people.

Your life and the lives of your loved ones may very well depend on your access to and use thereof of potentially life-saving information being kept from you by the EPA/USGOV.

The total number of days between Friday, March 11th, 2011 and Tuesday, October 11th, 2011 is 214 days.

The radiation poisoning of our people, food and land has continued unabated - 24/7/365 - for exactly 7 months.

For your edification and enjoyment (bewilderment), a few 'notable' stories that seemed to miss mass circulation and perhaps a peek at what might have been missed on the 6:00 o'clock news...:

Three days into the disaster, this FOR EYES ONLY memo circulated at the NRC.

14 March 2011
NRC ONLY Update – All 3 Reactor Cores Likely Damaged

15 March 2011
Fukushima Daiichi Units Degrading – Zirconium Fire at Reactor 4 SFP – Reactor 2 Possible Reactor Vessel Breach & Ex-Vessel Core Reaction

My goodness gracious! And we thought they (TEPCO/JAPGOV) said they had this "stabilized..." and presumably under control...

At least, that is what they (and the EPA/USGOV) would have you believe.

Fast-forward about six months to more headlines you may have missed in your local media:

21 August 2011
Fukushima Officials Worry New Discovery of Radioactive Beef Will Harm Reputation More After Farmer Confirms Cattle Not Fed Contaminated Rice Straw

21 August 2011
4,000 Potentially Radioactive Cows Without Radioactive Rice Hay May Have Been Shipped from One Farm in Namie-Machi, Fukushima

29 August 2011
Why the Fukushima Disaster Is Worse Than Chernobyl

31 August 2011
France Releases Map of Cesium-137 Deposition Across the Pacific – Shows the US More Contaminated Than Western Japan

[color=limegreen]Will this insanity ever end?


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