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OL Predicts Massive Geomagnetic Storms in late September! Caused by Comet Elenin! Backed by Science!

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posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:49 AM
Explanation: Due to the good reception my last thread garnered and also due to some more in depth research I now feel confident to make the following prediction based on some science which can be easily assesed by my fellow members.

Cataclysmic Cosmic Collisions: BioChemically Contagious Comet's, Coma's & Ion Tail Cannons!!! (by OmegaLogos posted on 5-4-2011 @ 03:57 PM) [ATS]

In that linked thread I clearly lay out that if Comet Elenin is a Comet then the Earth becomes a target for the ionized gas tail between the 20th and 30th of September and that full alignment happens on the 27th.


Now for some important facts...

Earths Diameter [] = 13,000km aprox

Comets []

The ionic tail, known as type I or plasma, is made up of ions. This tail is straight and is always opposed to the direction of the Sun. It is up to 100 000 km wide and of a few tens of million km long. Blue is the colour which dominates its spectrum.

Note: Edited to Bold for emphasis!

So the ionized gas tail of Comet Elenin will be far far wider than planet earth and doesn't require a direct strike at all to affect the ENTIRE PLANET! A glancing blow would be enough!

Now on earth we have HAARP [wiki] and we also have the Ionosphere [wiki] and its not hard to see the two are DIRECTLY related to each other.

The most prominent instrument at the HAARP Station is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high power radio frequency transmitter facility operating in the high frequency (HF) band. The IRI is used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere.

The ionosphere is a shell of electrons and electrically charged atoms and molecules that surrounds the Earth, stretching from a height of about 50 km to more than 1000 km. It owes its existence primarily to ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

So what happens when a MASSIVE ion beam broadly sweeps across the entire earth over several day period?

Ionospheric Perturbations. [wiki]

X-rays: sudden ionospheric disturbances (SID)When the sun is active, strong solar flares can occur that will hit the Earth with hard X-rays on the sunlit side of the Earth. They will penetrate to the D-region, release electrons which will rapidly increase absorption causing a High Frequency (3-30 MHz) radio blackout. During this time Very Low Frequency (3 – 30 kHz) signals will become reflected by the D layer instead of the E layer, where the increased atmospheric density will usually increase the absorption of the wave, and thus dampen it. As soon as the X-rays end, the sudden ionospheric disturbance (SID) or radio black-out ends as the electrons in the D-region recombine rapidly and signal strengths return to normal.

[edit] Protons: polar cap absorption (PCA)Associated with solar flares is a release of high-energy protons. These particles can hit the Earth within 15 minutes to 2 hours of the solar flare. The protons spiral around and down the magnetic field lines of the Earth and penetrate into the atmosphere near the magnetic poles increasing the ionization of the D and E layers. PCA's typically last anywhere from about an hour to several days, with an average of around 24 to 36 hours.

[edit] Geomagnetic stormsA geomagnetic storm is a temporary intense disturbance of the Earth's magnetosphere.

During a geomagnetic storm the F2 layer will become unstable, fragment, and may even disappear completely.
In the Northern and Southern pole regions of the Earth aurora will be observable in the sky.
[edit] LightningLightning can cause ionospheric perturbations in the D-region in one of two ways. The first is through VLF frequency radio waves launched into the magnetosphere. These so-called "whistler" mode waves can interact with radiation belt particles and cause them to precipitate onto the ionosphere, adding ionization to the D-region. These disturbances are called Lightning-induced Electron Precipitation (LEP) events.

Additional ionization can also occur from direct heating/ionization as a result of huge motions of charge in lightning strikes. These events are called Early/Fast.

In 1925, C. F. Wilson proposed a mechanism by which electrical discharge from lightning storms could propagate upwards from clouds to the ionosphere. Around the same time, Robert Watson-Watt, working at the Radio Research Station in Slough, UK, suggested that the ionospheric sporadic E layer (Es) appeared to be enhanced as a result of lightning but that more work was needed. In 2005, C. Davis and C. Johnson, working at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire, UK, demonstrated that the Es layer was indeed enhanced as a result of lightning activity. Their subsequent research has focussed on the mechanism by which this process can occur.

Geomagnetic Storm. [wiki]

A geomagnetic storm is a temporary disturbance of the Earth's magnetosphere caused by a disturbance in space weather. Associated with solar flares and resultant solar coronal mass ejections (CME), a geomagnetic storm is caused by a solar wind shock wave and/or cloud of magnetic field which typically strikes the Earth's magnetic field 3 days after the event. The solar wind pressure on the magnetosphere and the solar wind magnetic field will increase or decrease depending on the Sun's activity. The solar wind pressure changes modify the electric currents in the ionosphere, and the solar wind's magnetic field interacts with the Earth's magnetic field causing the entire structure to evolve. Magnetic storms usually last 24 to 48 hours, but some may last for many days. In 1989, an electromagnetic storm disrupted power throughout most of Quebec and caused aurorae as far south as Texas.

Aurora (Astronomy) [wiki]

Personal Disclosure: So I predict the following for the period of Sept 20th to Sept 30th 2011...

Massive Geomagnetic Storms as a result of prolonged and widespread Ionospheric heating caused by Comet Elenin's ionized gas tail.

These storms will have the following effects...

Increased chance of Aurora's and increased display + duration of the Aurora's. [beyond the expected norm]

Increased chance of interferrence with radio and radiowave reliant technology [radar etc].

Increased frequency and power of thunderstorms. [beyond the expected norm].

Increased chance of power outages and blackouts. [beyond the expected norm]

I give each of the above a better than 50/50 chance of occuring at that time and although I am not certain I am willing to take the gamble.

This prediction comes 6 months in advance so get yourself prepared as best you can if you feel my prediction is in any way credible OK!

P.S. I will be completely happy if I'm completely wrong as who wants TEOTWAWKI?

P.P.S. Here is my standard Disclaimer bolded for emphasis OK!

Disclaimer: I'm a theist but not of the Abrahamic faiths. I have minor biblical scholar and scriptural skills. Also I am not a scientific/legal or medical expert in any field. Beware of my Contagious Memes! & watch out that you don't get cut on my Occams razor.All of this is my personal conjecture and should not be considered the absolute or most definitive state of things as they really are. Use this information at your own risk! I accept no liability if your ideology comes crashing down around you with accompanying consequences!

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 01:16 PM
Very interesting post! It sounds like you put a lot of work into it.....I guess only time will tell.... I hope it's wrong though!

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 08:57 PM
Excellent and well detailed write up OL!

I can't believe this thread isn't getting more attention?!


posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:11 PM
Great post! I was under the impression the flow of the ions from a comets tail is dependant on the solar wind as well as being opposed from the sun, within a few degrees.

The initial velocity of the ions is provided by the reaction that produced them. The ions are carried by the solar magnetic field at 10 to 100 km per s. The tail is thus straight on account of the speed of the ions, and forms an angle of a few degrees with direction of the Sun, in the direction opposed to the motion.


I don't know if you have already done this but may I suggest you put forth the same effort with comets Honda and Levy? It would be interesting to know if we will have the same or similar conditions when these comets approach later this year and early 2012. I believe they come closer then Elenin anyway so they may hold more importance.

Comet Levy

Comet Honda

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 11:25 PM
Very good post

Very good presentation.
Very well done in proving your case.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 11:43 PM
In 1910 the Earth passed through the tail of Halley's comet (much more impressive than Elenin, poor little thing). Guess what? Nothing happened, even though the hucksters made a few bucks on selling gas masks and anti-comet pills.

What're you selling?

edit on 4/17/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by Phage

Explanation: This thread focuses on the issue of the comets IONIZED GAS tail and not on the dust tail.

Otherwise I would have posted about panspermia and micro meteorite showers.

I have no knowledge of earth passing through Halley's Comets ionized gas tail and I would appreciate if you could bring that evidence to validly compare with or kindly retract your posts invalid assertions.

Personal Disclosure: I am of course promoting ATS in general with this thread and aside from stars and flags I'm making no profit on this prophesy.
Can you show otherwise?

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 12:31 AM
In 1910, the earth passed directly through the tail of Halley's comet.

Halley's orbit is retrograde; (orbits the Sun in the opposite direction to the planets.)

When it passed earth it was traveling 70.56 km/s relative to the earth. Faster than most anything else that has been this close to the earth.

Halley passed earth at 0.15AU !!!!!

Nothing happened. The outpouring of gas and particulate from the comet had no noticeable effects on the earth.

I would think that this would be a good comparison model of what would happen if a comet that size came extremely close to earth and was traveling so fast. It is a much more extreme case than the encounter with Elnin. Of course, in 1910 there were no communications satellites roaming above the earth, so perhaps they will encounter some interference or perhaps light damage.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by charlyv

Explanation: Which tail???

Comet Tail [wiki]

The streams of dust and gas each form their own distinct tail, pointing in slightly different directions. The tail of dust is left behind in the comet's orbit in such a manner that it often forms a curved tail called the antitail. At the same time, the ion tail, made of gases, always points directly away from the Sun, as this gas is more strongly affected by the solar wind than is dust, following magnetic field lines rather than an orbital trajectory. Parallax viewing from the Earth may sometimes mean the tails appear to point in opposite directions.

If it moves in a retrograde path it would be similar to elenin traveling in a reversed orbit and I can see [from my picture and in my minds eye] that the earth most likely crossed both so I have no problems with halleys comet crossing earths path BUT... in 1910 was much auroral research being conducted at that time. Was there any Ham radio interference? Was there the electronic infrastructure that we have now? Were thunderstorms intensities mapped and logged back then?

Where is the proof of the status quo in 1910?

Personal Disclosure: Thanks for the information on halleys orbit but a link would have been nice.

Halley's Comet [wiki]

Edit: Oh No... Look what you have made me uncover now! :O

EJHGRQG (by JBortle •Date: 17 May 2005 06:00:43 -0700) []

In fact, Paul, this is a drawing by Barnard, not a photograph. No such
extreme wide-angle cameras existed in 1910. In the original source (AJ
or the Yerkes publications?) it is listed as a drawing. As I recall,
there is a series of these drawings documenting the tail's evolution
during the latter half of April.

Further regarding the tail, it attained a reported maximum length of
some 100-120 degrees in 1910 according to several observers, including
Barnard. The tail being curved, for a very brief time the comet's head
and the initial part of the tail were situated in the evening sky,
while much of its extent and the terminus stretched far out into the
morning heavens! It should also be noted that the writings of Barnard
dating from around the time of the comet's encounter with Earth in 1910
make for some very interesting reading. In part they address observed
phenomenon that modern astronomers would rather sweep under the table!

Their like also seem to have occurred in regard to Tebbutt's comet of
1861 as its tail swept over Earth.

Another point worthy of mention and largely unknown to modern
observers, is that in the hours just prior to transiting the solar disk
in 1910, P/Halley was visible in broad daylight in
Australia...inferring a magnitude of at least -6 for the comet's head!

Note: Bold was my edit for emphasis.

Who is this Barnard???

E.E. Barnard [wiki]

I'm investigating this more.

edit on 18-4-2011 by OmegaLogos because: Edited to add the edit.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by OmegaLogos
reply to post by Phage

Explanation: This thread focuses on the issue of the comets IONIZED GAS tail and not on the dust tail.

Otherwise I would have posted about panspermia and micro meteorite showers.

I have no knowledge of earth passing through Halley's Comets ionized gas tail and I would appreciate if you could bring that evidence to validly compare with or kindly retract your posts invalid assertions.

Personal Disclosure: I am of course promoting ATS in general with this thread and aside from stars and flags I'm making no profit on this prophesy.
Can you show otherwise?

OL. That has got to be the most inspiring post I have ever seen in my life
. Keep us updated and thanks for spreading knowledge further.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by Phage

Proof that there is at least ONE in every thread.
and it is usually you,lol.

OP, thank you for this very enlightening thread and pay no mind to rude people who lack the manners to RESPECTFULLY disagree.

I hope that you are wrong about this but something tells me you're not.
We shall see.
At least you have it documented.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 11:50 AM
This is indeed a well prepared technical posting, but my only concern is the failure to mention and emphasize September 11, 2011 as a critical date that Comet Elenin or whatever it is will be "CLOSEST" to our Sun during is passing.

This close proximity to our sun on Sept. 11, 2011 is expected to generate massive solar flares as a result of such a massive object passing so close to the Sun. The massive solar flares while logically expected, can not be prepared for exactly, because we know not when or how large they will be or what part of the earth will be exposed to such massive solar flares if and when they do occur.

In the 5-7 days after such a passing by Comet Elenin to our Sun, such flares will be a real dangerous factor to us here on earth and as such, I would emphasize September 11, 2011 as a critical trigger date that will determine what will potentially happen to us all in the days and weeks that follow such solar flares and or the magnetic anomalies that could impact our nations electrical grid in addition to massive solar flares and associated severe and sustained weather anomalies.

As we begin to move into mid October, earth will begin to pass through the debris trail of the object named and this is when what debris we experience will specifically determine if we experience massive debris strikes and other dangerous affects from such debris.

There are indeed many dangers to consider, but I feel we must include and consider the specific sequence of events and the dates those events occur on to then properly predict what could potentially happen to us as a consequence of such potential dangers.

Lastly is the final conjunction of November 22, 2011. Most know that the November 22 date while being the anniversary of the JFK assassination, signals the scientific possibility that such a massive object could induce a polar axis shift or magnetic reversal and so, while concern for massive and continued solar flares and debris strikes are all important, I for one think that seeing these events in relation to time and dates will better prepare us for whatever happens in the days and weeks that follow such events.

September 11 and November 22 are dates that have significant importance historically to those of us that recognize such dates, but since they are part of this Comet Elenin passing, I for one see hidden and esoteric matters at play and feel very confident that such dates will play a critical part of our near future and all of the events that we are subjected to during Comet Elenin's passing through our solar system.

I am in no way trying to be overly critical of the effort placed into this posting, but I see the importance of keeping certain dates in mind as it relates to what will eventually happen to us after such dates. Thanks again for the posting. It's good in my honest opinion to see more technical postings regarding Comet Elenin's passing.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Phage
In 1910 the Earth passed through the tail of Halley's comet (much more impressive than Elenin, poor little thing). Guess what? Nothing happened, even though the hucksters made a few bucks on selling gas masks and anti-comet pills.

What're you selling?

edit on 4/17/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

Where's your manners? where's the decorum? where's the decency? I see you are sorely lacking in all three. The thread is a predictive speculation - you choose to refute it or debunk it do so - however don't just waltz into threads and start being obnoxious - it demeans you (and should be far beneath you if your reputation is to be believed)

@ OP - Time will tell, but interesting none the less for the colours these auroras may throw out.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 12:23 PM
Nothing happenning here folks. A little light show, thats all , if that. nothing here to really be of interest,for me anyways. I would pay more attention to how our lawmakers and elites are swindling you and your children dry. Pay no heed to the last statement, just continue on and enjoy the little light show. I'm sure it will be a high event, if you know what i mean. peace.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 12:28 PM
Earth will just have a 7.0+ earthquake somewhere... no big deal... Unless it strikes somewhere where they aren't prepared but it's not very likely.

Hopefully nothing happens.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by MaxBlack

This close proximity to our sun on Sept. 11, 2011 is expected to generate massive solar flares as a result of such a massive object passing so close to the Sun. The massive solar flares while logically expected, can not be prepared for exactly, because we know not when or how large they will be or what part of the earth will be exposed to such massive solar flares if and when they do occur.

Who exactly is expecting massive flares pulled from the sun by the passing of a comet? It certainly is not based on anything a science organization would get behind. It is akin to trying to pull water out of a pool by waving a penny over it.
The Sun eats any comet that gets too close, without even a burp. It would eat the earth without a burp as well. We are talking orders and orders of magnitude gravitational differences between such small objects relative to the Sun. A comet pulls nothing out of the sun, even if it headed strait for it. When all those masses of Hale-Bopp poured into relatively little Jupiter (in relation to the Sun), did we see any of Jupiter's clouds come out to meet it?

I think you really need to get a grip on gravity, to make a pun.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

if you find the specs on elenin you can put the info in this sight and see the damage done to earth.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

Wouldn't the "tail" of this comet be behind it though? Why would it shoot out just about perpindicular to the way it is going?

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by superman2012

Explanation: There are 2 tails... the dust tail ... which this thread is NOT about ... AND the ion tail ... which this thread IS all about!

Personal Disclosure: Take your time and reread the entire OP! It makes everything clear about the ion tail and why it is oriented and aligned in earths direction during that specific time frame!

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

Perfect! Thanks for the quick explanation. I am too tired to read everything!

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