Originally posted by grahag
If someone wants to make people believe they need to start using their knowledge for the benefit of the rest of the planet. To have the knowledge and
not share it is either evil, negligent, or fraudulent.
dont forget: we are free. We can believe what we want.. Everyone.
. If he would present hard facts..hard proofs.. this would change the whole game..
BUT : Bashar does that. He gives often personal proofs by saying something he could not know of the person. That happens rarely but it happens.
What u say implies that beings should come here and give us their technology to solve our problems and at the same proof that they exist.
It certainly does not work like that. WE are the ones who determine the rate of help THEy give us.
THIS is the reason why u see lights in the sky..and why u dont see them landing. They only have a little space in which they are allowed to interfer
with our belief system.
Its really all about thoughts (btw u could make a epic sci fi movie about that).
Dont u see that more and more people believe that we are visited by other beings? We see more and more ufos. but they also never become big anought
that Steve can say to Mike: HAAA i was right....look at the proof. The ships will often be small enough that u can still say: its a chinese lantern.
And sometimes if u are lucky and with someone who already beliefs...u see a really BIG one
(like i did 3 months ago)..and u know: #...of course my
handycam was in my room...of course i can not proof it..but Yeah: i know what i saw.
Never will there be a 2 KM or 10 Meter big UFO that lands in washington before we are ready... Something like that can only happen when the treshold
is reached when enough people believe in stuff like that so that it becomes possible. Manifestation follows belief.. /but from some sources i hear
that there is also a timeline where they just come..where the cycle ends and the "quarantine" has stopped. I hope this is soon. I mean: look at
this forum. Here is the elite of people who are open for crazy stuff and even here many sound like white breaded grandparents who discuss about things
in their garden plot. So it could take some time if we are dependent on the threshold. BUt still: there is he possibility that we dont have to wait
this long
Until that we can still work on our believe system and hopefully trust in some things without proof. Because we will not get it without that trust.
Its a battle about our belief system. The elite knows that what will happen in the next 3 years is really dependending on hour beliefsystem. ...And of
course they have a big effect on our thinking by spreading hoaxes...making ufo videos that are faked.. and they like when kids in japan or isreal
(even if its the mossad) do that on their own without being told to (kidding). They have an interest in making that 2012 thing a pseudo science show
which it already is because they did a good job. They have an interest in making woodstock and 68 look like a year that was only about stupid drugged
people who were to lazy to work....they have a big interest that we dont get spiritual . Thats why weed and '___' is forbidden in so many countries.
Drugs that are spiritual are dangerous as hell for the government. Not because we will get psycho or get lazy using them..but because we could
perceive things that give us a spiritual spit.
So ET opens the window by showing us something which could at least create a new possibility in us so that we can choose if we want to follow it or
As u can see mass consciouses is not really sure yet if we are being punked or if we see something real. But one thing is guaranteed. There is
something going on right now. More and more people get interested in that stuff and more and more people are aware that strange things happen. Even
that bashar topic changes more and more..i once already tried it in some communities (also here) but no one really was interested and now this changes
Now i hope: as many as possible see > they are already talking to us. Because if enough people know that: this changes everything. And dont forget:
with "enough" people i dont mean..millions. As for the morphogenetic field from apes it only needs a small percentage to change something in the
whole population the same goes for us.
So lets start to believe new stuff and back that belief up with new and trustworthy science so that all are happy and change is likely.