posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 07:59 PM
Hello fellow ATS'ers, I have been a lurker for quite some time now and decided to take the plunge and become a member. I decided to join because the
love I have for my family could stop the world from spinning and I want to stay as informed as possible, stay on top of the true, the false, the
ridiculous, and whatever might help (or entertain) in the future. I am currently living with my parents as I am on my last week of treatment for
Thyroid cancer, as of friday I am DONE and moving to the east coast to join my husband in NC. I have a 2 year old boy, a chihuahua, and 2 cats. I do
all the mushy gushy girly stuff like scrapbooking, sewing, and watching Buzz Lightyear/reading "Bubbles bubbles" a thousand times a day. I also have
an interest in antique guns especially revolvers. I have a CCL and know how to use it (No really, I took a class and everything
) I frequently
go to auctions and want to learn more about the value of silver coins, and I am currently learning how to pioneer/homestead/hunt and generally survive
off the land. I enjoy ATS because it gives me one extreme to the other, and it's very informative the whole way through. It helps me learn about how
people think and react, which comes in handy in every situation...good or bad.
Anyone is welcome to message me, I will be brand new to NC and know nothing about the weather and the potential danger therein. I am used to
tornadoes, but have never lived on any coast. Thank you for welcoming me!