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We already have contact to ET and most people dont know it or dont believe it

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posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by kauskau
i ´ll try it one more time here but still i am disappointed that people really dont see that this contact is REAL. I can really not understand that.

I'm disappointed people still take channeling seriously.

No, wait. I shouldn't say that. That's wrong.

I'm disappointed people ever took channeling seriously.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by kauskau

There is another channeler who has a wealth of knowledge that I've studied here in San Diego, CA. Ester Hicks channels for Abraham and you can also find her teachings on You Tube. Very interesting indeed and I'm amazed with the answers she gives. I'll have to listen more to what Bashar has to offer us.


posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:43 PM
While he's doing all that breathing he sounds like Darth Vader. That has got to be one of the most fake "channeling" sessions I've seen. He breaths deep a while, then starts with an India sounding accent and talking 90mph. How is that convincing in any way?

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by kauskau

You know....I really am open minded about most things relating to the existence of aliens. But unfortunately, extra-terrestrial consciousness channeling is most certainly NOT one of them. What I see here is nothing more than a well spoken, well read, delusional charlatan.

No matter how convincing the performance, I'm never going to believe that an alien in a ship 2500KM above the earth, or anywhere else for that matter, is gonna take time out of his busy day to give speaking engagements on another planet, on subject matter that anyone with a decent imagination could come up with.

You wanna impress me Bashar? Use your vessel Darryl, to convey some really life altering information. Like how to end disease, or solve our energy crisis, or fix the environment. And be specific! Back it up with schematics on a blackboard, dammit!. I'm SURE you can borrow one of your more technical buddies up there to help with the details. Just once, I wanna see one of these channelers give us some truly mind blowing, verifiable information. ONCE!

Anyway, no offense to you OP, I just cannot buy this hogwash.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 12:54 AM
Very interesting, OP! I had never heard of Bashar before this. I'm about half way through the presentation. I find it an interesting concept that "we" are experiencing past lives, future lives on many levels and dimensions right NOW, simultaneously.
A few things so far have bothered me, though. Why does Bashar in the body, feel the need to scratch the channeler's nose and ear? This occurred several times. One lady asked to speak to a woman, who I am assuming is an associate of Bashar's. He said she could not come because "all her energy had to be focused with a race she was working with" (not verbatim). I can't wrap my ahead around how "we" are experiencing past/future plus current lives on many levels/dimensions, yet one of these "pieces" of that lady, one little speck of energy of which that lady is comprised could not be in attendance on this level. Can you explain that? That seems to make the above not true then--or what am I missing?

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by kauskau

You should carefully consider what this channel says about the information he is getting and the experience.

Realize first that this man is being taken over. His own judgment is being set aside during the "transmission."

Most of this channeled information is very sophisticated.

It correlates with various mystical teachings and the findings of many modern researchers. It is obviously aimed at the more advanced people on earth.

But what is its true purpose? It is simply to enlighten us and "help" us? That is the big question.

My first take: This guy is a PR man! A motivational speaker! Who is he working for? Us? Boy, I sure hope so.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by Habit4ming

i dont know why he scratches himself but i he can hear what darryl is hearing this is not the only impulse he gets from his body and itching can be a disturbing one. So i guess in all universes we know who to scratch a feeling away.

About the time concept: without a certain space time reference an individual focus is not perceivable.Also Bashar does not perceive his whole life at one moment. He is an individual that experiences time in a kind of linearity even if he says that his way of perceiving time is different than ours. Still: that also means that he can only focus at one reality and in this reality he and the person they are speaking about are existing in ONE of many versions.
Means: as he can not let me talk with another version of kauskau , he can not let me talk to another version of adima.
. ((adima another being from his planet.. female can find videos on youtube where adima speaks through darryl)
They have individualization of "focus" like we have. They also have a timeline. Timeline IS individualization.

edit on 7-4-2011 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 04:03 AM
There is a chinese person that once channeled bashar and also Lyssa Royal did.
I am still searching for videos where u can see that because iam sure that it would be proof that we are seing an entity here that is capable of channeling through different bodies (or of course the paranoid people can just say that darryl and lyssa royal have a big conspiracy going on..)

i found only transcripts from channeling sessions where not DArryl is channeling bashar but Lyssa.

Its freaking interesting. ..i can guarantee everyone who has abduction experiences etc...that this channeling session where bashar himself channels a grey through the body of a lot of insight..its from 1990..when the abductions were still going on.they stopped.

I found some mp 3s where u can hear her channeling bashar. I will buy one and than upload it so that we can see they are both channeling the same being.

its real.

On the galactic-server page u can find more sessions lyssa channeling other beings. Its very interesting in terms of the grey (zeta) subject. I know how crazy this all sounds. As i said 2 years ago...i would have declared sn like me a crazy naive esoteric idiot. U still have ur free will to do that but i can guarantee you that it will be more enriching if u study it more and THEN come to a conclusion.

edit on 7-4-2011 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-4-2011 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-4-2011 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 04:13 AM
lyssa (through bashar) starts to channel the zeta being after bashar.....i learned a lot of this subect from Lyssa Royal. She is also a good channel.

He IS the result of the abductions cause he is a hybrid with human and grey dna. He is from a future time

my god...what has become of me.

again: to every one that has abduction memories ...u will get more comfortable if u totally understand why this happened.

here is the history of the civilization of the zeta ...(the greys) channeled by Lyssa royal.

Here are a lot of free channelins from her concerning different topics. Very enriching

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 04:33 AM
I'm a believer in UFO's because I've seen them, by that I truly mean UFO's, I have no clue what or where they are from but I've seen them.

What my mind refuses to believe in is mystics, mediums, channellers, these are all known regions of forgery and fraud, people who tell you exactly what you want to hear, people who act so oddly that those wishing to believe are taken in by this behaviour. The very reason that my logical brain refuses to believe them is that they for bringers of info are totally vague, they never give precise info, its always mumbo jumbo so insane that believers think it must be real.

Never yet has one of these channellers given a precise date and info that has become real and happened, for such knowing beings they seem to be short on detail. The ones that as mediums give detail is a simple ploy, a fraud, people posing as audience chat to the victims, getting background info that's passed back to the medium so giving amazing inside information.

The one thing they all do exceptionally well is simple...They take your money, name me a well known FREE mystic or Channeller...

We get them all, people from the future who are not allowed to tell us what will happen because its against the laws of their ability, yeah right...

The people who wish to bring us enlightenment yet never actually do, enlightenment from them is a set of self help rules that we all use every day as normal but what makes these people special is that they charge for these tid bits of info, info that is just mere common sense.

When one of these channellers says that on a date they are going to appear to the world and do is the day that I believe they are real, until then I'm sorry but I'm calling them frauds or nutcases and those that follow them as needing to take control of their own life and not depend on a stranger feeding them doubtful info.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by l_e_cox

But what is its true purpose? It is simply to enlighten us and "help" us? That is the big question.

My first take: This guy is a PR man! A motivational speaker! Who is he working for? Us? Boy, I sure hope so.

the problem about us as humans is that we lost touch with basic knowledge about how reality works.
We dont "trust our trust" anymore. We don´t trust good feelings. We dont trust our senses. The body seems to be a tool that we know how to use in terms of sports, walking, talking etc.. but often we dont know what emotions and thoughts are.
I for myself can say that their intention is to learn from us and to speed up our process of making things possible by perceiving concepts about them . Bashar himself said: Its just fun!..he has no other intentions then just having fun. I can totally understand that. For me there would be nothing that would be more fun to talk with an ant and see the eyes glow when u tell it that the universe is much bigger than it thinks it is..and much more complex and wonderful. Being able to help beings with their thats just fun.

They are interested to have contact with us and they will (but they will not be the first civilization that has open contact with us ).
On another level : their intentions don´t matter if u understand the concept that (how he says) circumstances dont matter , only state of being matters (literally). If u have a good feeling reading something or listening to something -> thats your compass needle. Of course i know that some may say now: but also the dschihad warrior had a good feeling reading about the virgins that are waiting for him if he kills some unbelievers..but u will understand that it is not possible for somebody like this to be interested in something likes this without also feeling hate and a negative form of ignorance. Its just important to be honest and precise about the own feeling.
So ..we can trust our senses. Just follow the positive stuff and it does not matter what other intentions are.
Being paranoid does not have a good effect.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

its hard for me to respect ur view to be honest..because it is nothing but based on something which i can just not perceive about darryl.
I can not understand why people can not see that he is a good guy. A very trustworthy guy.
For me its crazy that people impute a lot of mean intentions to him. As i said: this is more crazy for me as they seem not be able to see with their eyes and listen with their heart. And more crazy it is that they tell me i am crazy and clouded.
I can not change that u see it the way u do..but one thing i want to say: life is not always compressible to our ideas about motifs, realities and possibilities...there are much more wonders going on on this earth then most of us know ..and this is a reason to be happy.

But...u are free to think that channelers and mediums are "evil" materialistic people who just want money. Its a little extreme to think that.
And i really really thought that through: it is not possible for sn to have in a long term a motif of hoaxing and faking ....and talking from an integrative standpoint which has the energy of pure flow.

U know. i was a rapper when i was young and i was really good in freestyling ....let me tell u: if u have bad intentions ..if u are not feeling ONE with the environment...u will not flow. The flow of bashar tells me everything i need to know.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 04:47 AM
btw ..he does not need our money..darryl is a respected special effects artist...just watch the movie list...
another proof for me that he himself can use the tools about "highest joy" in his life...

edit on 7-4-2011 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by kauskau
btw ..he does not need our money..darryl is a respected special effects artist...just watch the movie list...
another proof for me that he himself can use the tools about "highest joy" in his life...

edit on 7-4-2011 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

That's not the point, do you have to pay to see him?

Why do people always have to pay to to hear what they say, why don't the just ask people to meet in a public park and him do his thing.

And no disrespect, you know nothing about the man, you are trusting his words based on what you like to hear and you failed to answer my question, has he ever told you stuff that is precise and came true?

I very much doubt it...

All I'm giving is my opinion based upon the facts as they stand, I'm not trying to doubt your belief nor sway you from believing, I'm purely tell you the truth, that these practises are heavily inundated with fraud and hoaxers that rely on people not to think beyond what they are being told. I know a few in the science area's, when they tell me stuff I always ask 'why', I do this because I want to learn and there's always the possibility that what I am being told is wrong, to not ask 'why' is a waste of that organ called your brain, humans by nature MUST question everything, that's how we learn and that's how we evolve.

Never rely on one person to teach you...

Btw, please don't take this wrong but text speak ie typing U instead of you gives a wrong impression, trust me, I'm from the days of the computer 'scene' where we used "leet" and "CU" and "lamer", its not English and can look silly

Just saying, not advising you..
edit on 7-4-2011 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

"Never rely on one person to teach you... "

i don´t.

Thats the reason why i like him so much. I come from a total different direction and he combines in a real synchronized way what i already knew or did not totally understand.

I dont answer ur questions because as i said:
u wont get evidence that is capable of manipulating free will. They give evidence for those who are already open for the idea of their existence. Thats the way it works everywhere. Expansion is not something which will be forced upon us. So evidence will be shown in a subjective not an objective way.
I got my evidence..
u will get urs when u are ready. This is a game of consciousness here.. u play a game i do. One day u will know i was right. I swear by god lol

Have a good day.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 05:45 AM
i think watchin this one will give u a good understanding about when and how to receive evidence. (starts in the middle the important part)

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 06:07 AM
Bashar How To Take Our Power Back From The Government,s NWO -> great answer

how can u not feel the absolute positiveness about this being....that makes me sad that our world is so crazy that even peope here (where there is more open mindedness) can not perceive that anymore.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 07:43 AM
you'll only be moving to ' doom ' yourselves listening to such nonsense. if you're Christian like i am you'll know what im talking about.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

Huh? You forgot the guy who foretold the Japan Earthquake i guess and he was precisely as it gets. It´s even on this site. If there is something we can´t just understand we automatically asume it´s impossible but it really isn´t. You sure noticed the change of our perception right? Even i experienced something i can´t understand but i accepted it because there is much more to us humans as we can possibly imagine.

We simply forgot to use our abilities and yes i´m talking about telekinesis,telepathy,astral projection and so on. Our brain is a huge computer with so much complexity but we aren´t able to access the data for a long period of time. If we were able to use even 10% of our brain the world would change instantly. We all looking forward to 2012 and waiting for something to happen but it´s already happening. More and more people experiencing extraordinary things they don´t have answers for but to many people ignore it because we are trained to think we are just nuts or mentaly unstable and there for it can´t be real.

If you saw a UFO it´s real. If you saw a alien it´s real. Don´t think for a second it doesn´t happened or it was just a glitch in the matrix. The people who experience things like that are chosen for a reason but it will not unfold until you´re ready.

Why is it so hard that we can´t accept the things we see with our own eyes? Nobody is forcing you to believe Bashar or any other channeler. You can do whatever you want but be careful to call others hoaxers,liars or much worse. If the day comes and only one channeler was right all along you will wish you never had said those things. I for one would never call someone a hoaxer,liar or something else because i honestly don´t know if it´s true or not and if there is only a 1% change i´m wrong it´s not worth the trouble.

What if a alien would make contact with you through this channeling? How would you feel if nobody believes you and called you a hoaxer or a liar? It´s much easier to doubt everything but it´s real hard to have faith in someone or something.

Everything is possible.

edit on 7-4-2011 by Perfectenemy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 08:01 AM
I will check it out.. just bare in mind.. there are some pretty good liars out there.. only we call them actors ;]

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