(Mods, sorry if this isn't the right spot for some reason, please relocate as needed)
I figure now's a good time to get to know some of the other members as I'm new here, and I think your opinions on a variety of topics near to my
heart is a good way to do it. I got this survey on MySpace many moons ago and would like to see how you all feel on these.
My original answers are included:
The "Controversial" Survey
[1] Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey?
[2] Would you do meth if it was legalized?
No thanks, bad stuff...then again, it IS already legal - with a prescription:
[3] Abortion: pro-life or pro-choice?
Pro-life except for life-threatening situations in which the mother will die, etc..
[4] Do you think the world would fail with a female president?
Depends on the female..
[5] Do you believe in the death penalty?
I believe there are certain crimes that are deserving of death, but with our broken system I can't support it. Too-many death-row inmates have later
been found innocent or been exonerated by new evidence or further review, and how many have we missed? How many innocents have died? Also, why
sentence someone to death when half the time we pay to keep them alive for decades and then sometimes they die of old age? If you want to keep it,
fix it!
[6] Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
For so many reasons, YES! Prohibition does infinitely more harm than good, and it's proven that treatment and prevention are much more effective at
lessening abuse. Continually doing the same thing and expecting a different result is a sign of insanity - we've wasted hundreds of billions on a
drug war that has only locked people up, killed innocents, and allowed drugs to become cheaper, purer, and more readily-available. Besides, ALL
evidence is that this "drug", as verified even by the DEA's own administrative law judge Francis Young, is one of the safest substances available,
much more so than alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs, and (get this): Asprin. Besides, we live in the US, and it's a constitutional liberty issue:
if what someone chooses to do does not infringe on you or your rights, then that's up to them. We can't play God and decide how someone else should
choose to live!
[7] Are you for or against premarital sex?
Against, but as you know I've got different understanding of marriage from that commonly accepted (I don't think the state or federal governments
should have any say in what is essentially a personal, religious commitment). I'm for sex in a committed, for-life relationship setting..
[8] Do you believe in God?
Absolutely. Without a belief in God, I can't get existence to make any sense as it violates its own laws of thermodynamics, conservation of energy
and matter, and laws of entropy, to name a few..
[9] Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Again, the government has no constitutional right or reason to be involved in such issues (except on a state level under the 10th amendment). I
disagree with homosexuality in general, but I have no right or ability to judge anyone else or their actions when I am not affected by them..
[10] Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA?
I think it's wrong when anybody moves here illegally, but also believe that the immigration process may be broken (not my area of expertise) and if
they are willing and able to be helpful, respectful, and productive, then I don't mind them as much as some others who have more "right" to be
[11] A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?
If she is able to properly care for the baby and not just be an endangerment to it, then I will not be the one trying to separate a mother from her
child. If she cannot, then that's up to the courts.
[12] Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?
If we're going to treat 18 year-olds as adults in all other cases, then yes. Am I promoting further alcohol consumption by people of ANY age? NO!
It's too dangerous too much of the time. But make the laws consistent. Either they're adults and it's legal for adults, or they aren't/it's
[13] Should the war in Iraq be called off?
We never should have gone in the first place. We went to war based on verified lies. This war has resulted in severe erosions of our liberties and
standing in the world. The troops have ALREADY died in vain, and are continuing to do so. Our continued presence has destroyed the Iraqi
infrastructure, killed and displaced millions, and resulted in atrocities. Staying to save face is retarded and just makes us look that much more so
to the world. We would look more reasonable, not weak. And again, we simply can't afford it. We're borrowing billions monthly just to fund our
wars and domestic activities. Look what's happened to our rights, foreign standing, and national debt since this war started. Enough said!
[14] Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
Constitutional/personal arguement. This is between you and God, not anybody else. I don't agree with it, but that doesn't make it any business of
mine what a lawful adult chooses to do. And who's to say God doesn't have the ability to call you home via decision or internal
reasoning/communication? He can only take you out with 'natural' causes? The argument is spurious..
[15] Do you believe in spanking your children?
Among other things, yes. It causes no permanent damage and I believe the no-spanking sissy-fication of America is one of the many reasons we've got
so many problems with our kids and young adults anymore. I was spanked as a child, most of my friends and family were spanked as children, and I
think it's fairly obvious we're all better off for it..
[16] Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Sure! US Flag Code - "When a flag is so tattered that it can no longer serve as a symbol of the United States, it should be destroyed in a
dignified manner, preferably by burning." As a sign of disrespect, no, not willingly. Otherwise, though, considering the good that can be done with
$1m, I could probably see my way to do so. Is one flag not worth starving families or people without what they need?
[17] Who would make a better president: Obama or McCain?
Ugh...I'm still trying to figure that out. Both of these idiots scare the crap out of me..
[18] Do you think Obama will be killed?
Of course not. He's no threat to the established order, so that means he's got all the protection he needs. Some racists idiots may try, but they
won't succeed. Anymore, we always kill the heroes - never the villians..
[19] Should child predators be forced to wear signs identifying themselves?
First off, we should seriously take a look at definition of 'child predator' before I'll answer this. There have been some SERIOUSLY silly cases
on this in the last few years. In the event of an actual, bonified child predator, though...sure. There should be some ready and present way to ID
them under state laws for the public good.
[20] Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
The real question is, do I care? If you don't have the common sense and rationality to either agree or respect the opinions, then you aren't worth
the worry. Love you guys!