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Cataclysmic Cosmic Collisions: BioChemically Contagious Comet's, Coma's & Ion Tail Cannons!!!

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posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:57 PM
Explanation: Could Comet Elenin cook us all???


Here is how...

1] Comets that enter the inner solar system generally grow an atmosphere called a 'Coma' and this can be as big or even bigger than the sun! [1.5million km in diameter aprox]

Diameter of the Sun []

Comets: Coma and Tail [wiki]

While the solid nucleus of comets is generally less than 50 km (31 mi) across, the coma may be larger than the Sun, and ion tails have been observed to extend one astronomical unit (150 million km or 100 diameters of the Sun aprox) or more.

Extraterrestrial atmospheres: Comets [wiki]

The coma of a comet is a very large but very tenuous atmosphere of dust and gas around the cometary nucleus. The coma can be larger than the sun. The coma is generally made of ice and dust, but the composition varies depending on the composition of the comet.

2] They also grow 3 types of Tail ... a dust tail, a ionized gas tail and the antitail. Note that that as quoted above the 'ion tails have been observed to extend one astronomical unit (150 million km) or more.' !!!

3] The dust tail and the ion tail point AWAY from the sun at all times!

Comet Tail [wiki]

The streams of dust and gas each form their own distinct tail, pointing in slightly different directions. The tail of dust is left behind in the comet's orbit in such a manner that it often forms a curved tail called the antitail. At the same time, the ion tail, made of gases, always points directly away from the Sun, as this gas is more strongly affected by the solar wind than is dust, following magnetic field lines rather than an orbital trajectory. Parallax viewing from the Earth may sometimes mean the tails appear to point in opposite directions.

Now why is this important?

Some tracking simulation data of Comet Elenin (aka C/2010 X1 [wiki])

Inner solar system flyby from Comets Elenin's point of view!

More info!

So Comet Elenin will come as close as 34million km away and 4million km above the orbital plane of earth and therefor will NOT collide and nor will its coma collide with earth.

But the ion/gas tail can be up to 1AU [astronomical unit = distance between earth and the sun or 150million km] long and also follows magnetic lines.

Now this picture I sourced from the vid above and I have edited it by adding 3 light blue lines to represent the comets tails direction away from the sun at 3 seperate moments in time.


You will please note that the picture has lines of its own linking where comet elenin will be and correspondingly where earth will be at the same time.

The 1st light blue line [almost directly SE] shows that when the comet is at the point that intersects the light blue line that the ion and dust tails will be way BEHIND the earth at that time.

The 2nd blue line shows that when the comet is at the point that intersects the light blue line that the ion and dust tails will be in FRONT of the earth at that time.

The 3rd blue line [almost directly to the E] shows when the comet is at the point that intersects the light blue line that the ion and dust tails will be STILL be in FRONT of the earth at that time UNTIL the comet passes earths orbit around the sun.

This clearly shows that Comet Elenin's dust and gas/ion tails [Cosmic Chemtrails] will sweep across earth during that period of time.

Ion Beam: Biology. [wiki]

Biology: In radiobiology a broad or focused ion beam is used to study mechanisms of iner- and intra- cellular communication, signal transduction and DNA damage and repair.

Partical Beam Weapon. [wiki]

A particle beam weapon uses an ultra-high-energy beam of atoms or electrons (i.e. a particle beam) to damage a material target by hitting it, and thus disrupting its atomic and molecular structure. A particle beam weapon is a type of directed-energy weapon, which directs energy in a particular direction by a means of particle projectiles with mass. Some of these weapons are real or practicable; some are science fiction.

An electron particle beam weapon works by disrupting electric circuits and electronic devices in its targets. If any living animals or persons were to be caught by the electric discharge of an electron beam weapon, they would most likely be electrocuted. An electron beam weapon can also damage or melt its target by the electrical resistance heating of the target.

The pulsed particle beam emitted by such a weapon may contain up to 1 gigajoule of kinetic energy or more. The speed of a beam approaching that of light (300,000 km/sec) in combination with the energy created by the weapon would negate any realistic means of defending a target against the beam. Target hardening through shielding or materials selection would be impractical or ineffective , especially if the beam could be maintained at full power and precisely focused on the target.

Now comets also contain a chemical cocktail of organics...

Comets: Nucleus [wik]

Comet nuclei are known to range from about 100 meters to more than 40 kilometres across. They are composed of rock, dust, water ice, and frozen gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia.[11] Because of their low mass, comet nuclei do not become spherical under their own gravity, and thus have irregular shapes. Officially, according to NASA guidelines, a comet has to be at least 85% ice in order to be considered an actual comet.

They are often popularly described as "dirty snowballs", though recent observations have revealed dry dusty or rocky surfaces, suggesting that the ices are hidden beneath the crust. Comets also contain a variety of organic compounds; in addition to the gases already mentioned, these may include methanol, hydrogen cyanide, formaldehyde, ethanol and ethane, and perhaps more complex molecules such as long-chain hydrocarbons and amino acids.[12][13][14] In 2009, it was confirmed that the amino acid glycine had been found in the comet dust recovered by NASA's Stardust mission.[15]

Surprisingly, cometary nuclei are among the least reflective objects found in our solar system. The Giotto space probe found that the nucleus of Halley's Comet reflects about four percent of the light that falls on it,[16] and Deep Space 1 discovered that Comet Borrelly's surface reflects just 2.4% to 3.0% of the light that falls on it;[16] by comparison, asphalt reflects seven percent of the light that falls on it. It is thought that complex organic compounds are the dark surface material. Solar heating drives off volatile compounds leaving behind heavy long-chain organics[clarification needed] that tend to be very dark, like tar or crude oil. The very darkness of cometary surfaces enables them to absorb the heat necessary to drive their outgassing processes.

Giotto encounters Halleys Comet!

Stardust encounters Comet Tempel 1: Sounds of a Comet.

Amino acid found in deep space. (10:57 18 July 2002 by Rachel Nowak) []

Over 130 molecules have been identified in interstellar space so far, including sugars and ethanol. But amino acids are a particularly important find because they link up to form proteins, the molecules that run, and to a large extent make up our cells.

The discovery of glycine supports recent lab-based simulations of deep space, which show that ices containing simple organic matter could form. When researchers bathe those ices in ultraviolet light, amino acids are created.

Found: first amino acid on a comet. (23:59 17 August 2009 by Maggie McKee) []

Amino acids are crucial to life because they form the basis of proteins, the molecules that run cells. The acids form when organic, carbon-containing compounds and water are zapped with a source of energy, such as photons – a process that can take place on Earth or in space.

Elsila says she would like to see samples returned not just from a comet's coma but from its main body, or nucleus. "There might be more complex mixtures [of amino acids] and higher levels of them in a comet nucleus," she told New Scientist.

Note: I have added this quote out of the context of the body of text it was originallyfound in.

Comets and asteroids are thought to have bombarded the Earth early in its history, and the new discovery suggests they carried amino acids with them.

"We are interested in understanding what was on the early Earth when life got started," Elsila told New Scientist. "We don't know how life got started ... but this adds to our knowledge of the ingredient pool."

Jonathan Lunine of the University of Arizona agrees. "Life had to get started with raw materials," he told New Scientist. "This provides another source [of those materials]."

The amino acid was found in samples returned to Earth by NASA's Stardust mission, which flew by Comet Wild 2 in 2004 to capture particles shed by the 5-kilometre object.

Amino Acids found in Space!

Amino Acid [wiki]

Amino Acid []

Although only 20 different amino acids take part in the chemosynthesis of terrestrial proteins, over 100 naturally-occurring amino acids are known. This prompts the question as to whether extraterrestrial life could be built up from a different set of these fundamental organic compounds. To explore this possibility, Andrew Ellington and colleagues at the University of Texas, in 1998, grew a strain of the bacterium Escherichia coli which was incapable of manufacturing the essential amino acid tryptophan and therefore had to be supplied with it as a nutrient.1 The researchers also gave it the related synthetic amino acid fluorotryptophan. Although toxic to Earthly creatures, this might conceivably be an essential ingredient of life elsewhere. With 100 percent artificial substitute, the bacteria died within 3 cell divisions. With 95% fluorotryptophan and 5% normal tryptophan, however, the E. coli survived and slowly grew. After many generations, the bacteria started to divide at a greater rate as if mutations had arisen that were less susceptible to the synthetic chemical's toxic effects. Eventually, the bacteria were able to cope with a diet of 100% artificial substitute-growing extremely slowly but nevertheless surviving on this "alien" organic.

Two interesting possibilities are brought a step closer by this work. The first is that life on other worlds might have evolved and adapted to utilize a non-terrestrial mix of amino acids. If so, then any indigenous food-stuffs would have to be carefully analyzed before they were passed fit for human consumption. Extraterrestrial fruits, for example, containing amino acids of a different type or handedness to those found in our own bodies would either be indigestible or poisonous, a fact often overlooked in the Star Trek universe, where crew-members habitually sample the culinary delights of alien worlds without first checking their biomolecular credentials. The second possibility arising from the Texas study is that microbes from Earth might be encouraged to grow elsewhere in the Solar System (for example, on Mars), feeding on what would normally be toxic chemicals in the soil and releasing gases to help in terraforming the environment.

Now not all amino acids are good for you and some are down right TOXIC! barf:

Why Are Amino Acids In Aspartame Harmful? []

Isolated amino acids can be harmful to your health because they create an imbalance inside the brain. Dr. John Olney's research (Washington School of Medicine) on both the isolated amino acids in aspartame and MSG resulted in holes forming in the brains of lab rats fed isolated aspartic acid. Too much consumption of phenylalanine and aspartic acid (in aspartame) can be harmful to human health, and these isolated amino acids break down into numerous toxic by-products your body does not want or need.

Poisonous plants: a handbook for doctors, pharmacists, toxicologists. pg196 (By Dietrich Frohne, Hans Jürgen Pfänder) []

Lathyrism. [wiki]

During the post-war period in Spain, there were several outbreaks of lathyrism, caused by the shortage of food, which led people to consume excessive amounts of Almorta flour.[5]

In Spain, a seed mixture known as comuña[6] consisting of Lathyrus sativus, L. cicera, Vicia sativa and V. ervilia provides a potent mixture of toxic amino acids to poison monogastric (single stomached) animals. Particularly the toxin beta-cyanoalanine from seeds of V. sativa enhances the toxicity of such a mixture through its inhibition of sulfur amino acid metabolism [conversion of methionine to cysteine leading to excretion of cystathionine in urine] and hence depletion of protective reduced thiols. Its use for sheep does not pose any lathyrism problems if doses do not exceed 50 percent of the ration.

And could lead to...


And there is even more doom and gloom but I'll leave that for now.

Personal Disclosure: The sting is in the Comets poisonous radioactive tail.

edit on 5-4-2011 by OmegaLogos because: Edited to fix and emoticon fail. :shk:

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 04:06 PM
Sorry, I haven't read this entirely YET... But what your main message is saying that Comets aren't just doom bringers, they are also bringers of life... they actually can start life off by being "around" the general area?... And or colliding with a "habitable" planet, such as ours? Which then sparks off life, as it may have done here? If that's the case, wow, that's pretty amazing, I read some where that photons can modify, change (how ever you want to say it) DNA... and by this I mean our DNA could be altered in real-time so we could evolve just like that, I have yet to see this obviously, but I heard that photons and such as these are going to hit us soon from an exploding star that is fortunate enough to be in a clear direct shot of our planet Earth.

Forgive me if anything is wrong, I will continue to read your post, but so far it looks promising!



posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 04:14 PM
Great job! Lots of sources and research. Thank you for posting this!

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by pandapowerjamie

Explanation: Nope! Sorry I was pushing just the doom and gloom bit only...
BUT your 100% correct that the amino acids found in comets CLEARLY points to the precursor chemicals required for life and a very hot early earth rules out oceans and so the water needs to come from some where and Comets are clearly the easiest and foremost answer to solving that problem using occams razor and also the problem of where life originally originated from and the answer is space... where else?

Personal Disclosure: I hope that clears that up for everybody!

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by badgerman24

Explanation: Thank you!

Personal Disclosure: I'm actually a little spooked by it.
Coma the size of the sun and 150million km long ion raygun of electrically charged death and doom!
I've been reading all the HAARP threads again and the thread on how HAARP can be used as a nuke EMP weapon [from UN files even
] and chemtrails ... meh... try COSMIC Chemtrails for size!!! [i.e. comets dust tail filled with amino acids and god knows what else

File in U.N General Assembly that admits HAARP can manipulate weather and act as a Nuclear Weapon. (by HazyChestNutz posted on 3-4-2011 @ 09:04 PM ) [ATS]

What are the consequences if this ion tail cannon drills into the ionosphere from above???

HAARP is already being blamed for earth quakes all around the world.

Gakona HAARP on Full Power during Massive EarthQuake in Japan? (by Arken posted on 11-3-2011 @ 04:49 AM) [ATS]

What are the consequences of living downwind of this comet for over a month... in its dust tail made up of a concoction of unknowns???

I don't know all the answers and I was sure suprized to come across the concept of a comet irradiating and poisoning us all potentially and whatever else that could go wrong.

edit on 5-4-2011 by OmegaLogos because: Edited Emoticon fail :shk:

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 06:41 PM
Great job OL, will take a bit to read through all of it.
S+F for you.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by Kali74

Explanation: Cheers!

I have narrowed down the doom date to between the 20th and 30th of Sept 2011 and this helpfull video ties it to the 27th when alignment happens!

Warning video contains some self promotion near the end by the creator of the video.

The interesting bit is between 5mins and 6mins and specifically mentions the alignment!

Please note that the above vids creator is pushing the line that Comet Elenin is a brown dwarf star and that we are all scroomed. I'm not claiming that and I am saying its just a Comet and that we are all scoomed.

Personal Disclosure: Either way it looks like we are all scruined!

Here is my work Confirming the Sept 27th alignment [which only required some simple geometry in mspaint]


Note: Not to scale!

P.S. I also note that soon after I posted about the HAARP connection with the earths ionosphere [and only God knows how an unregulated massive input of ions from Comet Elenin's ion tail will affect it!] that this thread appeared and has some credibility to it as I havent been able to acess any of those websites. It' SPOOKY!

HAARP Website down. Magnetosphere not working. LISS not updating normally (by wcitizen posted on 6-4-2011 @ 03:51 AM) [ATS]

For the past approx 24 hours, the HAARP induction magnetometers are unavailable. I get the message 'IE cannot display the webpage'.'.

At the same time, the simulated magnetosphere is only working intermittently (possibly due to power outages in Japan where it is based).

Also the LISS earthquake graphs are now not being kept properly up to date, and there are many graphs not showing at all.

I'm finding this strange and because I don't trust TPTB one tiny bit, I'm wondering whether this could just all be coincidence or whether these psychos are up to something.

I was wondering whether anyone happened to have any info about this?



OL posts about HAARP at .... posted on 5-4-2011 @ 04:48 PM

And then no more HAARP etc for next 24hrs or so!

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 11:02 AM
Explanation: I have made an official prediction according to what I have uncovered in this thread.

OL Predicts Massive Geomagnetic Storms in late September! Caused by Comet Elenin! Backed by Science (by OmegaLogos posted on 6-4-2011 @ 10:49 AM) [ATS]

Personal Disclosure: I hope I am wrong but the science backing it up doesn't give me much faith in that!

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:01 AM
Explanation: Bumped to help generate ad revenue!

Personal Disclosure: Enjoy!

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